Stuff I Dont Know Flashcards
What can be moulded by hand
What changes colour at certain temperatures
Thermochromic materials
What does seasoning do
Removes unwanted sap and moisture so increases resistance to rot and decay
Bending wood
Steam bending:
A piece of wood is put in a sealed chest with 100° C heat so it becomes softer and easy to bend
Evenly spaced saw cuts to bend wood
Thin layers of wood are stuck together, any thickness can be achieved
Die casting:
- steel moulds ‘dies’
- molten metals are poured into dies
- gravity die casting: detail not important
- pressure die casting: fine detail
Sand- casting:
- cheap moulds made of sand and clay
- fill with molten metal and break away mould
Securing materials:
Look at sheet
Marking out: drawing circles on metal
Marking out: drawing lines parallel to edge on metal
Odd-leg calipers
Marking out: drawing lines parallel to the edge on wood
Marking gauge
Measuring diameters
Inside calipers: inside diameter Outside calipers: outside diameter Digital caliper Micro meter Venice gauge (Not digital)
Wood: try square
Metal: engineers square
45-135°: mitre square
Jack plane (350mm) is larger than smoothing plane (250mm)
Other planes: Rebate plane Shoulder plane Router plane Plough plane
Glues for plastic
Tensol cement
Contact adhesive
Epoxy resin
Glues for wood
Epoxy resin
- produced by combining different materials to produce better properties
Kevlar: bullet-proof, lightweight
CFRP: aircrafts
GRP: fibreglass