Study Hard Flashcards
What is ADP 1?
The Army
What is ADP/ADRP 7-0?
Training Units and Developing Leaders
What is ADP/ADRP 1-02?
Operational Terms and Military Symbols
What is ADP/ADRP 2-0?
What is ADP/ADRP 3-0?
Unified Land Operations
What is ADP/ADRP 3-07?
What is ADP/ADRP 3-90?
Offense and Defense
What is ADP/ADRP 4-0?
What are the three training domains the Army uses?
Institutional, Operational, Self-Development
Who must train as a combined Arms team?
Individuals, teams, sections and units
Why does the Army train?
The Army trains to provide ready forces to combatant commanders worldwide.
What does training in units focus on?
Improving unit, soldier and leader proficiencies
What is essential to unit readiness and successful deployments?
Competent and Confident leaders
What must collective training be?
Relevant, rigorous, realistic, challenging, properly resourced
Who are the primary trainers of enlisted soldiers, crews and small teams.
Non-Commissioned Officers
What do leaders need to ensure their organization meets mission requirements?
Leaders need to know and enforce standards.
What does training multiple tasks concurrently do?
Preserves valuable time while capitalizing on the opportunity to train related tasks at the same time
What does most Leader Development occur?
During Operational Assignments
What is the definition of a METL?
METL is the doctrinal framework of fundamental tasks for which the unit was designed.
What is one of the most important elements of military forces ability to communicate when conducting operations?
A common set of doctrinal terms and military symbols.
How does the Army community develop a common language of terminology and symbology?
Through the standardized Doctrine Development Process
What are the Unframed Military Symbol Categories?
Control Measure and Tactical Task Mission Symbols
What does the intelligence war-fighting function provide commanders?
Provides the commander with intelligence to plan, prepare, execute and assess operations
What are three information collection tasks?
Plan Requirements and Assess Collection, Task and Direct Collection, Execute Collection
What are the four steps of the Army’s Intelligence Process?
Plan Direct, Collect, Produce, Disseminate
What does PED stand for?
Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination
What is processing and exploitation?
Conversion of collected information into forms suitable to the production of intelligence
What does METT-TC stand for?
Mission, Enemy, Terrain and Weather, Troops and Support Available, Time Available, Civil Considerations.
What is the foundation of Unified Land Operations built on?
Initiative, Decisive Action and Mission Command
How does the Army Seize, Retain and Exploit the initiative?
By striking the enemy both lethally and non lethally
What is seizing the initiative?
Setting and dictating the terms of action
From and Enemy point of view, what must US Operations be?
Rapid , Unpredictable and Disorienting
What are the types of Offensive Operations?
Movement to Contact, Attack, Exploitation and Pursuit
What do shaping operations do?
Create and preserve conditions for the success of Decisive Operation
Why is it important for units to operate in depth
It makes army forces resilient
What is the intent of Stability?
To create a condition so the local population regards the situation as legitimate, acceptable, and predictable
During what phase of operation should stability be used?
Offense, Defense and stability should be used simultaneously
What must commanders do to prepare for Stability?
Identify these sources instability which if not addressed often lead to violence
What is tactics?
The employment and ordered arrangement of forces in relation to each other
What do tactical operations always require?
Judgment and Adaptation to unique circumstances
What provides commanders with a set of tools to use in developing a solution to a tactical problem?
Tactics, Techniques and Procedures
What is an Engagement?
A tactical conflict usually between opposing lower echelon maneuver forces
What are two things inherent in Tactical Operations?
Uncertainty and Risk
What makes Combat one of the Most Complex Human Activities?
Combat is characterized by violent death, friction, uncertainty and chance
What is the main feature of the offensive task?
Taking and maintaining the initiative
What is tempo?
The rate and speed for which a unit operates in respect to the enemy
What is an attack?
Offensive task that destroys and defeats enemy forces, seizes and secures terrain or both
What are some attack types?
Ambush, Counter Attack, Demonstration, Spoiling Attack, Feint and Raid
What are the forms of Maneuver?
ENVELOPE, Flank, Frontal attack, infiltration, penetration, turning movement
What is the key feature of Decisive Battle?
Striving to regain the initiative for the attacking enemy
What are the Three Basic Defensive tasks?
Area Defense, Mobile Defense and retrograde
Three forms of Retrograde?
Delay, Withdrawal and Retirement
Three forms of Defense
Linear obstacle, Perimeter Defense, Reverse Slope Defense
What are 3 major elements of sustainment?
Logistics, personnel services and health services
What is logistics?
The planning and executing of the movement and support of forces
What are principles of sustainability?
Integration, anticipation, responsiveness, simplicity, economy, survivability, continuity and improvisation
What is Unified Action?
The synchronization, coordination and integration of activities
What does generating forces consist of?
Army organizations whose primary missions are to participate in combat integral supporting elements
When does sustainment support to populations occur?
During stability tasks and defense support of civil authorities
What is operational reach?
The distance and duration in which a unit can successfully employ military capabilities