Study guide for vascular final Flashcards
ICA waveform
Low resistance dipper signal
Which is not finding of an ICA occlusion
Reduced diastolic flow pattern
What is a TIA
Duration less than 24 hours
QA greater than 80% diameter reduction at origin ICA, peak systolic ratios
End diastolic velocity greater than 155 cm/sec
Normal vertebral a
Are asymmetrical
Placement of the Doppler sample volume
Should be parallel to the vessel walls
Fibromuscular dysplasia, affects what portion of the artery
How many stokes occur in the us
The innominate a divides into
Rt common carotid; rt subclavian
Where should the Doppler sample volume be kept during a carotid US
Abnormal shape to the ICA
Proximal or distal disease/ occlusion
Contralateral ICA occlusion causes the ipsilateral ICA to be what
Velocities to be increased
Which portion of the ICA is evaluated during carotid duplex imaging
???From the distal straight segment
When determining the CCA Ratio, which segment would you take it form
Characteristic of subclavian steal
Reversal of blood flow in the vertebral artery
Systolic v at the origin of the ica that is less than 120 cm/s or is it supposed to be 125?
Question 18 test vascular chapter 2-4
A stenosis less than 50% diameter reduction
Intraoperative carotid imaging is which of the following
Transient partial or complete loss of vision
Am auroras fugax
Carotid body assist in regulation
1st branch of the ECA
Superior thyroid
Noise caused by tissue vibration
Normal flow disturbance at the bulb
A boundary layer separation
Blood pressure cuffs should be how wide
20% greater than the diameter of the limb
What are the characteristic of the Doppler signal in the lower extremities
Normal pulse volume waveform should look like
When using color, what plan does the vessel demonstrate
Sagittal, long
What angle should the Doppler be at
60 degree
Compression therapy of pseudoaneursyms
It usually requires 30 to 60 minutes to be successful
What is going to cause a palpable thrill
If you have greater than 50% diameter in the lower extremity, what are your velocities going to look like
Calculate ABI in 4 questions, determine where the disease may be
What is claudication, how is it described
Cramping of the leg muscles
Profunda where is it in reference of the fem a
Posterior; lateral
Branches of the pop
Gastric and trifle cation
Second main branch off the ao arch
Left common carotid artery
Segmental pressure, extent of the disease, over or under estimated
Toe pressure is considered normal if it is what
50 mmHg
Why is the calf volume greater than the thigh waveform
Cuff artifact
Ankle pressures that fall after exercise and return to normal at 5 mins
Single segment occlusive disease
Ischemic skin lesions not likely to heal
30 mmHg
Choose which v is hard to compress
Left iliac v is usually compressed by what a
The factors of varicose triad
Hypercoagulability, stasis, vein injury
The one that isn’t is lysis
Longest v in the body
Greater saphenous vein
Perforating v flow direction
Venous Doppler characteristic
What’s the most important part of the venous Doppler study, demonstration of what
Vein response to transducer compression on the skin
What is the presence of the incompetent venous look like
Venous reflux greater than 1 second
What is the superficial fem v
Deep vein
What plane is best when getting venous Doppler signal
Risk factors for dvt
Pregnancy, orthopedic surgery, oral contraceptive
One that doesn’t belong is Baker’s cyst
Venous valves which of the following don’t have valve
Soleal sinuses
What canal does the fem v lie in
In scarpa’s canal
Where the basalic v located, deep/superficial
Superficial vein of the upper extermity
Angle correction for venous, why don’t we need it
Velocity calculation is not necessary
The distal thigh perforater is called
Whats the primary root for venous drainage in the upper extremity
Adequate pressure to the vein
When the companion artery is deformed
Choose which v isn’t pulsatile
Axillary vein
Don’t do compression on what because of thrombus
Partial thrombus, complete thrombus, chronic thrombus.
Answer is all the above
Lethal confrontation with DVT
Pulmonary embolism
Incompetent valve, sudden release of augmentation will produce
Retrograde blood flow
Protocol for imaging graf
What is the insight to a graf
?? History and surgical history; proximity and distal anastomosis; prox, mid, distribution graft flow
The answer is all above
Greater saph turn upside down is called
Reversed vein graft
Follow up survalence
The question that goes with this answer is…
The following allows surgeon to detect early graft stenosis prior to thrombosis and occlusion
Mechanical structure used to keep art open
Stenting complications
Endoleak, graft infection, embolization. Answer is All
Which vessels do not become atherosclerotic
Radial, ulnar, brachial.
Answer is All
Autoimmune disorders that may affect subclavian
Buerger disease, another name
Thromboangitis obliterins
Emboli that includes hand and digits
Digits vasospasm brought on by cold
Raynods, two names
Primary, and secondary
Highest incidents of raynods
Thoracic outlet
The question is:
Intermittent pain, numbness, or weakness of arms related to arm position
Where should the ppg pad be placed
Pad of finger
Arterial test for raynods
Cold immersion test