Study guide for HR Competencies Flashcards
Concept that argues that ethical behavior is determined by local culture, laws, and business practices
Cultural Relativism
Tendency to enhance or diminish the strength or credibility of a statement or person based on one’s impression of a preceding statement or person.
Contrast Effect
Raw data, internal and external to an organization, that is translated into meaningful information for decision makers to use in taking strategic action
Business Intelligence
Quantifiable measures of performance that gauge an organization’s progress toward strategic objectives or other agreed-upon performance standards
Key Performance Indicators (KPIS)
Concept that argues that there are fundamental ethical principles that apply across cultures
Ethical Universalism
Average of data that adds factors to reflect the importance of different values
Weighted Average
Data-sorting technique in which group members add related ideas and indicate logical connections, eventually grouping similar ideas.
Mind Mapping
Type of measurement bias in which analyst allows one strong point that he or she values highly and that works in subject’s favor to overshadow all other information
Halo Effect
Amount of owners’ or shareholders’ portion of a business
Society in which relationships have less history; individuals know each other less well and don’t share a common database of experience, so communication must be very explicit
Low-context culture
Ability to be sensitive to and understand one’s own and others’ emotions and impulses
Emotional Intelligence (EI)
Concept that proposes that any organization operates within a complex environment in which it affects and is affected by a variety of forces or stakeholders who all share in the value of the organization and its activities
Stakeholder Concept
The basic belief and customs shared by members of an organization that contribute to the organization’s sense of its identity
Organizational Culture
Type of measurement bias in which analyst fails to recognize that individual is responding with answers the analyst wants to hear.
Cultural Noise
Conscious or unconscious beliefs that influence a person’s perceptions or actions, which may cause that person to become partial or prejudiced.
Tool or document that defines a specific problem, proposes a solution, and provides justifications for the proposal in terms of time, cost efficiency, and probability of success.
Business Case
Using relationships between data in financial statements to measure the financial health of an organization
Ratio Analysis
The benefit created when an organization meets its strategic goals;measure of usefulness, worth, or importance
Value that occurs most frequently in a set of data
Technique in which participants each suggest ideas through a series of rounds and then discuss the items, eliminate redundancies and irrelevancies, and agree on the importance of the remaining items
Nominal group technique
Ratio of gross profit to net sales
Gross profit margin
Organization’s debts and other financial obligations
The process by which an organization creates the product or service it offers to the customer
Value chain
Extent to which a measurement instrument provides consistent results
Technique that progressively collects information from a group without physically assembling the contributors
Delphi Technique
Statement of an organization’s ability to meet its current and short-term obligations, showing incoming and outgoing cash and cash reserves in operations, investments, and financing
Cash Flow Statement
Situation in which a person or organization may potentially benefit, directly or indirectly, from undue influence, due to involvement in outside activities, relationships, or investments that conflict with or have an impact on the employment relationship or its outcomes
Conflict of interest
Concept that stipulates that no individual is beyond the reach of the law and that authority is exercised only in accordance with written and publicly disclosed laws
Rule of law
Capacity to recognize, interpret, and behaviorally adapt to multicultural situations and contexts; also called cultural intelligence
Intercultural wisdom
Ratio of net income (gross sales - expenses and tax) to net sales
Net profit margin
System of actions that leaders take to drive an organization towards its goals and objectives
Strategic management
Generalized opinions about how people of a given gender, race, religion, age, education level, job type, or national origin look, think, act, feel, or respond
Leadership style that focuses on challenging and developing members of an organization to attain long-range results through continuous evolution, improvement, or change, based on the leader’s vision and strategy
Transformational leadership
Right of a legal body to exert authority over a given geographical territory, subject matter, or persons or instituions
Financial, physical, and sometimes intangible properties an organization owns
Money an organization’s customers owe the organization
Accounts Receivable
Process of setting goals and designing a path toward organizational success
Strategic planning
Concept that laws are enforced only through accepted, codified procedures
Due process
Statistical method used to test the possible effects of altering the details of a strategy to see if the likely outcome can be improved
Scenario/what-if analysis
Process of charting a course through cultural differences
Dilemma reconciliation
Extent to which an organization’s agreements, dealings, information, practices, and transactions are open to disclosure and review by relevant persons
Type of measurement bias in which analyst allows one strong point that he or she values highly and that works against subject to overshadow all other information
horn effect
Legal system based on written codes (laws, rules, or regulations)
Civil law
Type of analysis that starts with a result and then works backward to identify fundamental cause
Root-cause analysis
Basic beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviors, and customs shared and followed by members of a group, which give rise to the group’s sense of identity
Ability to create connections or rapport with others
Social intelligence
Exchange of anything of value to gain greater influence preference
Extent to which a measurement instrument measures what it is intended to measure
Money an organization owes its vendors and suppliers
Accounts Payable
Type of measurement bias that involves weighting a small negative reaction or piece of information more than it should objectively merit.
Negative emphasis
Statistical method that examines data from different points in time to determine if a variance is an isolated event or if it is part of a longer trend.
Trend analysis
Plan of action for accomplishing an organization’s overall and long-range goals
Factors that initiate, direct, and sustain human behavior over time
Statements that reports revenues, expenses, and profits for a specified period of time, for example, quarterly or annually
Income statement
Process of developing mutually beneficial contacts through the exchange of information
Leadership style that focuses on challenging and developing members of an organization to attain long-range results through continuous evolution, improvement, or change, based on the leader’s vision and strategy
Authentic leadership
Middle number in a range of values
Process by which two or more parties work together to reach agreement on a matter
Raw average of data that gives equal weight to all values, with no regard for others factors
Unweighted average
Type of measurement bias in which investigator makes snap judgments and lets first impression (either positive or negative) cloud subsequent evaluation
First-impression error
Extension of the power of a country’s laws over its citizens outside that country’s sovereign national boundaries
Average score or value
small group invited persons (typically six to twelve) who actively participate in a structured discussion, led by a facilitator, for the purpose of eliciting their input on a specific product, process, policy, or program.
Focus group
Statistical method for identifying the degree of difference between planned and actual performance or outcomes
Variance analysis
Statement of an organization’s financial position at a specific point in time, showing assets, liabilities, and shareholder equity
Balance sheet
Statistical method used to determine whether a relationship exists between variables and the strength of the relationship
Regression analysis
Society or group characterized by complex, usually long-standing networks of relationships; members share rich history of common experience, so the way they interact and interpret events is often not apparent to outsiders
High-context culture
Requirement to thoroughly investigate an action before it is taken, through diligent research and evaluation
Due diligence
Legal system in which each case is considered in terms of how it relates to legal decisions that have already been made; evolves through judicial decisions over time
Common law
Data-sorting technique in which a group categorizes and subcategorizes data until relationships are clearly drawn
Affinity diagramming
Ability to have an international perspective, inclusive of other cultures’ views
Global mindset