Study Designs Flashcards
Describe the difference bteween causality and association
Causality: The understanding that an exposure leads to an outcome
Association: The understanding that there is a relationship between two or more variables without affecting the others value
In general, studies can be analysed by the reader using a pneumonic. Explain this pneumonic
Name two types of intervention studies
Randomised trials
Non-randomised trials
Name 4 observational studies and identify which are analytical and which are descriptive
- Ecological
- Case control
- Cohort
- Cross-sectional
- Cohort
- Cross-sectional
Describe 3 advantages of randomised clinical trials
- Can make causality observations
- ↓Allocation bias
- ↓confounding
Describe 5 disadvantages of randomised clinical trials
- ↑dropout rates
- needs ethical review
- link between smoking and lung cancer
- ↓compliance to intervention
- Costly and time-consuming
- Difficult to get representative or equal sample sizes
- e.g. only difference between groups should be intervention (same ratio of female to male or ethnicity etc)
Describe the advantages of using a cross-sectional study
- Hypothesis generating
- Can examine multiple outcomes
- Study multiple exposures
- Quick
Describe the disadvantages of using a cross-sectional study
- Unsuitable for rare disease
- Reverse Causality
- Bias:
- Selection
- Sampling
- Response
Describe the advantages of case-control studies
Observational studies
- Good with rare disease
- Quick and cheap
Describe the disadvantages of using case control studies
- Difficult to find the correct controls
- Exposure assessment errors (bias)
- recall
- recording
- social desirability bias (response bias - over reporting good and under reporting bad)
Describe the advantages of using cohort studies
- Know exposure precedes disease
- Can studty many outcomes from single exposure
- Good with rare exposures
- Direct measure of incidence
- Measures time relationship with exposure and outcome
Describe the disadvantages of using cohort studies
- Time consuming
- Loss to follow up
- Expensive
Describe the advantages of using ecological studies
- Good with rare disease investigation
- Quick and cheap
Describe an advantage and disadvantage of systematic reviews and metanalysis
Advantage: cheap
Disdadvantager: Publication bias
Describe the disadvantages of using ecological studies
- Ecological fallacy
- Not useful for attributing casual relationship at individual level
Draw a diagram to represent a randomised controll trial study
Draw a diagram to represent a cross-sectional study
Draw a diagram to represent a cohrt study
Draw a diagram to represent a case-control study