STUDY Flashcards
Purposes of FNMOC
Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center
Provides METOC models
5 step process to OPSEC (hint - IAAAA)
Identify Critical information Analyze the threat Analyze the vulnerabilities Assess risk Apply countermeasures
Expeditionary Roles
Define EA
The use of EM energy to attack enemy personnel, facilities or equipment with the intent to degrade or destroy enemy combat capability (ex. Jamming) (SLQ-32)
State the function of Naval Computer and Telecommunication Station (NCTS)
Provides secure, relatable, and timely voice, video, and data service commands.
Define NSW
Small flexible units, stealth, speed, precise
State the applications provided by NIAPS
Thermal crossover
Occurs in IR imagery twice a day (sunrise and sunset) when the target and the background are the same temperature
Purpose of commplan
List what communication circuits are required and indicates where and when needed
Three ocean layers
Mixed layer - Salinity
Main Thermocline - Temperature
Deep Layer - Pressure
Two things satellites know?
Time and location
Define ELINT (Electronic Intel)
Technical and Electronic Intelligence derived from foreign non-communications
What is the architecture use for imagery?
Joint Concentrator Architecture
4 CENTRIXS enclaves
Combine Enterprise Regional Information Exchange System
J - Japan Server
K - Korea Server
CNFC - Coalition Naval Forces CENTCOM
CMFP - Combined Maritime Forces Pacific
Image Product Library: is local storage and archive for individual unit
National Image Library is the central repository for all imagery
Define Risk Assessment Code (RAC) and list the five RACs
RAC - combines the hazard severity and mishap probability into a single Arabic numeral.
- Critical risk
- Serious risk
- Moderate risk
- Negligible risk
State the function of Navy Cyber Defense Operations Command (NCDOC)
Oversees and monitors networks.
High Value Target - enemy requires this person for their mission
High Pay off Target - HVT’s that we need to attack for our mission
Define the purpose of SUPPLOT
Fusion center onboard a Carrier
Main purpose for AG’s
Resource protection
Define FST
Fleet Survey Team
Based out of Stennis Space Center
Embarks on survey ships/jet skies to perform Hydrographic surveys
Parent agency responsible for HUMINT
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
Stated the BHR instruction that governs all computer network incidents responses:
SP0009 - SIGINT ________?
SIGINT Policies - Host Nation
How does RAMDERC (Radiant Mercury) interface with GCCS-M?
It classes and declasses information allowing users to transfer data
Purpose of KH-11
First imaging system to provide all weather, NRT imagery
ATF vs. LF Target Intelligence Officers
Amphibious Task Force - PHIBRON 11
Landing Force - 31st MEU
Radio watch stations
CWO - coordinates all comms efforts
JMC Sup - responsible for proper release of messages
JMC Watch - processes incoming and outgoing messages
Tech Control - Troubleshoots, restores, and constructs circuits
Vulnerability vs. Threat
Vulnerability - weakness that could be exploited
Threat - a potential to adversely impact operations
Purpose of ASI (Authorized Service Interruption)
A coordinated downtime which could impact operations.
Purpose of MIO
Maritime Interdiction Operations
Operations to delay, distrust, or destroy enemy forces or supplies en route of battle area before they harm against friendly forces
SE2000 - SIGINT _____________ ?
Enterprise Maritime
Hand Salute
The hand salute is centuries old, and probably originated when men in armor raised their helmet visors so they could be identified.
How was imagery first recognized in battle?
In the American Civil ware the Union Army deployed aeronautics in hot air balloons to hover above enemy lines and report on Confederate activities
Define Duplex
Communications system that can communicate in both directions, simultaneously
Web Search and Rescue
Used for man overboard situations
Computer wave height, current movement, and sea surface temperature to determine where the individual is and how long they have to live
Four types of amphibious operations
Describe the three categories of intelligence
Strategic Intelligence
Operational Intelligence
Tactical Intelligence
Define IDNX
Integrated Digital Network Exchange: A type of switch use to route information over a network
Define Collaboration at Sea (CAS)
Provides a web based application for uses with low bandwidth consumption
State the instruction that governs safety and mishap reporting
Priority Intelligence Requirements - critical to mission accomplishment
Commander’s Critical Intelligence Requirements - requires the immediate attention of the commander
How many GPS satellites does it take to locate and track a target?
3 on ground
4 in air
1 to track
Apogee vs. Perigee
Apogee - point of orbit furthest away from earth’s center
Perigee - point of orbit closes to earth’s center
Define NSL
No strike list
A list of geographical areas or installations not planned for capture or destruction
Attacking these may violate law (ex schools)
Define Electro-optical (EO)
Detects electromagnetic energy. Black and white imagery only.
MILDEC - misleads adversary decision makers, misinformation
PSYOPS - targets civilian mass population hearts and minds, can be truth
Define PTW
Precision Targeting Workstation
Strike analyst use for targeting purposes
Uses several overlapping images to best coordinate a strike
Two Fleet Weather Centers
San Diego
Define OTSR
Optimum Track Ship Routing – weather avoidance and for ships that don’t have AG’s onboard.
Define FISINT (Foreign Instrumentation Signals Intelligence)
Information derived from Electromagnetic emissions
Define COMIT (Communications Intelligence)
A subcategory of COMINT
Involves voice information
List the three imaging systems.
Radar (SAR)
EO (Electro-Optical)
IR (Infared)
Define TAF
24 hour forecast for a given location
EW Watch positions and systems
EW Sup - keeps TAO informed of tactical ES, monitors JTT
EW Op - Operators SLQ 32
Fire by negation - power given to EW to jam missiles without permission from CAPT
Types of orbit
POLAR (orbits along polar axis, higher coverage)
GEOSYNCHRONIZED (monitoring certain area)
Define Simplex
Communications in one direction at one time
Define EMCON
Authority to impose - CO/TAO/IWC
What does FIWO (Flag Intel Watch Officer) do?
Maintains the all-source I&W watch picture
Two types of targeting
Deliberate - planned
Dynamic - target of opportunity
Primary imagery system on LHD
Distributed Common Ground Systems - Navy
Define EOD
Deals with highly explosive munitions
Define Half Duplex
Provides communication in both directions but not simultaneously
How does METOC support ASW?
Acoustic propagation in the ocean
Discuss how EW Module (Electronic Warfare) interacts with EXPLOT.
EXPLOT provides I&W to support Electronic Support/Attack Missions.
Define IO (Information Operations)
Actions to control friendly forces uses of information. It also mitigates effects of adversary use.
Information Warfare includes.
- Military Information Support operations
- Electronic Warfare
- Military Deception
- Computer Network Operations
- Operational Security
What is the EA-6B Prowler used for?
Radar and communications jammer aircraft.
Uses ALQ-99 and USQ-113
E-2C Hawkeyes
Early Warning Platform
P3-C Orion
Navy’s ASW and Maritime Patrol Aircraft
What is the EP-3E?
Navy’s primary COMINT/ELINT electronic support air platform. Conducts ISR Missions.
Name the basic components of RADAR.
- Transmitter
- Receiver
- Antenna
SONAR (Sound Navigation and Ranging)
Used to detect acoustic energy from ships.
HULLTEC (Hull-to-Emitter)
Hull to emitter correlation is the equation of a unique electronic emission to an identifiable platform.
SLQ-32A/B is used for what?
Used for Anti-ship missile defense and electronic search for ELINT production.
What is the ULQ-16?
Performs precision measurement of emitter characteristics detected by an AN/SLQ-32
Provides torpedo countermeasures
BEWT/BFTT provides what?
Provides watch standees with simulate tactical environment.
MK-36 DLS is used for what?
Used to combat different missile variants utilizing both distraction and seduction techniques
Electronic search system onboard SH-60B LAMPS MK III Seahawk.
HERO (hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance)
System designed to prevent an inadvertent activation of an ordnance electro explosive device.
Technical ELINT
Describes the signature structure, emission characteristics, modes of operation, emitter functions, and weapons systems associations of such emitters as radars, beacons, jammers and navigational signals.
Combined Emitter Database (CED)
Is NSA’s National TechENLINT database. It replaces the EPL and KILTING databases.
Fire by Negation?
Authorizes EW Supervisor or operator to utilize EA for defense of ship.
Differences between MISO and MILDEC.
MISO is used to induce or influence foreign attitudes and behaviors favorable to the initiators objectives.
MILDEC is actions executed to deliberately mislead adversary military decision makers as to intent of friendly military mission.
Where specialized cryptologic personnel monitor, collect, identify, and exploit signals of interests to produce COMINT.
What is USSID SP Series?
Directives on SIGNIT Fundamental Policy
What is the form SF86?
A questionnaire for National Security positions which are background investigations to determine suitability for sensitive positions.
Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU)
Smallest of the Marine air-to-ground task force (MAGTF). A quick reaction force and Deployed and ready for immediate response to any crisis, Embarked on LHD’s of ESG’s
Mission of NCTAMS
NCTAMS LANT The mission of NCTAMS LANT is to provide classified and unclassified voice, messaging, data and video to ships, submarines, aircraft and ground forces operating worldwide in support of Naval and joint missions.
NCTAMS PAC Deliver and operate a reliable, secure and battle-ready Navy Network, providing sustained information superiority to Navy, Joint and Coalition warfighters in the Pacific and Indian Ocean areas of responsibility.
What is the EDVR?
List of all personnel assigned and provides rate and rating summary, projected manning, historical personnel record activity.
Contents of the EDVR?
Section 1 - Prospective Gains
Section 2 - Prospective Losses
Section 3 - Personnel on board for temporary duty
Section 4 - Total personnel on board
Enlisted Evaluation Due Dates…
E1, E2, E3
E7 & E8
E1, E2, E3. - 15JUL
E4 - 15JUN
E5 - 15MAR
E6 - 15NOV
E7 & E8 - 15SEP
E9 - 15APR
Explain what Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT)
The test is a group of foreign language tests intended to assess the general language proficiency of native English speakers in a specific foreign language.
Defense Property Accountability System
Web-based database management system used to support the accounting and tracking throughout the life-cycle to include all aspects of financial reporting.
Material Obligation Validation (MOV)
Improves requisition validity and ensures sound financial management practices are in effect in all TYCOM commands
Mandatory Quarterly External MOVs
Conducted by Inventory Control Points (ICPs)
Mandatory Monthly Internal MOVs
- Conduct by individual departments
- Maximizes limited OPTAR funds
- Depot level Repairable (DLR’s)
Explain what is meant by “need to know”
Access to classified information is not authorized by the favorable conclusion of a clearance eligibility determination.
State the type of investigation and how often it is updated for access: SCI
- Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI)
- Valid for 5 years
State the type of investigation and how often it is updated for access: Top Secret
- Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI)
- Valid for 5 years
State the type of investigation and how often it is updated for access: Secret
- National Agency Check with Local Agency and Credit Checks (NACLC)
- Valid for 5 years
State the type of investigation and how often it is updated for access: Confidential
- National Agency Check With Local Agency and Credit Checks (NACLC)
- Valid for 5 years
SAER (Security Access Eligibility Report)
A SAER is used when trying to get a SCI clearance but have to explain something in detail i.e.
- Financial issues
- Legal issues
- U/A
- Illness
Identify the following forms:
SF-700 SF-701 SF-702 SF-703 SF-153 SF-312
SF-700 - Stores combos SF-701 - End of day checks SF-702 - Open/close log SF-703 - TS Cover sheet SF-153 - COMSEC Material Report SF-312 - Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement
CBSP (Nomenclature)
Define MEU
Primary purpose is to take beaches, quick reaction force, crisis response, smallest air ground task force in USMC
What is DISN
Defense Information System Network
Provides voice, data, and VTC for classified and unclassified users
SE5000 - SIGINT __________?
Enterprise NSA/JOINT
Define TAWS
Target Acquisition Weapons Software
Determines the best direction to fire a missle/bullet
Four categories of deception tactics
Explain the following as they apply to ORM: A. Identify hazards B. Assessing hazards C. Making risk decisions D. Implementing controls E. Supervision
Identifying hazards- Begin with an outline or chart of the major steps in operation (operational analysis)
Assessing hazards - determine associated degree of risk in terms of probability and severity
Making risk decisions - develop risk control options. Start with the most serious risk first and select controls that will reduce the risk to a minimum consistent with mission accomplishment.
Implementing controls - ENG controls, ADMIN controls and personal protective equipment
Supervising - Conduct follow-up evaluations of the controls to ensure they remain in place and have the desired effect.
Intelligence Disciplines
COMINT (Parent agency - NSA) ELINT (Parent agency - NSA) IMINT (Parent agency - NSA) HUMINT (Parent agency - NSA) ACINT MASINT OSINT FISNT
EXPLOT watch positions
FIWO - Fleet Intel Watch officer
FIWA - Assistant, manages tasking of EXPLOT team
SICOR - Signals Intel Correlator; monitors KL’s through message traffic
RDBM - Red Database Manager
Navy Integrated Application Suite
Fleet Network Operation Center provides IP services to the fleet
UARNOC - Norfolk
PRNOC - Hawaii
ECRNOC - Naples
IORNOC - Bahrain
Define MSI
Marine Surface Index
Go/no go for beach landings/small boat ops.
Considers wave height, beach type, and tides
Voice imitative deception is suspected not this net
Define AREPS
Advance Refractive Effects Prediction
Informs how far a radar can operate
Frequency Bands
ELF - 30-300Hz
VLF - 3-30KHz
LF - 30-300KHz
Purpose of EXPLOT?
All source fusion watch floor
Provides operational and tactical level intelligence
Provides I&W support to CIC
Frequency Bands
MF - (300-3000KHz) HF - (3-30MHz) VHF - (30-300MHz) Green gear UHF - (300-3000MHz) voice circuits SHF - (3-30GHz) IP services, high data rate
Define MK-36 DLS
Decoy Launching System (Chaff)
SRBOC - Super Rapid Blooming Offboard Chaff
6 launchers, 6 tubes each launcher. Port and stud catwalks
Two concerns of chaff: Wind speed/direction could backfire. Flight deck activity could negate chaff rounds.
What is the purpose of the CWC doctrine?
Enables the OTC (Officer in Tactical Command) to wage combat operations against air, surface, and subsurface threats while carrying out the primary mission.
IAVA - Severe network vulnerabilities that pose an immediate risk
IAVB - vulnerabilities that do not pose an immediate risk
IAVT - vulnerabilities pose a low risk, no action required
Define Divers
Salvage operations
Define ES
To search for, intercept, identify, and locate sources of EM energy for purpose of I&W (SLQ-32)
Define PTA
Precision Timing and Astrometry
Naval Observatory is a PTA facility
Certification vs. Accreditation
Certification - evaluation of security features of an information system
Accreditation - official management decision to open rate an information system in a specified environment
Joint Typhoon Warning Center, based out of Hawaii and provides TCCOR warnings
SP0018 - SIGINT ________?
SP0018 SIGINT Policies - US Person
Ships Nautical or other Photographic Interpretation Exploitation (SNOOPIE)
- reaction team
- records photos of unknown contacts
- TEAM Consists of: Team leader, photographer, recorder, lookout
GBS (Nomenclature)
Define EP
Passive and active means of protecting, personnel, facilities, and equipment from friendly and enemy EA (ex EMCON)
Space environment entities that effect communications
- Sun
- Solar wind
- Solar cycle
- Atmospheric drag
Operational Risk Management
A systematic, decision making process use to identify and manage hazards that endanger naval resources.
Navy Cyber Defense Operations Command
DSCS (Nomenclature)
Define and discuss the FOUR categories of hazard severity
CAT 1 - may cause death
CAT 2 - may cause severe injury
CAT 3 - may cause minor injury
CAT 4 - presents a minimal threat to personnel safety or health