Studies Flashcards
Positive emotions
Broaden and build
Flexible categorisation and emotional resilience (60% of people reported closer interpersonal relationships and 50% felt more hopeful after attack)
Immunological resistance (less likely to have a cold or at least report it).
About flow
Put year 9 kids in language and art class which increased flow
Nz study showed that it is three times more important on wellbeing than wellbeing is on relationships.
Tested self-esteem on kids
-number of group memberships predicted self esteem, but not number of friendships
Character strengths linked to individual and social wellbeing, although different strengths predict different outcomes
School children and activities. Would do them most under perceived choice, then enjoyment, and then pressure.
Higher autonomy associated with better adjustment to relocation and depressive symptoms.
perceived choice study.
Remember three things that went well that day. write them down-shown to increase happiness
Self-esteem correlated with kjfe satisfaction. study of self-compassion showed reduction of depressive mood.
Increasing self-esteem
Personal growth
Positive relationships study with job application.
Positive writing can increase wellbeing.
Physical health
WOOP increased physical activity. Implementation intentions
Social context
Studies of forgiveness
Shows that people are likely to go back to abusers.
Therefore at the individual level it c an be hard to change, so we need social level change too