STS: GMO Flashcards
Considered as the basic unit of inheritance
Segment of DNA strand that may or may not code for specific proteins, which have different
functions within the Chromosome body
ALL of the genetic materials contained in the chromosome of an organism
Artificial manipulation and alteration of
a species’ genetic material ni a laboratory
Usually associated with recombinant DNA technology
artificial engineering
Recombinant DNA technology
- involves the group of techniques used to cut up and join together genetic material, esp. DNA from
different biological species, and to introduce the resulting hybrid DNA into an organism to form new combinations of heritable genetic material.
Produces genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
Plant, animal, bacteria, and virus genes may be combined or crossbred to produce another kind of species that do not naturally Occur in the environment
who discovered DNA
James Watson and Francis Crick
first to genetically modify an organism:
genes of two different E. coli were combined
Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen -
Herbert Boyer and
Stanley Cohen
resistant to antibiotic kanamycin.
used in research a models of human disease
Mouse (1974)
Mouse (1974)
Rudolf Jaenisch
resistant to antibiotics
Tobacco (1983)
led a projectin Scotland
Ian Wilmut
Resistant to ring spot virus produced Bacillus Thuringienis
GM Papaya in hawaii
to address vitamin A deficiency in asian countries
golden rice
found in feasting on Bt cotton crops
Bt toxin resistant caterpillar moth Helicoverpazea
to produce offspring producing the salivary
enzyme phytase- digests plant phosphorus
yorkshire pigs
won the case against Monsant of or chemical
poisoning caused by the pesticide Lasso (Roundup
French farmer Paul Francois
bio fuel production as efficient substitute for petroleum products
GM corn and poplars
Variety of Oryza sativa
Modified to biosynthesize beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A
golden rice
Additional three Beta -carotene-synthesized genes
Its introduction was opposed -> thought to compromise food production, nutrition, and financial security
who: golden rice
Ingo Potrykus and Peter Beyer
to combat vitamin A deficiency, the leading cause of childhood blindness.
Agriculture-Philippine Rice Research Institute (DA-Philice) in partnership with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
golden rice
is a naturally occurring bacteria that is commonly found in soil and food.
Bacillus Thuringiensis
has been used safely for over 30 years ot control insects all over the world.
The most successful microbial insecticide against
different orders of insect pests ni agriculture and medicine.
method of inserting genes or nucleic acid into cells as drug treatment for genetic diseases
Who: proposed that people with genetic disorders can be treated by replacing defective DNA with good DNA
- 1972 - TheodoreFriedmana n dRichardRoblin
who: showed that cells of patients with adenosine deaminase deficiency (ADA) can be corrected in tissue culture
D.r W. French Anderson and D.r Michael Blasse
First approved gene therapy clinical research at the
National Institutes of Health under the team of Dr. Anderson; conducted to a four-year-old girl with ADA deficiency
First somatic treatment producing a permanent genetic change
First commercial gene therapy product Gendicine approved ni China for the treatment of certain cancers
approved ni China for the treatment of certain cancers
Gene therapy gained greater attention from researchers but was still considered an experimental technique
treats severe combined immunodeficiency deficiency
June 2018
when: Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) endorsed the gene therapy treatment: Strimvelis
gene therapy treatment was approved by the European Commission
field of study that presents novel management approaches on farming systems that may address concerns about the effect fo GMOs no biodiversity and health of consumers
when: US Supreme Court allowed
the patenting of GMOs
What: FDA approved the first GMO-
1982- Humulin
metabolic hormone for † milk in dairy cows
bovine somatotropin
GMO with delayed ripening
Flavr Savr tomato
Who: Dolly
ian wilmut