Struggle for Existences, Part 5 Flashcards
subsets that carries out the metabolic processing of energy and materials to fuel and supply all of the growth, maintenance and reproduction
species as library of information and has 2 aspects
1) necessary and sufficient to direct assembly of a complex organism
2) its heritable and connects that organism to other organism in family tree
phylogenetic position
understandable relations to others that can be infers from similarities and differences in DNA
classify organism in terms of relatedness (similar DNA)
Abiotic factors
1) Conditions
2) Resources
manifestations of non-living, physic-chemical world
Biotic factors
come from actions of other organisms
Abiotic factors
1) Resources
- necessary physical entities that organisms use up, they can use up resources
(ex: water, chemical nutrient and space)
Abiotic factors
2) Conditions
- physical states cannot be depleted (temp or pH)
limiting factors
factors important in determining whether species can/cannot survive in an area
What factors (2) limit distribution of terrestrial species? (The "big Twos") Condition + Resource
temperature (condition) and water (resource)
What determines what type of organism found in diff places?
water depends on precipitation, weather and climate most important determines of what sorts of organism found in diff places
Environmental gradient
simplest sort of gradient would occur along a line drawn across a real habitat
cuts across ecological variation
a complex gradient because many simpler factors vary with altitude in nature: temp, precipitation, pressure of oxygen, snow dept, spring melt, growing season
- critical to fail or success of organism
Range of tolerance
classically graphed as curves that show how an organism ability to function changes along gradient
- bell shaped curves
peak = optimal environment
Increasing distance form optimum, organism find environment stressful, what happens
1) unable to grow and reproduce
2) unable to grow at all
3) die
Reactions depend on _______ and ______ of reactants
temp and concentration
low temp: molecules move ______ and heat happens to reactions
slowly and reactions stops
many important reactions catalysted by enzymes, so what is important?
proteins catalyst reactions depends on way its folded or configured
High temp: proteins ____
denature (loss characteristics shapes and functions)
Natural selection can produce heat resistant enzymes but resistance is limited. T or F
Why is water important
affects concentrations of chemical reactants (chemical process and reactants)
Osmotic balance
cells dry = concentration of dissolved salt increase and flat precipitate our of solution and crystallize (reactions slow and changed)
Too much water in cell
reactants diluted and fail to combine as needed
Organism in danger of overheating over cooling, drying out or getting water logged? why?
Yes, 3 parts
1) Environment contains far broader range of physical conditions that much narrower ranges of tolerance that characterizes organism
2) things equilibrate (inmate and organisms reach same temperature as environment)
Hot sun = heat up
dry = object lose water ad saltier
3) environment much larger than organism - equilibrium asymmetrical
What must organism do to stay alive in environments?
combat tendency to match environment
keep internal states constant (staying the same)
Homeostatic mechanism
1) Thermoregulation
2) Osmoregulation
Thermo: maintain temp
Osmo: saltiness
Most important aspect of body structure?
Ratio of SA to Volume
Active regulation
expenditure of energy
Organisms who can do homeostasis
have large bodes and complicated metabolism (vertebrate: birds and mammals)
Warm blooded
active regulation of heat balance to keep body temp constant despite temp fluctuations
Cold blooded
( fish, snakes, invertebrates) thermoconformers (temp of surrounding temp)
body temp more closely track out to the surrounding temp
Hmoethermy Vs. Polikilothermy
constancy of body temp instead of variability
Endothermy Vs. Ectothermy
temperature primarily determined by physiological process within body instead outside
direct transfer of heat between 2 bodies in contact
if temp differential, heat will ______ from warmer object to cooler
flow from warm to cool
2 objects will _______ at same temp with time
equilibrate (you stand on frozen ground=heat moves from feet to ground=you lose heat=feet cold=ground hot small amount)
heat transfer by moving fluid (air or water)
- stand on icy flowing water=cold water extract eta form feet in conduction= the current sweeps slightly heater water away= local equilibration minimal
Water more effective medium than air to exchange heat. T or F
T, water = higher specific heat than others=more energy transfers to change its temp = cold water sucks heat out of warm animal very fast
Why does being in 15º air temperature okay but in 15º water kill human within few hours?
water = higher specific heat than others=more energy transfers to change its temp = cold water sucks heat out of warm animal very fast
Why is water special?
- requires much heat inout to change state from liquid to gas (heat of evaporation)
Why is water special?
- requires much heat inout to change state from liquid to gas (HIGH heat of evaporation = evaporation from a moist surface is very effective means of cooling surface)ex: fan on face= cool
fan on a wet face= EVEN COOLER
-heat transfer through molecules colliding and transferring kinetic energy
Radiative heat transfer
-all bodies emit electromagnetic thermal radiation based on temp.
light waves = transfer heat (but radiative heat transfer=longer, invisible wavelength in infrared)
Net charge in radiation heat
net differences between energy radiated FROM YOU and amount radiated TO YOU
if fire was heating you by raising air temp, your back and side would not be cols.
sit directly in front of fireplace, your face is warm = radiant heat
Heat Balance: How organisms manage gains and lose of heat to keep body temp good?
active vertebrates generate good amount of het from metabolic functions. (muscle contractions)
- shivering
organism in cold environment, _______ heat
hot environment,
_________ heat
Size: Bergman’s rule
cold environment = larger bodies = lower SA/V ratio=retain heat better
tropical environment = small bodies=shed heat faster
Shape Allen’s Rule
hotter environments = longer and thinner legs, tails, ear, horns, frills=increase SA at constant V
-cheaper and evolutinarly easier than growing larger body
Homeothermic veterbrate have insulation
subcutaneous layers (body fat/feathers, dead sir spaces in material)
what is real role of fur?
trap air and prevent convective flow.
temp cold = near outside of fuel
temp warm = next to skin
How can mammals grow fur thickness?
contracting arrestor pili muscles on each follicle (hair to stand up)
Rufus Humingbords
2nd smallest bird in NA
- huges SA/V = heat loss in cold environment
- some every year get confused in migration and end up in cold places
Insulation system effective if…
enough high-energy food to run a bird’s fast metabolism
Cold water effective from getting heat from warm animals. T or F
T, penguins = make use of dead-air insulation (fur/feathers temporarily waterproof with oil secretions/preening)
larger mammals = depends on thick layer of subcutaneous blubber
Whales flipper, to fulfill primary function
1) stick out in to water
2) large SA
3) be thin
Whales flipper, to fulfill primary function and can be liability reduced by what
1) stick out in to water
2) large SA
3) be thin
reduced by countercurrent circulation ( blood vessels)
Countercurrent circulation (blood flows going opposite direction)
blood vessels
-direct contact between arteries send warm blood to flipper and veins bring back cool blood to body
cooled retuning blood captures warmth from outgoing arterial blood before warmth can lost to environment
continuous temp gradient between two vessels in _________ circulation
Animals adapted to deserts (kangaroo rats = survive without ever drinking water)
- erect posture and bipedal bait = reduce conductive heat gained from desert sands
seeds they eat = very small water but subsist on metabolism water (produced by oxidizing dry food they eat) - effect kidneys = high concentrated urine (eliminate nitrogenous water with min water loss)
- nocturnal = not exposed to sun (awake night and spend day underground, cool)
- store large catches of seeds in burrows (seeds hygroscopic, exhale air listened into lunges
gymnosperms and angiosperms (higher plants) big differences
- SA/V
- heat and water balance
- evaporating cooling: ties heat regulation and water regulation
BIG DIFFERENCES: Autotrophs= get energy from sun (photosynthesis)
to get essential photons, leaves needs ________ to sunlight and somewhere to exchange gases
What happens when large SA exposed to sunlight?
risks heating up (enzymes denature and lose function)
thin leaf lack volume to give thermal inertia, what happens to it?
thin leaf = lack volume = heats faster
How do leafs cool off?
evaporating cooling
- gas exchange and water through stomata
Carbon fixation
way CO2 capture takes place
3 carbon molecule
C3 pathway
- not effect in water use
enzyme capture carbon not specific enough also capture oxygen (wasteful photorespiration at high temp)
- bright light and high temp = conditions labour another carbon fixation C4 metabolism
CAM (cruassulancean acid metabolism
- extreme water conservation (catch)
- Instructive= constitutes. breakthrough eliminating tradeoff
C3 and C4 photosynthesis to proceeds, stomata open to gas exchange while sun is out = water loss through stomata great
In CAM plants, what’s different?
CAM plants = plants keep most of stomata sled during sunny period = minimize water loss
- thick succulent leaves loaded with water = enough thermal inertia to resist overheating
How do CAM take CO2 they need?
forage nocturnally for COs by opening stomata at NIGHT. cannot complete entire photosynethesis pathway with sun = capture CO2 and store in vacuoles as organic acid intermediate until next day
- photons available = acid enter rest fo pathway (light to sugar)
airflow in leaves
1) leave swept by wind = refreshed supply of COS and wasteful product of O2
2) if air not moving = stagnant air builds up next to leaf
3) dead air gets depleted fo CO2 and get lots of unwanted O2 (heat up = convection evaporating cooling reduced)
Laminar flow
airflow unimpeded = stratified pattern build up
layers of air moving at different speed