Structured Interview Flashcards
How do you see your commitments changing with your new role as a part of the organizations supervisory team?
- honesty and truthfulness
- Recognize-Held to higher standard
- Lead by example, on and off duty, that reflects favorably on department
- Decisions made- difficult or unfavorable, will display Intergrity, consistency, and fairness
- By doing this , I’ll set an example for subordinates: expect same level of commitment and professionalism as I display
How would you explain your position on accountability to those working for you?
- First roll call meetings: Importance of adherence to department policies and go over some of those policies
- Failure to act in accordance with department standards will come with consequences
- Consequences applied fairly and impartially
- Make myself available, ask questions before they become an issue
- Prioritize continuing, on the job coaching and provide feedback
Explain what type of supervisory styles you will use with your subordinates and please explain if you think the subordinate’s experience or skill level should impact the way you supervise them.
- Utilize Situational supervision, approach on a case by case basis depending on on the officers involved
- Newer: encourage to begin to work through problems, but assist them in coming to suitable and acceptable solutions
- More experienced officers I know are capable of performing at higher level but for whatever reason aren’t, utilize a more traditional leadership style
- Monitor progress, determine cause of issue, best way to put an end to undesired behavior
How important is Integrity to the Law Enforcement profession?
- Paramount quality of those in LE
- Public holds to higher standard, understandably critical when officers display behavior that falls beneath- particularly when it involves untruthfulness
- Decisions, orders, reports- possibility of greatly impacting lives of other: our word is held in high regard
- If officers improper actions sacrifices his reliability or credibility he or she can no longer do the job effectively.
Tell me about a time when you used good communication skills to defuse a situation:
Makai Story:
- Emotional Disturbed individual: Section 12
- Fought, run, barracked in past
- Schizophrenia and thinks we are dystopian government agents to abduct him
- Calmly encountered, engage in polite conversation
- Told him to call me by my first name to humanize myself
- Talked him through the process and informed when hands on, handcuffing
- Good repertoire, offered to ride in ambulance with him
- Communication effectively contributed to peaceful and favorable outcome for all
What does public trust mean to you personally?
- John Locke’s Social Contract Theory
- Public is willing to give up some personal liberties in exchange for protection and public order
- Power of governmental entities only exists through consent of public for greater good of society
- That being said, As constant, visible symbols of governmental powers
- Public has a right to hold us to a higher standard, and question when they think power is being abused or used inappropriately.
How will you explain to your subordinates the importance of accuracy and honesty in report writing? (word is our bond)
- Reports can and likely will influence the lives of those involved, Our word must be our bond, writing anyhting thats not factual and unbiased will negatively impact trust public instills in us
- Mistakes by laziness or inattention to detail = addressed, fixed, additional remedial training
- Zero tolerance for lying or intentionally omitting
- Make it known: Swift, certain, and quite honestly seevere consequences for this type of behavior.
Tell me about a time when you used your interpersonal skills to handle a volatile situation:
Brown Brothers story
- Senior Officer- brothers involved in ongoing disturbance
- Senior officer- maintain control of scene until resolved or supervisor arrives
- Father tries to interject and was asked and then ordered to step back, officer pushed him back to prevent him from getting closer
- Father was enraged, things going in the wrong direction
- Despite other options, father was acting emotionally out of concern for sons
- Stepped in, pulled father aside, explained what happened, what was going to happen next, our need to maintain control and order on scene of incidents of this nature
- Spoke with officer and advised him of the conversation I had
- By the end, officer and father shook hands and father was supportive of our decisions and handling of the situation
Tell me about a time when you faced serious adversity and tell me how you handled the situation:
Very beginning
- Hired as a permanent intermittent- constantly worked shifts on short notice, was the low man on every shift and usually assigned to complete the unfavorable tasks
- Went through my years in this role with a : good attitude, I paid my dues, and remained loyal to my department until I was given and opportunity to go to the full time academy
- Made the most of that opportunity, graduated within the top 5 academically, broke 3 Randolph physical fitness records, served as Guidon Bearers, won physical fitness award
- Withing 4 years, was asked to become an FTO
- Years spent as a PI humbled me, and now allows me to connect well with brand new officers
Drunk officer, midnight shift
- Immediately pull officer aside, private personal conversation to make observations
- Ask him directly
- Indications continue to present= Breathalyzer or series of field sobriety test
- Acceptance and successful completion a condition of him continuing to work the shift
- Ignoring or downplaying seriousness engangers the officer, other officers, the public
- Regardless of tests, the presence of alcohol on breath requires me to document and report up chain of command.
- Inform officer of my obligation to the department and the community to do so.
Brooming OUI- NH State Trooper
- Step in and take over the call- handle according to department policies and procedures
- May include field sobriety testing, and arrest of the Trooper
- Conversation with officer- preferential treatment of officers is an ethical violation
- Officers actions and decisions will need to be documented
- Promptly inform upper level command staff of incident
Sexual Harrassment- Officer Dow in Roll call
- Pull officer out of roll call.
- Way beyond harmless joking, constitutes violation of Sexual harassment policy
- Fully document and report up chain of command.
- Investigation- Isolated incident or a pattern of behavior with other victims
- Advise female officer of action taken so far, and offer counseling or other resources to cope with situation
- If female is uncomfortable finishing shift, Dow sent home and informed further action will follow
Long Range Career goals and three steps taken towards obtaining them:
- Continuing to develop as a valuable asset
- Progress to leadership role- more opportunities to offer knowledge and experience not only to trainees, but greater portion of patrol staff
- This process is the most significant step i’ve taken towards achieving this goal
- Develop an expertise in a specific area of LE- Interview and Interrogation
- Reid Institute
- Deceptive Behaviors
-Body Language - Ultimately, I’d like an opportunity to utilize all of the knowledge i’ve gained by sharing it through coaching and mentoring- Strengthens the abilities of department
Tell me about a time when you had to DELEGATE a task and tell me how you followed up with the situation?
- When field training, often have to determine which task to let them do an which to take over
- Writing first report- let them do it on their own, and then help to add, edit, and restructure to reflect an accurate, complete, and profession report.
- By doing this: retain the most important recommendations, better suited to write reports on their own
What would your last boss say about you?
- Person of integrity and character
- Very confident they would describe as: extremely thorough, and hard working
- Take a lot of pride in doing this job and the work i produce
- level headed and fair in decisions
- able to remove emotions and reach well rounded, integrity based conclusions to difficult situations.
What have you learned from your mistakes?
- Front row seat to the greatest show on earth
- Privileged vantage point to see people’s personal struggles
- Financial mistakes, mistakes in relationships and marriages, mistakes with drugs and alcohol, mistakes made in short moments of intense emotion that have lasting effects on peoples lives
- Feel and emphasize for these individuals, but have allowed me to learn from them, and have given a framework for the behaviors and actions i need to avoid to have the professional and personal life i want to live
Give me an example of a problem/ issue you faced on the job and tell me how you solved it.
Izzy Story
- Background
- Football and sports in general extremely impactful and beneficial influence in my life
- Union reps- cover all expenses
- mother unfit, adopted by grandparents on friend on the football team
- Saw him recently, very happy and well cared for
Give me an example of a performance issue you faced on the job and tell me how you solved it.
- Senior officer on midnight shift- New group of officers graduated the academy
- Noticed them making same mistakes regarding dispatch log
- Pull them aside privately, explained what is expected of them in terms of inputting biographical info and content of log narratives.
- As in report writing, info in dispatch log needs to be complete and accurate
- All very appreciative and thanks me for helping without making them feel embarrassed in front of their other new co-workers
Give me an example of a problem you faced with a superior on the job and tell me how you solved it?
Building 14 story
- Extremely emotionally disturbed
- Not in touch with reality, needed psychiatric evaluation
- Opted to summons to seek follow up care
- Supervisor arrived and didn’t have the full set of facts yet, and stated that she should have been arrested
- Explained the background and mental state of the suspect
- Explained victim and suspect were strangers and it was an isolated incident- very little threat of continued harassment or violence by summons vs arrest
- Previous suicide attempts while in police custody, and was not mentally stable
- After advising supervisor of all these pertinent facts, Supervisor agreed that summons and psychiatric intervention was a suitable outcome to the call.