structure of the nervous system Flashcards
as the name implies
how many directional terminology is used in neuroscience? name them and explain.
dorsal - top, ventral- bottom , anterior - in front of ,posterior-behind , medial -going towards the mid line and lateral - going towards the side.
what are the three main types of section?
horizontal - horizontally
coronal - e.g a section going from back to front
sagital - middle
what are the two man parts of the nervous system ?
The central nervous system(CNS) and the peropheral nervous system (PNS)
List the parts of the CNS and PNS.
CNS- the brain and spinal cord
PNS- somatic and autonomic nervous systems
subdivisions of the somatic nervous system
efferent nerves - motor nervers that go from the cns to skeletal muscles
Afferent nerves - sensory nerves that moves information from the periphery to the CNS
Subdivisions of the autonomic nervous system
this regulates homeostasis.
sympathetic- fight or flight
parasympathetic - rest and digest.
what is the function of the ventricular system?
the ventricular system cushions and supports the brain.
what are the parts of the ventricular system?
two lateral ventricles , one third ventricle the cerebral aqueduct and the fourth ventricle.
which sections are the best sections to view the ventricular systems?
the horizontal and coronal sections are the best sections to view the ventricular systems.
what is meningitis?
meningitis refers to inflation of the meninges of the brain due to an infection.
what is the blood-brain barrier?
this is a small gap between endothelial cells that line the blood vessels of the brain that allow certain substances to pass through. lipophilic substances can easily pass through the brain but larger molecules cannot pass.
what is the area postrema? why do lipophilic substances easily pass through the bbb?
area prostrema is the area of the brain this is responsible for inducing vomiting and is the area of weakness in the bbb.
what are dendritic spines ?
these are protrusions that extend from brain cells.
what are the two main types of brain cells?
the two main types of brain cells are neurons and glial cells.
functions of neurons and glial cells respectively?
neurons are responsible for the processing and transmission of information. glial cells are support cells , responsible for clean up and repair and myelination, it also modulates neuronal activity. neuron : glial cells ratio 80:100 billion.
what are the parts of a neuron.
axon, dendrites, cell body, axon hillock, and terminal buttons.