Structure Of Linear Operators Flashcards
When are matrices A,B similar
Matrices A,B are similar if exists non-singular matrix P s.t B = P^-1AP
What is a “nice” matrix
“Nice” matrix is 1 with lots of 0s
When is a matrix A diagonalisable
Matrix A is diagonalisable iff it has an eigenbasis iff similar to a diagonal matrix with eigenvalues of A as listed according to multiplicity, I.e each Li appears a.m(Li) times
When are 2 diagonalisable matrices A,B similar
2 diagonalisable matrices A,B are similar iff have same eigenvalues and multiplicities up to order
When is a subspace U phi invariant (phi is a linear operator)
A subspace U is phi invariant iff phu(u) is in U, for all. In U
If phi(psi) = psi(phi) (they commute) then what are ker(psi) and im(psi)
If phi and psi commute, then ker(psi) and im(psi) are phi invariant, so are ker(phi) and im(phi)
What is direct sum of phi(i)
Direct sum of phi(i) is phi(v) = phi(1(v)) + … + phi(k(k)) for V = V1 +o … +o Vk
What is direct sum of square matrices Ai
Direct sum of matrices Ai is
A1 +o … +o Ak = diagonal matrix with diagonal entries A1,…, Ak
This is called block disgonal. See block disgonal example
If V = V1 +o … +o Vk and phi = phi1 +o … +o phik then what are properties of phi and Vi
Properties of phi and Bi are:
Phi is linear
Each Vi is phi-invariant
Phi has matrix A1 +o … +o AK w.r.t basis Bi of Vi
What is phi/Vi (restriction of phi)
Phi/Vi is :
The map Vi s to V, the function phi is limited to Vi (they behave same range)
What is the normal form of a matrix
Normal form of a matrix is when matrix is diagonalised with the E.values on the diagonal listed according to their multiplicities