Eigenvalues Flashcards
What is an eigenvalue
An eigenvalues is a L s.t phi(v) = Lv
What is L-eigenspace
L-eigenspace is set of all eigenvalues associated to the E.vectors, ker(phi - LI) consists of all eigenvectors of phi with 0
this is a vector subspace because it’s a kernel of a linear operaor
What is characteristic polynomial
Characteristic polynomial is det(phi - LI)
What is det of linear map
Det of linear map is det of matrix B representing on phi
What is algebraic multiplicity
Algebraic multiplicity is no of times L is repeated as root of characteristic polynomial
What is geometric multiplicity
Geometric multiplicity is dim E(L) dimension of L-eigenspace, no of L.I vectors associated with E,value
With phi(v) = Lv, then what is p(phi)(v)
If phi(v) = Lv, then p(phi)(v) = p(L)v L is eigenvalue and v is eigenvector
If phi is a linear operator, what is any eigenvalue of phi
If phi is a linear operator, any eigenvalue of hi is a root of M(phi) (because of Cayley Hamilton theorem)
What is Cayley Hamilton theorem
Cayley Hamilton theorem is:
Any matrix/linear operator satisfies it’s characteristic polynomial, if input matrix into characteristic polynomial result will be 0
See E.g in lecture notes
What does minimum polynomial of phi divide and what are roots of minumum polynomial
Minimum polynomial of phi divide characteristic polynomial of phi, same for matrices and roots of minimum polynomial are eigenvalues of phi (as they are roots of characteristic polynomial)