Duality 2 Flashcards
What is dim annu U
Dim ann U = dim V - dim U
What are properties of annihilators U,W <= V
Properties of annihilators are:
U <= W implies Ann W <= ann U
Ann(U+W) = ann U N annW
Ann U + ann W <= ann (U N W) with equality when V is finite dimensional
What do ann and sol do
Ann and sol reverse inclusions and swap sums and intersections
When is U <= sol E
U <= sol E iff E <= ann U , U <= V and E <= V*
What is relationship between Sol and ann
Relationship between sol and ann is:
U <= sol(ann U)
E <= ann(sol E)
Mutually inverse bijection for V finite dimensional
U <= V and E <= V*
How can we view sol and ann
Can view sol and ann as maps.
Ann : subspace of V to subspace of V*
Sol: subspace of V* to subspace of V
What is transpose of linear map phi
Is this linear
Transpose of linear map phi is:
Map phi^T: W* to V* given by phi^T(alpha) = alpha o phi for all alpha in W*
This is linear map
What are examples of transpose
Examples of transpose are:
Id V^T = idV*
(Psi o phi)^T = phi^T o psi^T
What is matrix representing phi^T if matrix representing phi is A
Matrix representing phi^T = A^T
What are ker(phi) and ker(phi^T)
Ker(phi) is sol (im(phi^T)) and ker(phi^T) = ann(im(phi))
What are im(phi) and im(phi^T)
Im(phi) <= sol (ker(phi^T)) and im(phi^T) <= ann(ker(phi)) with equality if V,W finite dimensional