Stroke: Neurological Impairments and functional limitations Flashcards
weakness on the side of the body opposite the lesion
complete paralysis on the side of the body opposite the lesion
Neurological language disorder
Global aphasia
loss of all language ability
Broca’s aphasia
(Expressive) broken speech; slow, labored speech with frequent mispronunciations
Anomic aphasia:
difficulty finding words
Wernicke’s aphasia
(receptive aphasia) impaired auditory reception; speech may be fluent but is often meaningless or nonsensical
articulation disorder resulting from paralysis of the organs of speech
With CVA, partial neglect of the client’s own body, generally occurs on the ____ side of the stroke
Motor apraxia
difficulty completing planned movements
Ideational apraxia
difficulty conceptualizing planned, multistep movements
Visual agnosia
difficulty recognizing objects
Upper-extremity impairment from stroke may result in (2 things)
Impaired muscle recruitment and contraction
An inability to recruit and maintain muscular
strength on the affected side may lead to (4 things)
i. Edema
ii. Overstretching and damage of joint capsules and antagonist muscles that keep
joints in place
iii. Shortening of muscle
iv. Damage to joints and soft tissue because of lack of control and sensation
Subluxation is caused by
the humeral head moving
downward from the joint because paralyzed muscles generally remain in place
Visual impairments occur with stroke depending on the
site of the lesion
Visual impairments occur with stroke such as (4 things)
visual dysfunction, including visual field deficits such as homonymous hemianopsia and
hemi-inattention or neglect
Why is psychosocial adjustment an essential component of recovery following stroke?
The incidence of depression after stroke is reported at 35%, with the highest incidence occurring in acute and rehabilitation hospitals
Other psychological symptoms include: 4 things
anxiety, mania, lability, and personality changes.
Although many clients and their families hope for a full recovery, the occupational therapist should work closely with them to gradually increase
the awareness of the residual deficits that may remain.