Postacute rehabilitation phase of TBI Flashcards
As clients prepare to reenter the community, rehabilitation transitions from an inpatient
setting to one of a variety of _____
postacute rehabilitation settings
Examples of appropriate postacute rehabilitation settings for individuals with TBI
home-based therapy, a residential program, a day treatment program, or an outpatient community
reentry program.
Interventions during the postacute rehab phase of TBI aim to:
Optimize cognitive function, optimize visual and visual-perceptual function, restore competence in self-care, restore competence in leisure and social participation, restore competence in work, contribute to behavioral and emotional adaptation.
True or false: the client’s family often needs to provide long-term assistance depending on the severity of the TBI
Optimize cognitive function: Several residual cognitive deficits remain in the _____ phase, including memory problems and executive function deficits.
post-acute rehabilitation
The more stable and consistent environment of the postacute rehabilitation phase often allows for more emphasis on
changing the physical and social contexts and environment to compensate for cognitive deficits.
Several ______ deficits remain the in the post-acute rehab phase
Residual cognitive deficits
Increasing the client’s _____ is important in the post-acute rehab phase
____ and ______ deficits are two of the residual cognitive deficits that remain in the post-acute rehab phase
Memory problems and executive function deficits
Intervention to optimize visual and visual–perceptual function during the post-acute rehab phase focuses on:
environmental adaptations and strategies to compensate for deficits that remain
Interventions for restoring competence in self-maintenance roles during the post-acute rehab emphasize
Behavioral intervention with repetitive practice through errorless learning, fading cues, and positive encouragement
Strategies for behavioral intervention for self-care include repetitive practice through: (3 things)
Errorless learning, fading cues, and positive encouragement
Once homemaking tasks such as cleaning and meal preparation are achieved, clients focus on (3 things)
money management, shopping skills, and community mobility.
T or F strategies from the inpatient setting
may need to be adapted for the community setting.
What kind of groups are used to focus on social interaction and develop relationships.
Social skills training groups
Specific techniques for building social skills include: (4 things)
Behavior contracts, role-playing, self-reflection through video feedback, and role modeling
Interventions that guide the client in identifying
activities that are _______ are also important.
appropriate within the client’s abilities
Vocational rehabilitation is useful in this skill development for (2 things)
identifying appropriate work or volunteer settings
Once a client is competent in self-maintenance, skill
development in _______ is appropriate is appropriate for
Work behaviors
What specific work skills are emphasized during the post-acute rehab phase?
Punctuality, ability to respond to feedback, and ability to follow work schedules.