Stress and Illness Flashcards
What makes stressful events stressful?
- Negative
- Uncontrollable
- Long-lasting
- Ambiguous
- Can’t be dealt with using current resources
- Relevant to important life domains
What might common stressors include?
- Small daily hassles (e.g. missing the bus)
- Concerns about work/academic performance
- Relationship problems
- Loss of control over goals
- Financial problems
What is the definition of stress?
a relationship between the person and the environment that is perceived by the person as taxing or exceeding his or her resources and endangering his or her wellbeing
Who described the transactional theory of stress and coping?
Lazarus and Folkman 1984
What does the transactional theory of stress and coping contain
- Environmental inputs (daily stressors and life events)
- Individual differences
- Appraisal differences
- Psychological responses
- Coping responses (i.e. PA or smoking)
Describe the social-readjustment rating scale
This shows the impact of life events i.e. marriage, death of a close family member and their related stress levels.
Describe the daily Hassles and Uplift Scale?
Common events can be rated as hassle/uplift depending on the situation i.e. your children: either light of your life, or have been brats that day
Describe Hassles
Rising prices, noisy neighbours, bad weather, feeling lonely, too many responsibilities, too many things to do. Can add up and undermine coping by creating unmanageable demands
Describe Uplifts
Uplifts: Good weather, good relationships with neighbours getting on well with friends, having a laugh. Positive effects on mood and reduce perceived demand.
True or false: Hassles more strongly associated with health status than with life-events
Experiencing more daily hassles was associated with?
Lower psychological well-being
Did daily uplifts make a contribution to health?
No, not independent of hassles
Give 2 direct effects of stress, and their associated health consequences
- Reduced functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems.
- Chronic stress undermines system functioning.
Give 2 indirect effects of stress, and their associated health consequences
- Increased health risk behaviours (e.g. smoking, alcohol use, drug use).
- Decreased health promoting behaviours (e.g. physical activity, sleep, diet)
What does ego depletion cause?
Lowered executive functioning and poor life choices
What did the 1998 exam stress and wound healing study do/show?
- 3.5 mm punch biopsy wound on hard palate of dental students.
- Taken once during the summer vacation and 3 days before a major examination.
- Healing measured using daily photographs and foaming response to hydrogen peroxide.
- Healing was 3 days (40%) longer in exam period
Give 2 physiological effects of stress
dry mouth, excessive perspiration, headaches, frequent infections pounding heart, high blood pressure, gastrointestinal problems, stiff neck, lower back pain, chest pain, asthma, arthritis.
Give 2 emotional effects of stress
anxiety and worry, depression, fatigue, hypervigilance, impulsiveness, irritability, trouble remembering things.
Give a cognitive effect of stress
inability to concentrate or memory problems.