Bias and Discrimination Flashcards
Define stereotype
o Cognitive expectancies and associations about an outgroup
Define prejudice
o Emotional reaction to someone on basis of group membership
Define discrimination
o Acting on the basis of stereotypes and prejudices; denial of equality of treatment
Why is early identification and treatment of ill-health important?
to prevent/treat negative health consequences of non-treatment
Why might trust in the medical profession have decreased over the last 50 yrs
- heightened awareness of medical errors
- more questioning based approach to treatment
- experience of bias
What is the greatest concern affecting people with disabilities?
Social isolation
What is the NHS constitution regarding patient rights
Equitable treatment, regardless of race, ethnicity, etc. is a patient right
Give an example of institutional bias, where equitable treatment may not be delivered
• Denial of healthcare
• Requirement for people with obesity to lose weight (5%) before receiving surgery
o But if this isn’t met, then they’re not offered the help to loose weight (!)
• NICE recommendation to offer surgery more widely (at lower BMI values)
Why are older adults often disproportionately disadvantaged
• Less likely to be referred to specialist services
• Less likely to get the medications and tests they need
• More likely to experience poorer clinical interactions
o See Bowling (2007); Callahan et a. (2000); Hajjij et al. (2010)
In what way does bias affect workers within the NHS?
- Minority healthcare professionals (HCPs) concentrated in lower paid jobs and over-represented in cases of misconduct
- HCPs also suffer racial abuse by patients
- 40% of doctors in NHS are black and ethnic minority populations
- CONCLUSION: institutional bias exists in healthcare and affects both patients’ access to the system and treatment within it
Define personally-mediated bias
Personally-mediated bias reflects individually-based differential treatment based on group membership
Define institutional bias
Institutional bias refers to accessibility of healthcare; opportunities
What did the institute of medicine (2003) report reveal regarding BAME populations and treatments
o Black patients and minority population receive fewer procedures and poorer-quality medical care
o Effect remains even when accounting for variations in e.g., insurance, disease severity, income, education etc. (factors known to affect access to healthcare)
The GMC principles state doctors should not refuse or delay treatment due to a patient’s actions and shouldn’t discriminate.
Therefore if they are biased, how could this be evident?
At an unconscious level
What is an implicit attitude
operate at unconscious level, involuntarily formed, largely unknown to the individual