stress Flashcards
what is stress?
stress is what were faced with
what we experience
out body’s response
long-term effects
what is eustress?
good stress
what is distress?
bad stress
hans selye general adaptation syndrome?
GAS: arousal, resistance, exhaustion
Describe the nature of the stress response. Be sure to include the physical structures involved as well
as the primary biochemical components (i.e., the two kinds of hormones secreted from the adrenal
there’s a stimulus, the hypothalamus triggers the pos pituitary, then the ant pituitary releases the chemicals. the two types of hormones released are norepinephrine and epinephrine.
Make a case for which is the most important—the actual reaction (absolute versus relative) to a
stressor or the recovery from that stressor.
Despite recovery being important to return to a state of homeostasis, it is important to have some form of response to the stressor to begin with. Say you’re driving down a dark road at night and all of a sudden a deer runs in front of your car. You’ll get a burst of energy and have to make a decision quick, you decide to break instead of swerve. this decision which was fueled by that burst of energy is what led you to be safe, not the calming down effect youll have afterwards when your bp decreases.
How is homeostasis distinguished from allostasis?
homeostasis is within regards of returning to a set point, while allostasis is the process of surviving the stressor a new way and ultimately bringing you back to a set point
How is the concept of allostatic load important in
the context of stress and what implications does allostatic load have for health?
allostatic load can contribute to chronic states of stress, the wear and tear on the body brings a state of overactivity that can have long term effects on physical and mental health
One way that exercise is thought to help in the amelioration of the stress response is through the
cross- stressor adaptation hypothesis. Describe the cross-stressor adaptation hypothesis.
the cross stressor adaptation theory is in regards to how getting used to exercising can help one face stress better since they both activate the same biological pathways.
How do the
animal studies by Selye argue against the notion of a cross-stressor adaptation?
Hans selye’s main finding was that animals/people will eventually get to a point of complete exhaustion and fatigue if under stress for a extremely prolonged period of time, and their bodies will begin to deteriorate.
What is the difference between an active stressor and a passive stressor? Give an example of each.
an active stressor is something happening to you that is stressing you out, such as doing a speech, taking an exam, driving a car. A passive stressor is something in your surroundings stressing you out that you yourself dont have control in, such as the traffic around you, the line of people in front of you, the weather.
what is the HPA axis
The hypothalamus pituitary adrenal axis. it’s the system within the body that triggers stress to occur to get tasks done. the hypothalamus triggers the ant pit to release ACTH, which is coming from the adrenal glands above the kidney’s. this causes the release of epinephrine/norepinephrine and CORTISOl