Strength and Weaknesses of Situation Ethics Flashcards
Personalist (people before rules)
Jesus - ‘Sabbath was made for man not man for Sabbath’
rules are useful but there are exceptions
“sometimes you have to push aside your principles and do the right thing”
SE suggest solutions that work
it is a useful ethical theory
- focuses on the end/outcome of an action
“if the end doesn’t justify the means, what does?”
Up to date
- SE allows you to change with the times
- this includes ideas about marriage, sexuality etc
Autonomous (allows individual to make their own choices)
- acting out of love frees us from having to follow distrustful established authorities
- Robison; “the only ethics for the man come of age”
Social Justice
- agape motivates people to change things for the better and get rid of discrimination and help the poor
- change is needed
- a system of rules doesn’t help bring about change
- focuses on love which is “patient”, “kind” and “endured all things”
Focuses on motive
- UT focuses on consequences, but these are out of our control
- SE has most of the strengths of UT but doesn’t rely on immeasurable and unpredictable consequences
- we are meant to follow rules as they help us think clearly
- “they weren’t called the ‘ten suggestions’”
- impossible to say what you’re supposed to do
- how do you work out what the most loving thing is if it changes from situation to situation
- allows terrible things (adultery, murder etc) in the name of love
- end does not justify the means
- St Paul: Christians should not do evil that good may come of it
Isolates the church
- the individual acts independently
- situationist approach ignores thousands of years of church tradition
- throws away the wisdom of the greatest teachers
Lacking in standards
- Biblical principles hold true for all societies at all times
Idolises the individual
- gives each person more authority than the Bible or Church
- post modern society focuses too much on the individual
- justice requires us to follow the law and treat us all equally
- SE allows us to treat people differently and break the rules in individual circumstances which is unfair
We’re no angels
- if we were all like Jesus this might work
- Barclay believed we cannot be trusted to do the right thing and it would only work ‘if all men were angels’
Focuses on motive
- just because you act out of love, this doesn’t mean you have done the right thing
- example; giving money to a homeless man out of love, but it will only perpetuate his situation. reason would say it is better to give to a charity for the homeless that will look for long term solutions
“Individuals are not bound by rules” what is a challenge to this?
- rules help us to think clearly.
- we are meant to follow rules
- promotes antinomianism
- humans cannot be trusted to live with absolutely no rules
What is the name of Barclay’s book in which he criticised SE?
Ethics in a Permissive Society
What are 3 criticisms Barclay made of SE?
- It’s easier to agree that extraordinary situations need extraordinary measures, but this doesn’t mean ordinary situations need extraordinary measures (Fletcher does not apply SE to everyday situations, only extreme ones)
- Law is necessary as it serves a vital function to enable society to determine what a reasonable life is
- Law ensures that humans do not make an artificial distinction between public and private morality