Strategic capability Flashcards
What are Critical Success Factors (CFCs)?
Small number of key goals vital to the success of an organisation
What is the 9Ms model used for?
To identify resources which are available to the business and those resources may need to be addressed to achieve CFCs
What are the 9Ms?
Men (HR) - No., skills, motivation, potential
Machines - Premises, location, age
Money - Finance available, access
Materials - Relations with suppliers
Markets - Existing customers, distribution
Management - Quality, skills, leadership
Methods - Activities and processes
Management Information Systems - Quality to assist marketing, R&D
Make-up - Attitudes, culture
What is Human Capital?
The collective attributes of an organisation’s HR.
How can Human Capital be improved?
Education and training
Allowing creativity
What are core competences?
Critical activities and processes which enable the firm to meet CSFs and achieve a sustainable and competitive advantage
What are the 3 main sources in Kay’s core competence model?
Reputation - reason consumers are attracted
Competitive architecture - network of relations
Innovative ability - ability to develop new products/services
What is value chain analysis used for?
To analyse business activities which add value to the products/services produced by a company
What are cost drivers?
Factors that cause costs to be incurred
What are value drivers?
Potential sources of value
What are the primary activities in value chain analysis?
Inbound logistics - receiving, storing and distributing inputs
Operations - transform inputs into final product
Outbound - collecting, storing & distributing final products
Marketing - informing & persuading customers to buy
Service - after sales e.g. installation
What are the support activities in value chain analysis?
Procurement- acquiring inputs
HR management - recruiting, managing, training etc
Infrastructure - planning, finance, quality control etc
What can strengthen the value chain?
Outsourcing e.g. payroll
Shared servcie centres
What is the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix used for?
To help analyse product portfolio in terms of market share and market growth
BCG matrix - High market growth, high market share
STAR - Need to keep reinvesting to maintain market share
Little cash surplus
BCG matrix - High market growth, low market share
PROBLEM-CHILD - Invest heavily to increase share
Or consider whether to diversify
BCG matrix - Low market growth, high market share
CASH-COW - Generates positive cash flow
Should you “milk the cow” by minimising reinvestment?
BCG matrix - Low market growth, low market share
DOG - “Put the dog down” by divesting
Or hold on to the product as part of overall portfolio