Strategic Awareness and Staff Management Flashcards
In ‘Our Business’, what comes under ‘why we’re here’?
Our vision
Our purpose
Our mission
Our vision
To be the safest country
Our purpose
To ensure everybody can be safe and feel safe
Our mission
To prevent crime and harm through exceptional policing
In Our Business, what areas come under ‘What We Do’?
Our goals
Our functions
Our operating model
Our relationship with Maori
What are ‘Our Goals’?
Safe homes - free from crime and victimization
Safe roads - preventing death and injury with our partners
Safe communities - people are safe wherever they live, work and visit
Under ‘What We Do’, list ‘Our Functions’ (8)
- keep the peace
- maintain public safety
- national security
- policing activities outside of NZ
- law enforcement
- emergency management
- community support and reassurance
- crime prevention
Name the act that mandates the functions of NZ Police
Policing Act 2008
What is ‘Our Operating Model’?
Prevention First
The Prevention First Model.
Taking every opportunity to prevent harm.
- Target the Drivers of DEMAND.
- Deploy to BEAT demand.
- Mindset.
What is ‘Te Huringa O Te Tai’?
Better outcomes for all by working in partnership with tangata whenua
The 3 pou
- Our people and our mindset
- Effective initiatives and improved practice
- Effective partnerships
What areas of Our Business come under ‘How We Do It’? - (6)
- Our priorities
- Our people
- Our partners
- Our values
- Our leadership
- Our culture
Under ‘Our Priorities”, describe how we go about achieving Our Business?
- Be first, then do: strengthening how and who we are as an organisation
- Deliver the services NZers expect and deserve: understanding and providing what the public want from their police
- Focused prevention through partnerships: focused Police effort and working with others to achieve better outcomes
‘Our People’ are … (4)
- Safe and feel safe
- Valued
- Fair to all
- Compassionate and reflective
‘Our Leadership’ creates an environment where we … (3)
- Live our values, individually and collectively
- Are inclusive - everyone can be themselves
- Enable our people to be their best, using the PHPF
‘Our Culture’
- Collective effort for shared outcomes
- Bringing humanity to every interaction
‘Our Partners’ - working with and beside …
- Government agencies
- Maori, Pacific, and ethnic communities
- Community groups
- Industry and business
- International partners
What is the ‘mindset’ of ‘Prevention First’?
Taking every opportunity to prevent harm
What are the core components of ‘Prevention First’?
Deploy to beat demand
- Target the drivers of demand
- Mindset: taking every opportunity to prevent harm
What are some examples of ‘Flexible Working’ As per the FEO policies
- Working from home/alternative work space.
- Flexi Time (setting hours differently week to week)
- Part Time (Working less than full hours)
- Condensed Hours (working more hours in less days)
What is misconduct?
Behaviour or actions that breach this code of conduct or other Police policies.
How long do you have to consider and respond to all requests for FEO?
1 month of receiving them as per the Employment Relations Act
What is inappropriate behaviour?
- Unethical behaviour
- Breaching code of conduct
- Harassment, bullying or discrimination
What are the 4 steps in the Performance Management process?
1) Informal discussion
2) The performance meeting
3) The performance plan (PIP)
4) Completion of the PIP to the required standard
What is the rule of law?
it defines the relationship of the government to its people. That people in a society should be governed by law and should be free from arbitrary government.
If you are the subject of any charges, EBA, drivers license suspension, speeding in excess of 40km above posted speed limit, what must you do?
You must as soon as possible, notify your supervisor in writing of the brief details and circumstances. Supervisor then forwards this on to PPC
Section 20 of the Policing Act 2008 refers to a ‘Code of Conduct’, what is this?
The code of conduct is a code prescribed by the commissioner of police that sets out the expected standards of behaviour from Police employees.
Applies to ALL forms of Police employees.
What is serious misconduct?
Behaviour or actions that breach this code of conduct or other Police policies and employment agreements and seriously undermine or damage the trust and confidence Police has in you, calling into question if the employment relationship can continue. It is behaviour or actions that may justify dismissal.
How can we be sure our conduct complies with the code of conduct? (SELF TEST)
Would your decision withstand SCRUTINY? Community, Police Service, Media.
Does my decision ENSURE compliance? Code of Conduct, Policy, General Instructions.
Is my decision LAWFUL? Laws, Regulations, Rules.
Is your decision FAIR? Community, Colleagues, Your family, Others.
Prevention First is designed to support and enhance the delivery of our KEY OUTCOMES / DELIVERY RULES: what are they
- prevent crime and victimization
- target and catch offenders
- deliver a more responsive Police service
What are the two documents at Our Business sits along side?
Our Priorities and Our Plan
Our mission is to prevent crime through exceptional policing, What is the first Peelian Principle?
The basic mission for which the police exist is to “prevent crime and disorder”.
What are the three delivery rules of prevention first?
PREVENT crime and victimization
TARGET and catch offenders
DELIVER a more responsive Police service
What is the crime triangle in relation to our deployment model?
- Provide support and assistance to those repeatedly victimized
- Act with urgency against repeat and priority offenders
- Maximize resources to locations that repeatedly suffer disproportionate levels of crime
What are the 6 drivers of demand?
Answer: Mental health Youth – Rangitahi Alcohol Families – whanau Roads Organized crime and drugs
M. Y. A. F. R. O
What are they five frameworks of the PHPF model?
Answer: F1 - strategy F2 - Any culture F3 – leader ship F4 - capability F5 – performance management
What are the police values?
Answer: Professionalism Respect, Integrity, Maori, commitment to Maori, Empathy, Diversity
P. R. I. M. E. D
Section 30 of the policing act adheres to command and control. What must every Police employee obey and be guided by?
General instructions and commissioners circular and any applicable local orders.
Lawful commands of a supervisor
In the absence of a supervisor responsibility devolves on a Police employee available who’s next in-line and in the case of equality the longest serving police employee.
No Police employee may in exercising any power, carrying any function of duty act under the direction, command or control of minister of the Crown or person who is not authorized under this act to command and control the actions of a police employee
What are some examples of misconduct? (6)
Breaching Police policies or procedures
Treating a person harshly
Using abusive or offensive language
Misuse of Police Internet or email systems
Being absent from work or late without proper reason
Bringing Police in to disrepute through any actions or behaviour
What are some examples of serious misconduct (9)
Answer: Being convicted of or pleading guilty to an offence Bullying or harassment Corruption – excepting a bribe, inducement or reward Sexual misconduct Theft or dishonesty of any kind Unauthorized access to NIA Repeated misconduct Making false declarations or statement Excess unjustified violence
What are the five principles underpin the Policy of Kia Tu?
Answer: People centric Trusted Responsive Safe Accountable
PC T. R. S. A
What are the four options to responding to unacceptable behavior?
Answer: Address it yourself Address it with support Address it with a manager Report it confidentially
When a police member has attended a critical incident what timeframe must the first appointment with a psychologist be made and what time frame should the second appointment occur within?
The first appointment with a psychologist will not occur earlier than 72 hours following a critical incident.
The second appointment should occur within 10 days post incident