Strategic Awareness Flashcards
Strategic Awareness
Our Business, What is our mission ?
To be the safest country
Strategic Awareness
Our Business, What is our purpose ?
Be safe, Feel safe
Strategic Awareness
Our Business, What is our Vision ?
To have the Trust and Confidence of all
Strategic Awareness
Our Business, What is our Motto ?
Safer Communities Together
Strategic Awareness
Our Business, What is our Goals ?
- Prevent Crime and Victimisation
- Target and catch offenders
- Deliver a more Responsive Community focused Police Service
Strategic Awareness
Our Strategies, What are our Strategies ?
- Prevention First
- Turning of the Tide
- Safer Journeys
- Wellness and Safety
Strategic Awareness Our Strategies, Describe these strategies ? - Prevention First - Turning of the Tide - Safer Journeys - Wellness and Safety
Prevention First
- “Taking every opportunity to prevent harm”
Turning of the Tide
- “Better outcomes for NZ by working in Partnership with Iwi”
Safer Journeys
- “Reducing and Preventing Road related trauma”
Wellness and Safety
- “Looking after our people”
Strategic Awareness
Our People, What is our strategy for them ?
- Valued
- Equipped and Enabled
- Safe and Feel Safe
- High Performing
- Victim Focused
- Visible
Strategic Awareness
Our Partnerships … Describe ?
“Working Together to achieve Collective Impact with Our Partners”
Strategic Awareness
Our Transformation Programme, What is this … and name the 6 directives ?
The Safest Country Policing 2021
- Building the Frontline
- Safer Whanau
- Iwi and Community Partnerships
- Evidence Based Policing
- Modernising our Service Delivery
- Police High Performance Framework
Strategic Awareness
Prevention First is designed to support and enhance the delivery of our key outcomes. What are these key “outcomes” ?
- Prevent crime and Victimisation
- Target and catch Offenders
- Deliver a more responsive Police service
Strategic Awareness
Prevention First puts people - victims, offenders, our staff - at the centre of our model. The core components of our model are … ?
- Deploy to beat demand
- Target the drivers of demand
- Mindset: taking every opportunity to prevent harm
Strategic Awareness
What is meant by “Deploy to beat demand” ?
We are “prepared and flexible”, allowing us to “mobilise resources pre-emptively” and quickly get on top of demand.
Strategic Awareness
What is meant by “Effective partnerships” ?
- Build strong relationships of trust and confidence in each other with Iwi Māori …
- Our communities and partner agencies, to share information and implement collaborative approaches.
Strategic Awareness
What does “CCI” stand for ?
Critical Command Information
Strategic Awareness
Target the drivers of demand … what are the 6 drivers ?
- Families – Whānau
- Youth – Rangatahi
- Alcohol
- Roads
- Organised crime and drugs
- Mental health
Strategic Awareness
Drivers of Demand … YOUTH …OT is investing in early intervention.
Evidence strongly supports what sort of approach to vulnerable rangatahi that allows their voice to be heard in the decisions that affect them ?
A “trauma-informed” approach
Strategic Awareness
“To deliver on Mindset”
Taking every opportunity to prevent harm, we will do what 7 things to improve victims, offenders and staff interactions ?
- Demonstrate our Values and Code of Conduct in every interaction
- Provide proactive and consistent service to victims and offenders by always using the risk assessment process
- Build relationships of trust to improve info. sharing with partner agencies that engage with victims and offenders
- Focus on victims’ needs in order to respond quickly and considerately
- Create useful Victim Intervention Plans and increase proportion of VIPs completed in each area
- Always use agreed offender management approach
- Make sure staff know how their work contributes to our organisational goals, through PHPF
Strategic Awareness - PHPF
Framework 1 - Strategy: The SPT is designed to help us … do what ?
Better connect ‘Our People’ to ‘Our Business’
Strategic Awareness - PHPF
Framework 2 – Culture: Consists of two tools … what are they ?
The Culture Transformation Tool™ (CTT); and
The Characteristics of a High Performing Team™ (CHPT).
Strategic Awareness - PHPF
Framework 2 – Culture: What are the Characteristics of a High Performing Team ?
- United
- Committed to excellence
- Individually accountable and responsible
- Supportive of one another
Strategic Awareness - PHPF
Framework 2 – Culture: Empowering staff to deliver our mission … The Executive want to empower every Police member to make the right call to deliver the outcomes. This requires a move away from … ?
A prescriptive-based culture to a more principle-based culture.
To do this, staff need clear understanding of organisation’s intent and their role or purpose in it.
Strategic Awareness - PHPF
Framework 3 - Leadership: SPS says that leadership isn’t about ‘control’ … it’s about … what ?
Influence and Enablement
Strategic Awareness - PHPF
Framework 3 - Leadership: The framework consists of two tools … name them ?
- Set / Enable / Expect
- Principal Responsibilities of Leadership
Strategic Awareness - PHPF
Framework 4 - Capability: What are the three levels of the Performance model
- Performance
- SKE (Skills, Knowledge, Experience)
- SOM (State of Mind)
Strategic Awareness - Turning of the Tide
To Tatau Manako - What is “Our Vision”
All Maori will live full and prosperous lives, free from crime and road trauma
Strategic Awareness - Turning of the Tide
A Tatau Uara - What is “Our Values” ?
“Aroha” - we all make mistakes, stand by people who accept responsibility, don’t turn back and judge them, don’t make excuses for them.
“Whakarira” - Each generation strives to better themselves, for their own sake and their children
“Manaakitanga” - We are hospitable, fair and respectful - to ourselves and others
Strategic Awareness - Turning of the Tide
Ta Tatau Whakatakanga - What is “Our Mission” ?
To protect our wellbeing by preventing crime, injury and death on our roads
Strategic Awareness - Turning of the Tide
O Tatau Whainga - What are “Our Objectives”
We will prevent opportunistic offending, crashes, by making both:
- more difficult
- more risky
- less rewarding
- less tempting
- less excusable
Strategic Awareness - Turning of the Tide
Ta Tatau Tikanga Whakahaere - Explain the three points of “Our Operating Model”
- Everyone Working together to prevent crime and crashes
- Extended families preventing crime and crashes among themselves
- Talking crime and crash prevention in our homes, schools and marae’s
Strategic Awareness - Turning of the Tide
A Tatau Mahi - Explain four points of “Our Work”, where Maori are looking for the best result and lasting change to sort out their social problems … ?
- Reducing Male absenteeism
- Improving Child supervision
- Keeping kids in schools
- Boosting Parenting skills
Strategic Awareness - Police Values
Name and explain briefly each one … ?
‘Professionalism’ - Look the part, be the part
‘Respect’ - Treat others as they would want to be treated
‘Integrity’ - Actions say it all
‘Commitment to Maori and the Treaty’ - Stand Together
‘Empathy’ - Walk in their shoes
‘Valuing Diversity’ - Many views, one purpose
Strategic Awareness - Policing Act 2008
Section 8, Principles of the Act … name the 6 principles ?
(a) principled, effective, efficient policing services are cornerstone of free and democratic society under rule of law:
(b) effective policing relies on public support and confidence:
(c) policing services provided under national framework, also have local community focus:
(d) policing services provided in manner respecting human rights:
(e) policing services provided independently and impartially:
(f) Every Police employee required to act Professionally, Ethically, with Integrity.
Strategic Awareness - Policing Act 2008
What is the rule of law ?(McDowell and Webb 2002 definition)
Is a fundamental characteristic of a democratic society
- defines relationship of government to its people:
“that people in a society should be governed by law and should be free from arbitrary government”
Strategic Awareness - Policing Act 2008
Section 9 – What are the Functions of Police ?
(a) keeping the peace:
(b) maintaining public safety:
(c) law enforcement:
(d) crime prevention:
(e) community support and reassurance
(f) national security:
(g) participation in policing activities outside New Zealand:
(h) emergency management
Strategic Awareness - Policing Act 2008
Section 10 – Roles of others acknowledged
It’s acknowledged important and valuable roles are played by—
(a) public agencies or bodies (for example, some State departments, local authorities); AND
(b) holders of certain statutory offices (ie: Maori wardens); AND
(c) parts of private sector (ie: private security industry).
Strategic Awareness - Policing Act 2008
Section 20 – Code of conduct
What must the Commissioner prescribe under this section ?
- Commissioner must prescribe code of conduct, stating standards of behaviour expected
- Duty of every employee to conduct himself in accordance with code of conduct.
Strategic Awareness - Policing Act 2008
Section 30 – Command and control
Every Police employee must obey and be guided by … what ?
(a) GI’s; AND
(b) Commissioner’s circulars; AND
(c) any applicable local orders.
Strategic Awareness - Policing Act 2008
Section 63 - Acting appointments. In case of Supervisor being absent from duty for any reason, the Commissioner may … do what ?
(a) appoint employee temporarily to any higher position; OR
(b) authorise employee to exercise or perform all or any powers and duties under this Act … (OR other enactment) … of any position higher than that of employee’s own level
Strategic Awareness - Policing Act 2008
Section 63 - Acting appointments. Can a Sgt authorise a joint certificate (with OT) if acting as a Senior Sgt
Are not legally authorised to complete the joint certificate UNLESS
- specifically authorised to under section 63(1)(b) OR
- been appointed as A/S/Sgt under section 63(1)(a).
Strategic Awareness - Complaints Involving Police (IPCA)
Section 13 – Duty of Commissioner to notify Authority of certain incidents involving Police acting in execution of duty causes, (appears to cause), death or serious bodily harm to any person … what are Police required to do ?
- Commissioner shall ASAP give Authority a written notice setting out particulars of incident in which the death or serious bodily harm was caused.
Strategic Awareness - Complaints Involving Police (IPCA)
Under Section 13 – Duty of Commissioner to notify Authority of certain incidents involving “death” or “serious bodily harm” … what does “Serious Bodily Harm mean” ?
Includes any:
- fracture
- deep laceration
- injury to internal organ
- impairment of a bodily function
- blow to the head, causes severe concussion
- injury results in hospitalisation
- allegation of sexual assault.
Strategic Awareness - Complaints Involving Police (IPCA)
Under Section 13 – Are there any exceptions to the “serious injury” meaning, where reporting to IPCA does not have to occur ?
DO NOT have to report dog bites where injury IS NOT a “deep” laceration … AND Subject has been admitted to hospital only to wash out and suture wound before subject is discharged.
Strategic Awareness - Complaints Involving Police (IPCA)
Section 15 – Duty of Commissioner to notify Authority of complaints … what is the timeframe for notification ?
- Notification must be given as soon as practicable, BUT
- no later than 5 working days after receipt of the complaint.
Strategic Awareness - Complaints Involving Police (IPCA)
Can the Commissioner notify about other matters other than death or serious bodily harm ?
Yes - any matter involving criminal offending or serious misconduct by a Police, where of “such significance” or “public interest” that it places “Police reputation at risk”.
ie: Self harm in custody (includes non-injury attempts also), non injury pursuits and Use of Force where public interest
Strategic Awareness - Police investigations of complaints and notifiable incidents (IPCA)
What are Key Principles underpinning the Police complaints process ?
- Complaints investigated in fair, timely, and effective manner.
- All reasonable steps taken to investigate complaints and notifiable incidents.
- Complaints and notifiable incidents investigated within guidelines of good practice, without bias or conflict of interest.
- All employees have right to be advised of any allegations against them and right to respond to those allegations.
Strategic Awareness - Police investigations of complaints and notifiable incidents (IPCA)
Where do Districts notify IPCA complaints to ?
Districts must notify complaints to the National Manager: Police Professional Conduct at PNHQ who in turn notifies the Authority. Districts MUST NOT notify Authority directly.
Strategic Awareness - Police investigations of complaints and notifiable incidents (IPCA)
What is the definition of a “Serious Complaint” ?
A complaint or issue of such significant public interest it puts, or is likely to place, Police’s reputation at risk.
Strategic Awareness - Conflicts of Interest
Where do you find the Conflict of Interest forms / declarations ?
Police forms in Word under:
- Police Professional Conduct / Independence of Investigation Conflict of Interest form.
Strategic Awareness - Conflicts of Interest
Where a complaint or issue arises, the employee receiving the information must immediately take steps to ensure that who gets the information ?
- District Police Professional Conduct Manager
- District Commander
- National Manager