Command And Control Flashcards
Command and Control
Under the Statement and Principles Policy, “How” will Police deliver this ?
- Ensure Staff aware of H and S
- Adhere to scope of Control and Command, it’s functions and environments it’s used in
- Familiarise principles of C and C
- ensure staff understand C and C roles and responsibilities
- Use Critical Incident Appreciation Process (AFCP)
- Familiarise NCCC purpose and Emergency Management platform of support
Command and Control
C and C consists of three essential elements … what are they ?
- Leadership
- Decision making
- Control
Command and Control
What are some of the reasons Police use the CIMS model ?
- Provides one model of command, control and coordination
- Consistent with interagency response in New Zealand
- Understood and practised by multi agency partners
- Consistent with command, control and coordination SOP’s in place (to National level)
- Provides platform for inter-operability with Australian police
- Already known at all levels of police and is operating norm for Frontline staff
- Does not require police to learn alternative methods of response
Command and Control
Policy Statement and Principles … What does Control and Command include ?
- Leadership, coordination, effective decision making
- Behaving lawfully and ethically
- With a prevention and victim focus.
Command and Control
When responding to an incident, the primary responsibility to ensure risk is managed appropriately is with who ?
The Incident Controller
Command and Control
Explain TENR ?
“Threat” - means any individual, act, or anything likely to cause harm or have the potential to hinder Police in the performance of their duties.
“Exposure” - is managed, including potential for harm (physical or otherwise) to people, or security of places or things.
“Necessity” - to intervene immediately is considered. Is there a need to intervene now, later, or not at all?
“Response” - is proportionate, and based on considered assessment of Threat, Exposure and Necessity.
Command and Control
What does the term ‘Control’ mean ?
Refers to the responsibility for coordinating and directing the response to an incident.
Command and Control
What does the term ‘Command’ mean ?
‘Command’ operates vertically within an organisation.
It describes the internal ownership, administrative responsibility, and detailed direction of an agency’s personnel and resources … also includes responsibility for the welfare, morale and discipline of assigned staff
Command and Control
What are the five response levels of CIMS ?
- National
- Regional
- Local
- Incident
- Community
Command and Control
What are the Obligations of a Controller or Commander ?
Has responsibility for;
- Community safety
- Health and well-being of staff and wider reputation of Police
- Must ensure behave lawfully, ethically, professionally.
Command and Control
The District Command Centres (DCCs) exist to support or enable … what ?
The control and command of critical incidents in the early stages.
Command and Control
AFCP - An outline plan does not need to be detailed but should contain sufficient information for the Controller to approve it. An outline plan will cover ?
- Situation - background to the operation
- Mission - further development of the aim
- Execution - what to be done, when, how, where, who will do it?
Command and Control
“RIOD” is described as what ?
- A platform to support command and control operations across Police.
- Provides a common operating picture based on a “single source of the truth” to ‘enhance situational awareness’ and ‘facilitate planning and collaboration’.
Command and Control
RIOD must be used to provide an integrated national common operating platform that links … ?
Intelligence, operations and deployment to enable policing to be:
well informed, well planned and well directed
Command and Control
Types of Orders
What are Warning Orders ?
A preliminary notice of an order or operation that will follow. Allows staff maximum time for preparations and must include:
• scope of the operation and probable tasks
• earliest time staff will be required, or degree of notice on which they are placed
• when and how detailed orders will be issued.
Command and Control
‘GSMEAC’ covers the key headings of … ?
- Ground
- Situation
- Mission
- Execution
- Administration and Logistics
- Command and Signals.