Strategic Awareness Flashcards
Summarise priority one protected communities
Reduce repeat victimisation through partnerships with government and non-government agencies and through social sector trials and the children’s action plan
Summarise priority two improved road safety
Focus on speed drink driving and distracted driving supporting government objectives for a more competitive and productive economy
Summarise priority three less crime
Target the drivers of crime youth, alcohol, organised crime, dysfunctional families and high risk driving
Summarise a priority four more valued services
Public trust and confidence enables witnesses and information provision. Maori and youth trust and confidence requires improvement
What four government priorities to police contribute to?
Responsibly managing finances, building a more competitive and productive economy, delivering better public services within budget, rebuilding Christchurch
What is prevention first?
The operating a strategy for police which places prevention at the forefront. Use community networks, act against priority and prolific offenders, manage crime hotspots and property locations. Deploy to beat demand and understand the drivers of crime change the mindset
What are the four components of deployment within prevention first?
Critical command information, tasking and coordination, workforce management, operational delivery execution
What are the key aspects of the families driver of crime?
Address family violence, use the child protection protocol, use intelligence from Maori and Pacific, target crime families
What are the key aspects of the youth driver of crime?
Prioritise family violence child abuse and neglect, use alternative actions, intervene among Maori and Pacific, increase young driver safety, work with the danger of alcohol and drugs
What are the key aspects of the alcohol driver of crime?
Foster responsible drinking through district collection plans, Alco link data, quality compliance checks, sale of alcohol to minors, target public place drinking
What are the key aspects of the road policing driver of crime?
Work with neighbourhoods towards locally lead prevention, work with established partners for education environmental design and vehicle safety, implement strategies under safer journeys
What are the key aspects of the organised crime and drugs driver of crime?
Enhance the national picture of organised crime, target priority offenders, improve tasking and coordination, target assets, understand youth gang activity and prevent recruitment
What are the six police values?
PRIMED professionalism look the part, respect treat others fairly, integrity, Maori and the treaty, empathy walk in their shoes, valuing diversity
What are the four key principles underpinning the police complaints process?
Fair timely and effective investigation, all reasonable steps taken to investigate complaints, investigate with good practice without bias or conflict, advise any allegations to employees
What serious complaints must a district Commander or national manager notifyto the commissioner?
If significant media coverage is expected, complaints involving commissioned officers or senior managers, executive police employees, any sexual incident
When must the PNHQ duty officer be contacted under the no surprises policy?
Death or serious injury arising from police duty, significant incidents such as Air sea search and rescue prison escape or terrorism, incidents involving MPs or diplomats, high profile criminal incidents, any complaint against police that could become public
What incidents are not entered onto the serious incident database?
Serious complaints against any sworn officer or police employee
In what situations must an investigator complete a conflict of interest declaration?
Category 12345 internal investigations from the IPCA, employment investigations not requiring notification
What are police’s four priorities for the government’s strategic goals over the next three years?
Protected communities, improved Road safety, less crime and more valued services