Search And Surveillance Flashcards
Define non-private premises
Premises to which members of the public are frequently permitted access including any part of a hospital, bus station, railway station, airport or shop
Define private communication
Communication weather oral, written or by telecommunication, made under circumstances that indicate any party desires it to be confined to the parties, does not include a communication to which any party to it may expect it may be intercepted by someone else without express or implied consent to do so
Define Trespass surveillance and visual surveillance device
Trespass surveillance involves Trespass to land or to goods, a visual surveillance device is any electronic, mechanical, electromagnetic, optical equipment or device capable of being used to observe or observe and record a private activity but does not include spectacles or contact lenses
Explain section 11 custody search without warrant of people who are or are to be locked up in police custody
You may search any person taken into lawful custody who is at a police station or to be locked up in other premises or about to be placed in a vehicle, before they are locked up. A person can be also searched after being locked up if they have been close to another person not locked up, close to another person locked up but not searched, or if they may have anything used to harm themselves
Define locked up
Means a person taken into lawful custody and placed behind a closed or locked door preventing them from leaving. Includes an interview room cell or charge room or a vehicle being used for police purposes other than for the immediate purpose of transport
When can a search warrant be issued - by an issuing officer being a district or High Court judge, Justice of the peace, community magistrate, registrar, deputy registrar authorised by the attorney general
When the issuing officer is satisfied you have reasonable grounds to suspect the offence specified and punishable by imprisonment has been, is being, or will be committed and believe that a search will locate evidential material relating to the specified offence in or on the place, vehicle or thing
When may the issuing officer allow a search warrant application to be made orally e.g. by telephone or by personal appearance?
If a written application would cause a delay that would compromise the effectiveness of the search and the warrant can be properly issued on the basis of an oral communication or personal appearance providing all the required information is supplied
When may the issuing officer allow an application for a search warrant to be made without a personal appearance or oral communication?
If satisfied that the warrant can be issued on the basis of written communication by the applicant and the information required for the application has been supplied and there is no need to ask any questions or seek any further information
What nine things must every search warrant application contain?
Name of applicant, authority used, grounds, address or description of the place, evidential material sought, period for which the warrant is sought, whether more than one execution is required and if so why, any further information required, details of any other application for that place within last three months.
What must search warrant applications not contain?
The name of, or any other information, that could identify an informant and an assertion or statement that the applicant knows to be false as this is an imprisonable offence
What must the issuing officer not require the applicant to disclose?
The name address or other identifying details of an informant, unless and to the extent such information is necessary to assess either the credibility of the informant and or whether there is a proper basis for issuing the warrant
Outline section 117 special powers where a search warrant is pending
If an application has not yet been granted or refused and you believe before the warrant can be issued evidence may be CADD then you may enter and secure the place and secure any items and direct any person to assist. Only for six hours or the warrant is available or the warrant is refused
Explain section 127 special power of entry to execute vehicle search warrants where a search warrant is issued authorising the entry and search of a vehicle
You may enter any place you believe the vehicle is in to locate and search the vehicle, you may also move a vehicle to search or safe keep it.
Explain the requirements of section 104, if required by the issuing officer you must complete a search warrant detailing what?
Whether the warrant was executed, whether evidence was seized and if so whether it was specified in the warrant, seized under section 123 or partially specified in the warrant and partially seized under section 123, whether any other powers exercised resulted in the seizure of evidence and whether any criminal proceedings have been brought
What are the three types of surveillance devices and what does a surveillance device warrant allow you to do?
Audio interception device, tracking device, visual surveillance device. Allows you to obtain evidence about a suspected offence if you suspect an offence has been committed and believe using a surveillance device will obtain evidential material
For what purposes is a surveillance device warrant required?
To intercept a private communication, use a tracking device, observe and or record private activity in private premises, use a device involving Trespass onto private property, observe private activity in curtilage for a single or connected investigation for more than three hours in 24 hours or eight hours in total
In what circumstances is a surveillance device warrant not required?
If you are lawfully on private premises and record what you observe or hear there without the use of a surveillance device, you make a covert audio recording of voluntary communication with consent of one party, or you are carrying out surveillance using a device authorised by another enactment
What is permitted in the following circumstances - suspect an offence punishable by 14 years, suspect an offence is being committed likely to cause injury or damage or risk to life, a person is carrying arms incapable of proper control, suspect an arms act offence being committed, suspect a drug offence or possession?
If you believe a surveillance device would obtain evidence, prevent the offending, assist in seizing the arms, you may use the device for less than 48 hours in total without a warrant if you are entitled to apply for a surveillance device warrant but doing so is impracticable in the circumstances
Define curtilage
Land immediately surrounding a house but not open fields beyond, the boundary within which a home owner can have a reasonable expectation of privacy