What is the third part of routine urinalysis?
Microscopic examination of urinary sediment
What is the purpose of microscopic examination of urine?
To detect and identify insoluble materials in the urine
To identify and quantitate the elements present
What are the (4) components that contribute formed elements in the urine?
- Blood
- Kidney
- Lower genitourinary tract (GUT)
- External contamination
What are the (11) formed elements in the urine?
- RBCs
- WBCs
- Epithelial cells
- Casts
- Bacteria
- Yeast
- Parasites
- Mucus
- Spermatozoa
- Crystals
- Artifacts
Are all elements in the urinary sediment clinically significant? Why or why not?
No, some of the components are not clinically significant, hence, they are considered normal not unless they are present in increased amounts, hence, identification and quantitation of urinary sediment must be done
Microscopic analysis is subject to what (4) procedural variations?
- The methods by which the sediment is prepared
- The volume of sediment actually examined
- The methods and equipment used to obtain visualization
- The manner in which results are reported
What is the significance of the given screening test?
Screening test = Color
What is the significance of the given screening test?
Screening test = Blood
RBCs, RBC casts
What is the significance of the given screening test?
Screening test = Clarity
Hematuria vs hemoglobinuria/myoglobinuria
Confirm pathological or nonpathological; cause of turbidity
What is the significance of the given screening test?
Screening test = Protein
Casts, cells
What is the significance of the given screening test?
Screening test = Nitrite
Bacteria, WBCs
What is the significance of the given screening test?
Screening test = Leukocyute esterase
WBCs, WBC casts, bacteria
What is the significance of the given screening test?
Screening test = Glucose
What is the meaning of CLSI?
The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute