Story 1 Vocabulary Flashcards
In a suitable state for action or situation, to be fully prepared
listo (ready)
enjoyment, amusement, light-hearted pleasure
diversion (fun)
discover something by chance
encontrar (find)
careful to avoid problems or dangers
cauteloso (cautious)
very enthusiastic and eager
emocionado (excited)
to approach
acercarse (approach)
walk quietly and carefully with one’s heels raised
de puntillas (tiptoe)
give out steady light without flame
brillar (glow)
a glittering flash of light
chispa (sparkle)
take or move someone or something somewhere suddenly
llevar rápidamente
vegetation consisting of typically short plants with long, narrow leaves, growing wild or cultivated on lawns and pasture, and as a fodder crop.
pasto (grass/ pasture)
giving a feeling of comfort, warmth, and relaxation.
acogedora (cozy)
a rug usually used as a floor covering
alfrombra (carpet)
the feet of an animal
patas (paws)
to be with another person
juntos (together)
a method, style, or manner of doing something
forma (way)
operate or function properly, efficiently, smoothly
funcionar muy bien (to work well)
to be of age
viejo (old)
a container with flat sides and bottom
caja (box)
a doorway or an entrance
become larger or greater over a period of time
crecer (grow)
the state of being friends
amistades (friendship)
To describe a radical or drastic permanent change
convertirse en (to bcecome)
when something or someone grows in strength
más fuerte (stronger)
in the intervening period between (the time mentioned) and the time under consideration, typically the present.
desde (since/from)
at that time; at the time in question; then
to treasure
a reminder
to happen
suceder/ pasar (to happen)
“Pasar” is a more general verb that can mean “to happen,” “to occur,” or “to pass.”
It is often used to describe events, situations, or actions taking place. “Pasar” can refer to both planned and unplanned events, as well as specific incidents or occurrences.
“Suceder” also means “to happen” or “to occur,” but it often emphasizes the succession or sequence of events. It is commonly used to describe a series of events or a particular order in which things happen. “Suceder” can imply a cause-and-effect relationship or a logical progression of events.
It is often used in more formal or narrative contexts.
to be unexpected in a good way, causing great wonder
sorprendente (suprising/ amazing)