Stomach Flashcards
.4 cun lateral to corner of mouth directly below the pupil
Rx: Bell’s Palsy, Trigeminal Neuralgia, facial paralysis
+ST6 (threading technique), LI4, ST44
One finger width ant & sup to the lower angle of the mandible where masseter is prominent when the teeth are clenched and depressive when it is pressed
RX: Bell’s Palsy, Trigeminal Neuralgia, facial paralysis
+ST6 (threading technique), LI4, ST44
On lat side of forehead, .5 cun within the anterior hairline and 4.5 cun lateral to DU-24 at corner of forehead
Rx: YangMing headaches (across forehead), dizziness d/t phlegm
+ST44, LI4 for yangming ha
+ST40 for dizziness
In 5th intercostal space 4 cun lateral to midline directly below nipple
Rx: mastitis, insufficient lactation, premenstrual breast swelling, breast lumps
+Ren17, SI1, ST18 to increase lactation
+Ren17, SI1,GB21 for mastitis
+LV3, LI14 for PMS breast swelling
6 cun above umbilicus and 2 cun lat to CV/REN-14
Rx: descends & regulates ST Qi, supporting point for Ren12
+Ren12, ST21
2 cun lateral to midline & 4 cun superior to umbilicus level w/ CV/REN-12
Rx: descends & regulates ST qi, supporting PT for Ren12, lifts abdomen for abdominal prolapse
+Ren12, ST19 to descend ST qi
+ST36, CV6, Du20 for prolapse
3 cun above umbilicus 2 cun lat to REN/CV-11
Rx: resolves damp in the middle jiao
+Ren11, Ren9
2 cun lateral to center of umbilicus
Rx: abdominal distension, constipation, diarrhea (xs type)
+Ren12, ST36, ST37 for abd distension
+TH6, KI6, ST25, BL25 for constipation
+ST36 for diarrhea
2 cun below umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to CV/REN-5
Rx: regulates qi in lower jiao for qi stagnation issues, stops pain & expels cold
3 cun below umbilicus (CV-8), 2 cun lat to midline
Rx: regulates fluids in lower jiao for water accumulation & menstrual disorders
+Ren9, TH4, BL22, BL39
4 cun below umbilicus in line with CV/Ren3, 2 cun lat to midline
Rx: regulates blood in the lower jiao for blood stasis issues
Xi Cleft
In line btw lat border of patella and SAIS, in depression 2 cun proximal to sup border of patella
Rx: all types of pain issues in the ST channel, especially cold
+SP4 for cold accumulation
+ST40 to move ST qi in cases of Qi stag
Earth, Horary 7am-9am, Command point of Abdomen
3 cun below ST-35 and 1 finger-breadth (middle finger) from ant border of tibia
Rx: tonify Qi & blood, regulate middle jiao qi, command of the Fu organs, can treat xs & xu conditions and heat or cold syndromes
+Ren12, PC6 for epigastric issues
+Ren12 for abdominal issues
+GB39 to prevent wind stroke
+BL39 to build immunity
Lower He-Sea of LI, Point of Sea of Blood
6 cun below ST-35 and 1 finger width from ant border of tibia
Rx: regulates LI Qi for all LI xs
Lower He-Sea of SI, Point of Sea of Blood
9 cun inf to ST-35 & 1 finger width lat to ant border of tibia
Rx: regulates SI qi for all SI disorders, xs or xu
8 cun sup to tip of ext malleolus, lat to ST38, 2 finger-breadths to the ant border of tibia
Rx: for all types of phlegm issues, visible or invisible, descends ST qi to calm mind, move ST qi stagnation
+ST21 or ST19, KI21 to descend ST qi
+ST34 to move ST qi in cases of ST qi stag
Between 2nd and 3rd toes, .5 cun proximal to margin of the web
Rx: clears heat in YangMing channel, treats YangMing headaches (on forehead), helps with Trigeminal Nueralgia and face paralysis
+LI4 for facial issues
+LI11 to clear heat