Bladder Flashcards
In the depression slightly above the inner canthus
Rx: treats insomnia & somnolence, crossing point for Yang Qiao, Yin Qiao, SI & ST channels
+KI6 (tonify), BL62 (sedate) for insomnia
+KI6 (sedate), BL62 (tonify) for somnolence
1.3 cun lat to midpoint of the posterior hairline and in the depression on the lateral aspect of trapezius
Rx: occipital headaches
Influential Point of Bone
1.5 cun lateral to T1
Rx: strengthens the bones, treats Bone BI, late closing of fontanels, osteoporosis and chronic arthritis
+GB39 (Influential Point of Marrow) for bone issues
1.5 cun lateral to T2
Rx: crossing point for Du Channel, releases wind, builds immunity
+LI4 for external wind
+ST36 to build immunity
Lungs Correspondence / AE of LU /Back Shu of LU
1.5 cun lateral to T3
Rx: tonifies the lungs, treats cough and asthma, treats chronic diseases
+BL13, BL43, Du12
Pericardium Correspondence / AE of PC /Back Shu of PC
1.5 cun lateral to T4
Rx: treats PC blood xu
Heart Correspondence / Back Shu of HT
1.5 cun lateral to T5
Rx: regulates the HT, stops palpitations, helps insomnia
+Ren14, PC6, HT7 for palpitations
+HT7, SP6, Anmian for insomnia
Diaphragm Correspondence / Influential Point of Blood
1.5 cun lateral to T7
Rx: cools the blood, regulates blood and regulates the diaphragm
+Ren12, ST36, PC6 for hiccups
+SP10 to regulate and cool the blood
Liver Correspondence / Back Shu of LV
1.5 cun lateral to T9
Rx: tonifies LV Blood and treats Jaundice
+ST36, BL20 to tonify the blood
+SP9, ST36, BL19, Du9 for jaundice
Gall Bladder Correspondence / Back Shu of GB
1.5 cun lateral to T10
Rx: treats GB excess conditions like Damp or Damp Heat
+SP9, ST36, BL18, Du9 for Jaundice
Spleen Correspondence / Back Shu of Spleen
1.5 cun lateral to T11
Rx: tonifies the SP, builds qi & blood, XS diarrhea
+ST36, BL21 to build qi & blood
+ST36 (alone) for XS diarrhea
Stomach Correspondence / Back Shu of ST
1.5 cun lateral to T12
Rx: tonifies ST qi and yang
+ST36, Ren6, Ren12, Ren9
Triple Heater/SanJiao Correspondence / Back Shu of TH/SJ
1.5 cun lateral to L1
Rx: regulates water passages, promotes water metabolism
+BL39, TH4, SP9, SP6
Kidney Correspondence / Back Shu of Kidney
1.5 cun lateral to L2
Rx: tonifies KI yang, qi, essence and blood, treats low back
+BL40, Du3 for low back pain
Large Intestine Correspondence / Back Shu of LI
1.5 cun lateral to L4
Rx: clears heat and moves qi stagnation, clears local cold
+SP15 to move qi stagnation
+LI11, LI2, ST44 to clear heat
+BL26 for local cold stag leading to low back pain
Small Intestine Correspondence / Back Shu of SI
1.5 cun lateral to GV @ level of the 1st (outer) sacral foramen
Rx: warms SI yang for SI xu cold
+Ren6 (moxa) to tonify yang
Bladder Correspondence / Back Shu of BL
1.5 cun lateral to GV @ level of the 2nd (outer) sacral foramen
Rx: treats xs & xu BL conditions
Second Sacral Bone
on the sacrum, medial and inferior to the posteriosuperior iliac spine, just at the 2nd (inner) posterior sacral foramen
Rx: XS in lower jiao, dysmenorrhea d/t blood stasis
+SP8 for blood stasis in LJ
Lower He-Sea of SJ/TH
lateral to BL40 on the medial border of the tendon of biceps femoris
Rx: regulates water, improves water metabolism
+BL22, TH4, Ren9, SP9
midpoint of the transverse crease of the popliteal fossa, btw the tendons of biceps femoris & semitendinosus
Rx: low back pain, cools heat in the blood, fainting point, treats skin conditions, sunstroke
+BL23, Du3 for low back pain
+LI4, LI11, SP10 for skin diseases
Outer Shu of LU
3 cun lateral to T3 on same level as BL13
Rx: strengthens the spirit aspect of the PO
Outer Shu of PC
3 cun lateral to T4, level w/ BL14
Rx: treats chronic diseases such as TB, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, rare cancers
+Du12, BL13 direct moxa
Outter Shu of Heart
3 cun lateral to T5, level w/ BL15
Rx: strengthens the spirit aspect of SHEN
Outer Shu of LV
3 cun lateral to T9, level w/ BL18
Rx: strengthens the spirit aspect of the HUN tonifies the GB for GB xu
Outter Shu of GB
3 cun lat to T10, level w/ BL19
Rx: treats jaundice due to Damp Cold in the SP
Outter Shu of the SP
3 cun lat to T11, level w/ BL20
Rx: strengthens the spirit aspect of the Yi
Outter Shu of the KI
3 cun lat to L2, level w/ BL23
Rx: treats infertility, strengthens the spirit aspect of the Zhi (wilpower)
posterior midline of leg, btw BL40 & BL60 in a pointed depression formed below the gastroc muscle belly when leg is stretched or heel is lifted
Rx: treats hemorrhoids
7 cun directly above BL60 on the post border of the fibula, about 1 cun lateral and inferior to BL57
Rx: distal point for low back pain according to Host Guest theory
in the depression between the tip of the external malleolus & Achilles’ tendon
Rx: treats upper back pain especially Taiyang (occipital) headaches
Eight Confluent
in the depression directly below the external malleolus
Rx: opens the Yang Qiao, treats somnolence, insomnia & daytime epilepsy, benefits the brain
+KI6 (tonify), BL62 (sedate) for insomnia
+KI6 (sedate), BL62 (tonify) for somnolence
on lateral side of the foot, directly below the anterior border of the external malleolus, on the lower border of the cuboid bone
Rx: clears heat in the BL channel, UTI
Water, Horary 3pm-5pm
anterior to the fifth metatarsophalangeal joint at the junction of the red and white skin
Rx: clears heat in the BL channel
Metal, Exit
on the lateral side of the small toe, about 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail
Rx: treats JueYin (vertex) headaches, moxa for breech babies, helps release oxytocin for labor
+LV3, Du20 for JueYin headaches