Stoicism 101 Flashcards
Happiness is ______ health and well _____.
Discipline your eating habits: no more sugar! If Marcus Aurelius can sleep on the floor, you can give up sugar… once and for all. Just think it through. SOS = Stay Out of Stores. Grocery shop AFTER eating, NOT before. Use the replacement idea to form a new habit instead of trying to break a bad habit. My relationship with my Daimon, my conscience, is my most important relationship. I am the best friend of my Daimon, my soul. Forgive yourself right now! You are getting stronger and stronger.
My inner me is my inner ____
My me that is watching me.
My healing soul.
My conscience.
Wisdom is the _____ of life: The ____ ___ work.
Live congruent with time honored principles.
What can I change, what can I NOT change?
Reflect on the three golden questions:
What works? Why it does? How to do it?
Justice is a ______ and _____ balance.
Living with ______.
Integrity is the moral courage to make my decisions based on my knowledge of right and wrong.
Fortitude is ______ with hardship, with difficulty.
Press on in spite of obstacles.
Courage enables and vitalizes all other virtues.
Fortitude with courage is to move in spite of fear.
Temperance is not too ____ not too ____, in Swedish it’s ______
Self-restraint. Practice self-restraint with food, sweets, candy, etc. You can do this! Remind yourself.
Lagom means “just the right amount”. The word can be variously translated as “in moderation”, “in balance”, “perfect-simple”, and “suitable” (in matter of amounts).
Get yourself into action, ____ into the ____.
No. 1 Rule of Stoicism is _____ .
Self-control, self-discipline. No matter what.
Some things are in your control.
Some things are not in your control.
Care only about what is in your control.
- live with virtue
- control your thoughts
- control your behaviors
- love mercy
- do justly
- walk humbly with your God.
If something happens to you, choose how to think, react and feel about it. Pause for a mindful moment. Choose to think about it with your values and virtue. As you do this, you will feel a certain way: Mindfully dispute irrational or inaccurate thoughts. Choose the most empowered response.
Practice self-control all the time!
Tranquility is to_____ your way then ___ your way.
Play your given role well:
Where ere thou art, act well thy part.
- Be congruent with your higher self, your values.
- Be what you wish to seem.
- Walk your path: steeped in virtue.
- Play as powerful and fully as you can.
Stay grounded: calm, confident, and tranquil.
Reserve Clause: focus on your _____.
Do your best, forget the rest. Process is a way to discipline yourself, ground yourself. I can do this but it will be hard. Nothing is certain. An archer is responsible for shooting the arrow straight. An archer is Not responsible for hitting the target (wind, quality of feathers, wood, bow string strength, etc. could impact the flight of the arrow).
- Have goals but focus on Process.
- Create a smart step by step (SBS) Process.
- Let go of attachment to outcomes focus on Process.
The Art of Acquiescence: It’s not a good idea to argue with ___, the universe, or ____: You will lose.
The stoic idea is to be energized, yet tranquil and not attached: loving what is.
You can only control your thoughts and behavior and thereby influence the next moment but you cannot control it.
You can be a good influence on others, you cannot control them. They are free agents just like you are. Free to choose: right over wrong, virtue over vice, thankfulness over despair. You choose. You influence. That’s it, that’s all you can do.
Equanimity: When life hits you, how _____ do you get ____ again?
What knocks you down?
How long does it take you to get up again?
Practice what helps you find your balance.
OMMS – obstacles make me stronger.
Our body’s, our minds, adapt with pressure – within reason.
I don’t care about _____ things.
I care deeply about living a virtuous life.
I am mindful and pay attention.
Note: If your attention is on the world around you, you will not be in touch with your Daimon.
Why care what people think of you?
- You know your virtuous intentions.
- That’s what counts… your intentions.
- Build potential with focused virtue.
My ideal Sage is ____ _____.
Jesus Christ
What makes him special?
Jesus inspires me.
What would Jesus do?
Retreat to _____ and _____ .
What’s going on now?
Maybe its time to hit your journal.
Dismiss cravings: jump to journal.
The purpose of these _____ is to give myself time to _____ and ____ before returning to the fray of everyday life.
During my ____, I learn and reflect on fundamental ____ and ____ to help me make good, ____ decisions.
Dye your ___ with a new color.
Color your soul with a good, smart attitude, your sentiments. Take time for wisdom, reasoning, and the benefits of virtue.
Remember and reflect on what you did ___.
Boost yourself.
Ponder and ____ over your ____.
pray flocks
Becoming _____ would be the highest version of yourself right now.
Practice elements of Stoicism every day.
I am a _____ and ____ person, well _____, and able to do what I need to do, when I need to do it.
______ is to know your path, then to walk ___ ___, live well, and to stay in your lane.
your path
Energize your path: build Potential Energy as you go.
Reflect on fundamental truths:
eating, moving, sleeping.
Keep a journal.
Mental health is the ____ and ____to reflect on what I have ___ NOT on what I have ____ out on.
intention potential learned
How could you train your mind to apply wisdom?
I would ____ wisdom.
I continue to study and to develop my mind.
Intense, hard-driving wisdom.
Emotional stability is a function of a trained mind.
Reflect on time honored truths.
Habit 1: Be ___.
Creating or controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than responding to it after it has happened.
Creating or controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than responding to it after it has happened is being _____.
Habit 2: Begin with the ___ in ____.
Habit 3: Put ____ Things ___.
Habit 4: Think ____ ____.
Habit 5: Seek ____ to _____, Then to be _____.
Habit 6: _____
To combine or coordinate the activity of (two or more agents) to produce a joint effect greater than the sum of their separate efforts.
Habit 7: Sharpen the ____.
These are principles of self-renewal. Reflect on Values, Principles, Drives, etc. Practice a new skill.
Fear is the ____ of dreams
Positive coaching by Jim Thompson.
Success equals ____ over _____.
S = E/T.
Strong effort within reasonable time, wins over weak motivation with procrastination.
I ____ my activities by understanding the _____ of my actions.
ASK: ask, seek, knock
Understand the answer to “Why am I about to do this”?
Think it through.
Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
____ more of what you _____.
Jesus reminds us that it is more blessed to give than to receive.
Ya gotta give to get! Earl Nightengale mentions if you want heat from a furnace, put in the wood first. Give to get. Build potential first, then spend it wisely.
I’m gonna ____ it.
From a U of Md classmate. He made a difference in my life. Endeavor to do the same in someone else’s life.
George Washington had ____ his ideals.
There was no ____ between what he _____ to and what he did.
What you put ____ into gets bigger.
Be careful where you spend your energy.
Keep your heart pure.
Understand your values.
I am an ____ manager.
I continuously choose good energy for good outcomes. Smart values build useful energy. Pay attention to what is valuable to you. Something that will help get you where you want to go. Avoid stupid! Remember: begin with your end in mind (not someone else’s)!
Thou shalt ____ the Lord with all thy ____, with all thy ___, and with all thy ____.
Take care of your inner daimon, your soul, live to be proud of yourself.
Faith is ____ on with ____ and well measured thought, believing that your ____ on is right.
Go as far as you can see.
When you get there, you will see farther. - Thomas Carlyle
____ is the key to happiness.
Especially forgiving yourself for every stupid, immoral, dumb thing you have ever done. No way can you change your past. You must focus on your future, make smarter decisions, be more virtuous: Be someone else’s good example.
Practice living with virtue all day long!
If any of you lack ____, let him ask of ___, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
- New Testament, James 1:5
I am sensitive and ____ to all people all the time. No Matter What.
I choose to _____ 170 pounds.
I can do it and I am worth it.
I limit carbs to 20mg every day.
Walk several 15 minute segments every day.
Walk two 60 minute segments every weekend.
No matter what!
Plant the right _____.
Habitually feed it with strong ____ thought.
Always directed toward the ___ in mind.
This seed will grow into a mighty force, finding ways and means to overcome any obstacle.
When your ____ and ____ for something are well understood, then your ___ ____ ____ ____ develops.
When your why to do it is well understood, your how to do it follows. You become excited in the right direction.
values reasons
why to do it
When you think ___ ___ ___ this, then and only then,
the ___ ___ ___ it develops.
I can DO
how to DO
Keep a positive attitude!
Maintain your thinking on how to be successful.
Focus on your process.
Engage and re-engage your reasoning faculty.
Look for ___.
Understand ____.
Well developed values are the seed corn for your next smart decision making harvest. Make time to increase the value potential in your soul. Values contained in your soul build and enable your ability to make smart decisions.
Make every step ____.
Think it through. Go over your homework, your algebra problems, your health classes, again and again. Look for flaws. Make corrections. Have questions? Get some tutoring or ask out loud in class.
What is the ____ version of _____ right now?
Stoics endeavor to always have their best possible self on display.
Divide externals into what I can _____ and what I cannot ____.
But, be a good influence.
Exercise sound ____ about events.
Think it through.
Practice ____. Be teachable.
You suffer more in _____ than in reality.
Our actions may be _____ but not our _____ and dispositions.
Make time for sound intention statements.
Reflect on what you intend to accomplish today.
Embrace ____, _____, _____, and Fortitude.
Use PTJF as a guide in decision making.
You could leave life right now.
Let that determine what you ____, _____, and ____.
When I have my reasons well understood:
- I grow in the “I ___ do”
- which motivates my “I ____ do”
- followed by my “I ___ ___”.
I keep a smart, positive attitude!
Ikigai is an understanding of:
What you ____ to do,
What you are ____ at,
What the world ____, and
What you can be _____ for.
GRIT helps you do your Ikigai today and come back tomorrow.
Grit is about having a ____ you care about so much that it ____ and gives ____ to ____ you do.
Focus! You cannot chase two rabbits with one dog!
Grit is ____.
Grit is ____ , ____ and ____ for long term ____.
- commitment
- perseverance
- passion
- goals
Commit, persevere, excite…
Citius, Altius, Fortius
Faster, Higher, Stronger
Your ____ and your ____ are the ____ and ____ for your seafaring soul.
reason passion rudder power
from the philosophy of Kahil Gibran.
Stoics ____ to let outside ____ or influences decide their ____, their ___.
Resilience comes from your ___ to ____ your ___ no matter what!
Remind ___ that ___ is short.
What matters most is how you choose to view your life. Understand what is meant by paradigm. Your perspective, your attitude (ask yourself: What works? Why it does, and How to do it?)
Retreat to your own faculty of ___.
Rise above external events. Contemplate impermanence.
If this would seem ___ to me twenty years from now, then why shouldn’t I view it as ____ today instead of worrying about it as if it is a catastrophe?
Live in ____ with ____.
agreement nature
Stoicism teaches us to keep calm, focus on what you can control. Spend your energy wisely… no matter what! Do NOT waste mental energy on things you have no control over. They are going to happen no matter how much worry you expend. Figure out how you can influence things, then focus on those things.
Live with ___.
virtue, arete, the highest of all goods. It helps to reflect on your Ikigai. Pay attention to this!
Ikigai, a Japanese philosophy, is something that gives a person a reason for living. Your Ikigai is:
- What you love to do
- What the world needs
- What you can be paid for
- What you are good at.
Virtues are how you spend your values, your built up potential energy. Potential energy built up with doing your homework, paying attention in class, turning off your distractive smart phone. You flourish with reasoning, rational, well thought through human nature. Live the smart good life with minimal regrets: The sooner the better. Take time to learn about virtues, then live your life with virtues always being over your shoulder.
The Greek word arete has two meanings. Arete as a person is the Greek goddess of virtue and knowledge. Arete as a concept is a word which means “excellence,” “fulfillment,” or “virtue.” Arete in early Greek moral thought is something striven for throughout one’s life.
Focus on what you can ___, accept what you can’t.
Remember: You can always be a good influence.
Doing the right thing is enough.
Distinguish between the ____, ____, and indifferent things.
The ___ things include the ____ virtues.
good bad good cardinal
The cardinal virtues are:
- prudence
- temperance
- justice
- courage
Add in a little self-discipline too!
Take ____.
A true philosopher is a ____ of the ____, not a warrior of the ____.
warrior mind library
Reading about how to be a good driver, how to earn your learner’s permit helps and is worthwhile. Where the rubber meets the road, however, is how you act behind the wheel. How you pay attention, how you avoid distractions.
Ask: What could go _____?
What could go ____?
wrong right
Seneca: Nothing happens to the wise man against his expectations.
In other words, well measured thought wins the day.
Lincoln lamented that he was governed more by events than by well measured thought.
The idea of premeditation is to help you get ready for adversity NOT to cause it to happen.
Add a ____ ____ to your actions.
reserve clause
Stoic students are meant to do the right thing, to do your best that you are capable of… but, after giving it your best, accept the outcome.
- Do your very best to succeed
- Know and accept that the outcome is beyond your direct control
Love everything that ____.
Epictetus: Seek not for events to happen as you wish but rather wish for events to happen as they do and your life will go smoothly.
Turn obstacles into opportunities: ___ and ____ are key.
How you look at things!
Your paradigm.
Smart, informed paradigm is key. What is going on with your attitude right now? Are you really thinking positive about your future?
____ is how you see and understand what happens to you, and what you decide those events will ___.
This is what is meant by a paradigm, how we see and interpret things. Your perception grows and changes as you learn more, keep an open mind, and grow up.
Be ___. Stoic mindfulness is where it all begins.
You need some mindfulness to practice Stoicism.
Being mindful is about being aware enough to take a step back from your own thoughts, then choose the best action instead of mindlessly being on autopilot.
Add daily reflection, daily journaling to help you grow yourself to success. Don’t just go through life, GROW through life.
Daily reflection:
- What ____ did I do today?
- What could I do ____?
- How can I be the best version of myself?
- What do I want to change?
How should a stoic warrior of the mind live?
A Stoic warrior should live with reason and ethics most every minute.
- Reject perfectionism: Just keep getting better and better, smarter and smarter.
- Practice patience as you continue to improve.
- Become a champion with Stoicism… a smart, resilient teenager.
- Citius : Faster
- Altius : Higher
- Fortius : Stronger
What should you picture yourself as?
Picture yourself as you want to be: One living with virtue, ethics, courage, and effective.
- express your ideal self always
- show you are congruent with virtuous principles
- Teach others with your good example.
Your vision is your preview of your life’s coming attractions.
What should you make every step?
Make every step Deliberate. Take your time, think it through, give your reasoning faculties a chance!
- Be mindful
- Start with a smart action
- Do it right on purpose!
What disturbs you more than events?
Your opinion of what just happened.
Remember, its your judgment about an event that makes you feel up or down, not always what just happened.
Employ reason and the sooner the better. Ask yourself:
What works?
Why it does?
How to do it?
To impede ____, test impressions.
Think twice, speak ___.
Absorb reality.
Ask, Seek, Knock…
Mind the gap between the stimulus and your response.
Think it through, take your time.
Focus on what you can control
Spend your precious mental energy only on what you can control.
Take a minute to really understand yourself, your strengths, weaknesses, network of friends, and resources. If you can solve the problem go ahead. If not, go talk to your parents! Asking for help is a strength… it means that you care about getting better, making smarter decisions, growing in wisdom and virtue.
Take responsibility
Refuse to allow circumstances dictate your wellbeing.
Ask yourself:
- How can I handle this?
- Who can help me?
- Call a friend.
- Think it through.
Remember: You are a rule learner and a rule follower.
Practice self-discipline. Hold yourself accountable.
Contemplate the four cardinal virtues.
Be congruent with the cardinal virtues:
- prudence
- temperance
- justice
- fortitude
The Cardinal virtue of justice is formed by ___ and ___.
When you practice kindness in your interactions while being fair, you automatically dye your soul with the attribute, the virtue of justice.
Prudence is ____
Common sense
Temperance is ____
Not too much, not to little… just right.
Justice is ____
Kindness plus fairness.
Fortitude is ____
Faith over fear.
Competence breeds confidence.
Make and take time to get good to excellent at something.
Self-confidence will come as a by-product… guaranteed!
What must I mind between stimulus and response? _____
I must mind the gap between when I sense the stimulus and the time I respond. The time to think things through is the time between the stimulus and your response. Will you be ready? Have you done your homework? How did you spend your time to get ready to respond in a smart, well thought through way? President Lincoln lamented that he was governed more by events than by well measured thought. He wanted to be proactive, but was governed by political stimuli.
“The one thing you can’t take away from me is the way I choose to respond to what you do to me. The last of one’s freedoms is to choose one’s attitude in any given circumstance.” ― Viktor E. Frankl
How can a teenager become successful in life?
What does Victor Frankl say about this?
“Don’t aim at success. The more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side effect of one’s personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself or as the by-product of one’s surrender to a person other than oneself. Happiness must happen, and the same holds for success: you have to let it happen by not caring about it. I want you to listen to what your conscience commands you to do and go on to carry it out to the best of your knowledge. Then you will live to see that in the long-run—in the long-run, I say!—success will follow you precisely because you had forgotten to think about it” ― Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning
Who is in charge of your attitude?
Your disposition?
How you see things?
You are in charge of your attitude. Your wisdom, your insight, your values, your ethics all play a part in your attitude.
To develop and maintain a good attitude, employ three golden questions:
- What works?
- Why it does?
- How to do it?
Over and over again.
One philosopher (a gal I had a date with) from my past advanced the notion that “Questions are the answer”.
Keep asking questions.
Answers are just around the bend.
“Those who have a ‘why’ to live, can bear with almost any ‘how’.” ― Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning
What is the Scipionic Circle?
A diverse collection of men of vastly different talents, stations, and interests all trying to find a way to contribute and thrive in the world.
Aristo argued that the expertise of a javelin thrower in the Olympic Games comes from ____ and ____, not from _____ the target or _____ rules.
I make no equivocation. There is only good and evil. There can be no in between.
It certainly sounds impressive: A wise man simply knows!
We need ________, because situations are complicated and fast-moving. Sometimes the people who preceded us were actually _____, and figured things out by painful experience.
The true sage firmly grounded in right _____ will intuitively know just what to do in every situation and won’t need a rulebook. But what about the rest of us?
Take time, make time to learn principles, cause and effect!
Let no one think that ideas that change the world do so on their own.
They must, as a wise scientist would later say, be shoved down people’s throats. Or at least defended and fought for.
OK, now finish the sentences!
The only reason to study philosophy is to become a ____ ____.
Anything else, as Nietzsche said, is merely a “critique of words by means of other words.”
Practice the Art of Living as a warrior of the mind.
Stoics are concerned with applying philosophy to everyday life.
Express your ideal self and reflect upon your actions.
Stoics express their highest self in every moment and show what they are capable of.
Be aware of your every step.
Stoics are mindful and choose their best actions deliberately.
Make every step deliberate!
Know that you are disturbed not by what happens but by your opinion about it.
Stoics understand it’s their judgment of a situation that harms them. So think twice, speak once. Mind the gap.
Always test your impressions.
Stoics don’t react impulsively but think before they (re-) act.
Focus on what you can control.
Stoics concentrate their effort on what they control and accept the rest as it happens.
Take responsibility.
Stoics refuse to let outside circumstances decide their wellbeing. They take responsibility and get good from themselves.
Take back your time: Prioritize and make time for what matters.
Stoics eliminate the nonessential and spend their time wisely.
Accept rather than fight what happens.
Stoics cultivate acceptance to what happens as they understand the complexity of the universe.
Act despite the emotions: Endure and Renounce.
Stoics hone their self-discipline and say no to what others can’t resist doing and say yes to what others dread doing.
Choose tranquility whenever possible.
Stoics don’t let trifles affect their calm mind.
Choose tranquility instead.
Don’t complain and take it as training.
Stoics don’t whine and complain about adversity but choose to practice virtuous behavior. Every virtuous step forward pays a dividend. Build your potential!
Eliminate the nonessential.
Stoics favor a minimalistic lifestyle and see the necessary, not the extravagant.
Be kind and forgive the wrongs of others.
Stoics understand that ______ and _____ are strengths, and love even those who stumble.
- Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;
- Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
- Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part; but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away.
- Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
- And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.
- And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.
- Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,
- Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
- Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;
- Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
- Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
- For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
- But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
- When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
- For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
- And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.
Listen and say only what isn’t better left unsaid.
Stoics understand it’s better to trip with the ____ than with the ______.
Justice can be:
- the high standards I hold for myself
- the way I treat people
- the promises I keep (builds self trust)
- the integrity I demonstrate with my words (the self-discipline to make my decisions based on my knowledge of right and wrong)
- the things I care about
- the difference I make with others
It is a general human weakness to allow things, uncertain and unknown, to set us up in hope, or plunge us into fear. - Gaius Caesar
Mind the gap, think twice, speak once. The gap is the time between stimulus and your response. Change your perspective. Discuss, look for a different angle. Reflect on your gains too.
There is nothing more painful than the insult to human dignity, nothing more humiliating than servitude.
Human dignity and freedom are our birthright.
Let us defend them or die with dignity. - Cicero
Potentiate your skills.
Potentiate your mental health.
Potentiate your spiritual health.
Get prepared.
Be prepared.
Stay prepared.
Remember: A man needs little to lead a happy life. - Marcus Aurelius
Focus on moving closer and closer to becoming a good man. A man with good character! You will never reach perfection, but you can always be improving!
No sooner said than done – so acts your man of worth. - Quintus Ennius
Be careful of what you say to yourself, what you plan to accomplish with that mini-intention. Follow-thru on your promises to yourself!
Trust yourself!
When danger encircles you, show yourself steadfast and undaunted.
But when the winds are too favorable, fail not to show wise caution and haul in the billowing sail. - Horace
It is God who can transform the lowest into the highest,
Who humbles the proud,
And causes that which is in darkness to become light. - Horace
What a small portion of infinite and immeasurable time is allotted to each of us.
It is quickly swallowed up by eternity.
How small is the clod of earth on which you crawl about.
Remember all these things and consider nothing great but this: do what Nature bids you, and suffer what life brings. - Marcus Aurelius
He lives doubly who also enjoys the past. - Marcus Martial
Make today a happy and prosperous one.
Something to enjoy again in a few weeks, a few months, even a year from now.
An easy task becomes difficult when you do it with reluctance. - Terence
Grit through it!
Not he who has little, but he who desires much is poor. - Seneca
Count your blessings, name them one by one, count your many blessings, see what God has done.
Be favorable to bold beginnings. - Virgil
Be bold, mighty forces will come to your aid. - Basil King
Nothing is too hard for HIM who loves.
Love even those who are tough to love. Continuous kindness wins the day.
Marco Rubio’s Three Questions
- Does it make the USA stronger?
- Does it make the USA safer?
- Does it make the USA more prosperous?