Stillwell's Lectures Flashcards
Reiter’s syndrome
- urethritis
- conjunctivitis
- reactive inflammatory arthritis
- HLA-B27+
- often triggered by CHLAMYDIA
what do you do if sexually active person comes in with urethritis?
- work up both UTI and STI
- STI most common -> asymptomatic in females; discharge from males
diagnosis of urethritis
-urine sample best done 1st void (1st 10 mL)
- if Neisseria -> Thayer-martin, martin lewis, New York city agar in CO2
- if trichomonas -> motile on wet mount
- if non-gonococcal (chlamydia) -> WBCs w/o visible organisms
what can all STDs cause?
Chlamydia Trachomatis
- obligate intracellular
- most common bacterial STI
- most common cause of NGU
- NAAT/PCR tests
- co infection common -> GC, mycoplasma genitalium, trichomonas
- cervicitis in women >85% asymptomatic
- Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome
- WBCs but NO bacteria on gram stain
- proceed to Reiter syndrome
- Trachoma & Trichiasis
Lymphogranuloma venereum
- PAINLESS genital ulcers that progress to inguinal lymphadenopathy
- seen w/ Chlamydia
what is associated w/ elementary & reticulate bodies?
urethritis in men w/ chlamydia vs. men w/ Neisseriae gonorrhea
- chlamydia -> watery or mucoid discharge
- Neisseria gonorrhea -> copious purulent discharge
treatment of Chlamydia
- uncomplicated -> Azithromycin or Doxycycline
- coinfection w/ GC -> Ceftriazone w/ azithromycin or Doxycycline
Neisseria Gonorrheae
- gram neg diplococci
- thayer-martin, martin-lewis, New York city agars (chocolate)
- Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome
- likes to disseminate -> triad: polyarthritis, tenosynovitis, dermatitis (skin lesions)
- NAATs tests of choice
men/women who get pharyngitis w/ Nisseria Gonorrhea
sugar fermentation w/ Neisseria Gonorrhea (GC)
- Glucose = Gonorrhea
- Glucose/Maltose = Meningococcus
treatment of N. gonorrhea
uncomplicated -> Ceftriaxone IM + Azithromycin
Trichomonas Vaginalis
- MOTILE on wet mount
- yellow-green discharge; malodorous
- high vaginal pH >4.5
- most common non-viral STI in world
- Hydrogenosome -> produce ATP
- males carry short term; females long term
- asymptomatic early on -> symptomatic 5-28 days
- NAATs preferred
what is most common STI in world?
3 organisms that cause symptomatic vaginal discharge
- Candida (most common)
- BV
- Trichomonas
treatment of Trichomonas Vaginalis
Metronidazole or Tinidazole
Bacterial Vaginosis
- Gardnerella vaginalis #1
- Mobiluncus #2
- white-grey discharge
- fishy odor - +whiff test
- high vaginal pH >4.5
treatment of BV
Metronidazole or Clindamycin
-Treponema Pallidum (spirochete) -> MOBILE
- Darkfield microscope
- GUMMAS *(large, caseous)
- contagious -> 1 exposure -> primary/secondary syphilis
primary syphilis
- HARD chancre, PAINLESS
- non-tender regional lymph nodes
secondary syphilis
- MUCOUS patches
- condyloma latum
- patchy alopecia
tertiary syphilis
- GUMMAS (necrotizing, caseous)
- vasculitis of vasa vasorum and thoracic aorta -> aneurysms
- coronary artery stenosis
- Tabes dorsalis
- Rhomberg test
- Argyll-Robertson pupils
congenital syphilis
- saddle nose, SABER SHINS, Clutton’s joints, frontal bossing, Higoumenakis sign
- notched incisors and Moon’s molars
- perforated hard palate
- snuffles and rhagades
diagnosis of syphilis
SEROLOGY main way
-need both + nontreponemal and treponemal tests
- cardiolipin antigen
- titer -> 1:32 (high) down to 1:8 (low) w/ treatment
- Nontreponemal (initial screen)
- RPR (blood)
- Treponemal -> Abs against T. pallidum
- confirms nontreponemal if +
- POS for life (even if RPR is neg)
what is the prozone phenomenon?
- high Ab titers can give you FALSE NEGATIVE syphilis test
- recheck RPR on DILUTED serum
False-Pos nontreponemal test
- common
- should have NEG treponemal test
- due to SLE or autoimmune
False-Pos treponemal test
what do you do if you suspect neurosyphilis?
spinal tap
treatment of syphilis
- 1,2,early latent -> Benzathine penicillin (IM 1 dose)
- late latent -> Benzathine penicillin (IM weekly 3x doses)
- Neurosyphilis -> Penicillin IV
Jarisch-Herxheimer Rxn
-spiked fevers with early syphilis after receiving therapy
-Haemophilus Ducreyi (gram neg rod)
- “school of fish”, “railroad tracks”
- PAINFUL, SOFT chancre
- PAINFUL inguinal lymph nodes
Granuloma inguinale/Donovanosis
- Klebsiella Granulomatis (encapsulated gram neg rod)
- aka Calymmatobacterium granulomatis
-DONAVAN BODIES “safety pins”
- due to GC and Chlamydia
- Mollicutes
- diagnosis of exclusion
- Myc. Genitalium -> #2 cause of NGU, prostatitis, cervicitis, PID
- Ureaplasma -> urinary calculi, etc.; produces IgA protease
- NAATs main
- treat w/ Moxifloxacin > macrolide > tetracycline
highest risk groups for HIV
-blood exposure -> transfusions #1
- unprotected sex in heterosexuals #1 worldwide -> passed easier from male to female
- MSM #1 in US
risk of transmission in HIV
- related to VIRAL LOAD
- high load -> high risk
- low load -> low risk
acute phase of HIV
- high viral load, low CD4
- communicable
- viral load decreases to set point
late phase of HIV
- declining CD4
- more symptoms
- still communicable
chronic phase of HIV
-IMMUNE ACTIVATION (even if on therapy)