Sander's Lectures Flashcards
Behcet’s disease
- large vessel
- MOUTH SORES (3x in 12 months)
- eye inflammation, skin rash/lesions, genital sores
- pathergy test
- treat with corticosteroids
Polyarteritis Nodosa (PAN)
- medium vessel
- involve kidney, peripheral nerves, muscle gut, skin
- associated w/ HepBsAg
- treat w/ steroids
Kawasaki Disease
- medium vessel
- Asians/Japanese 9-12 months old
- fever >5 days
- conjunctivitis
- strawberry tongue**
- cervical lymphadenopathy
- pruritic rash
- desquamation
-coronary artery involvement
- diagnosis -> BEAD ANEURYSMS
- treat w/ IVIG, aspirin
Buerger’s Disease
- medium vessel
- vasculitis involving digits
- turn pale w/ cold (Raynaud’s)
- TOBACCO USE -> treatment is to stop smoking
- dilate blood vessels w/ nitro, Ca2+ channel blockers, Niacin
Churg-Strauss syndrome
- small vessel
- Lungs and Heart most involved
- p-ANCA
- stage 1 -> Asthma
- Stage 2 -> hypereosinophilia
- Stage 3 -> Severe blood vasculitis
-treat w/ steroids
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
- small vessels
- most common vasculitis in CHILDREN
-palpable purpura on butt and legs
- IgA DEPOSITS -> hematuria***
- segmental GN w/ crescents and mesangial IgA deposits
- after upper respiratory infection
- treat w/ steroids
- small vessel
- Igs precipitate -> form gel at low temps
- draw blood w/ WARM syringe
- associated w/ HepCsAg
-treat -> avoid cold, steroids, plasmapheresis
what do you think if ESR is >100 w/ no infection or cancer?
rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
- chronic inflammatory disorder
- PANNUS invasion of cartilage
- women > men
- consider if ptx has synovitis in at least 1 joint*
- Anti-CCP and RF**
- Swan neck
- Mallet finger
- Z deformity of thumb
- Boutinierre
does a neg RF test rule out RA?
-there is also seronegative RA
ant-citrullinated protein Abs (ACPAs)
- if + -> probably have RA
- if - -> still can’t rule out RA
what is the 1st line treatment for RA?
-csDMARD (ex. methotrexate, hydroxychloroquine)
what is the main thing you want to continue w/ an RA ptx?