STI's and meds used to treat Flashcards
what are the S/S of gonorrhea?
- most have no symptoms
- males: whitish or greenisg discharge, dysuria
- females: discharge, bleeding during intercourse, redness or swelling of the external genitalia, dysuria, abdominal pain, abnormal menstruation.
treatment for gonorrhea
- ceftrioxone (rocephine) + azithromycin or doxycycline
what is the 1st sign of syphillis?
- primary: chancre
- secondary: flu like symptoms (fever, sorethroat, gneralized aching), rash and pustules.
what are the treatments for syphillis?
- if the duration is < 1 year it is penicillin G
- durations > 1 yr it is penicillin G and tetracycline or doxycycline.
how long do we monitor IM Pnc G for ?
- 30 minutes
nursing care for the patient with gonorrhea
- inquire about sexual partners, make sure they all get treated.
why do some ppl refuse to seek care and treatment for STI’s?
- fear of being judged, anxiety and embarrasment.
list of STI
- gonorrhea
- syphillis
- hep B
- CMV cytomegalovirus
- chlamydia
- herpes
what are the symptoms of trichomonas?
- foul smelling discharge
pt teaching regarding Flagyl?
- abstain from alcohol
S/S of genital herpes
- genital lesions
What does HPV lead to?
- cervical Cancer
HPV vaccines
- Gardasil
- Cervarix
Azithromyzin adverse effects
- diarrhes
- vomiting
- abdominal pain
- vaginitis
how do you ttest for gonorrhea?
- smears and cultures during PAP
What is affected with systemic ( disseminated) gonorrhea?
- heart
- skin
- joints
- meninges
Aldara (genital warts condylomata acuminatum from HPV) treatment duration?
- 3 x wk x 16 wks
age group most affected by STI’s?
- 15-24 yrs
syphillis treatment PT teaching
- no sexual activity until after 1 month from treatment completion.
medication used for herpes
- acyclovir
difference between trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginosis?
- both cause fishy odor
- thrichomoniasus has frothy, yellow discharge
- bacterial vaginosis has a thing, grey discharge
how is bacterial vaginosis treated?
consideration when treating gonorrhea pt?
their sex partners. inquire about them.
prescription name when given to pt for sex partners?
EPT- expedited partner therapy
how would you know goborrhea tretment was effective
pt needs to follow up
test used to diagnose syphillis?
- Venereal disease research laboratory test (VDRL)
- Rapid plasma reagin test (RPR)
HPV warts name?
condylomata accuminata
types of herpes?
- type 1- non genital (affects mouth)
- type 2- genital
PT teaching to prevent STIs
use condom
what is a complication of chlamydia?
women with chlamydia have 5x the chance to become infected with
What test is used for herpes?
- NAAT- nucleic acid ampliffication testing