pregnancy shit Flashcards
biophysical profile
- check on baby’s well being
- breathing pattern ect
- ideal score 8-10
- ultrasound
when does fertilization take place?
- when the sperm meets the ovum
- only takes 1 sperm
presumptive signs of pregnancy?
- Ammenorrhea
- nausea
- breast tenderness
- deepening pigmentation (chloasma) primary in darker ppl
- urinary frequency
- quickening
probable signs of pregnancy
- godwell’s sign-softening of the cervix and vagina b/c of increased vaginal congestion.
- chadwick’s sign- purpulish, bluish discoloration of cervix, vagina, vulva b/c increased vascular congestion.
- hegar’s sign-softening of the lower uterine segment
- mcdonalds sign-uterus flexing against cervix
- braxton hicks contractions- irregular painless uterine contractions that begin in the 2nd trimester.
positive signs of pregnancy
- audible fetal heartbeat- detected at 10 wks by fetal doppler
- fetal movement felt by examiner
- ultrasound visualization of fetus
1st trimester physiological changes
- pigementation changes (chloasma)
- enlarged abdomen
- small wt gain
- enlarged uterus presses on bladder
2nd trimester physiological changes
- groin pain
- sexual pleasure and desire increases
- white discharge
- orthostatic HPT
- anemia
- perineal itching
- center of gravity changes
- pressure on bladder and rectum
- leg muscle spasm
- mood swings
- slowed GI motility
- itchy skin
- gingivitis
- stuffy nose
- enlarged breast
- tingling fingers
3rd trimester physiological changes
- tires easily
- colostrum may leak from breast
- voice changes
- pressure on stomach and diaphragm
- venous congestion
- uterus drops
1 trimester labs
- blood type
- Rh factor
- antibody screen
- rubella titer
- tb screening-ppd or serum blood test quantiferon
- hep B
- U/A and culture
- pap
- vaginal culture
- chlamydia
- gonorrhea
- hemoglogin A1c
- CF/genetic markers
2nd trimester labs
- serum alpha fetoprotein
- blood glucose
- amniocentesis
- ultrasound
3rd trimester labs
- GBS culture
- real time U/S
- doppler blood flow
- cervical fetal fibronectin
- repeat STI,CBC, RPR, NST’s, BPP, AFI
- process of mitosis in sperm: sperm gives X or Y chromosome to determine sex
- gametogenesis-begins at ovulation and is complete when fertilization happens.
wharton’s jelly
- covers and cushions the AVA and keeps them separate
- develops from thromboblasts and envelops the amnion, embryo and yolk sac
- thick membrane with villi on outer surface; villi or fingerlike projections from fetal portion of placenta
implantation of zygote
- in the posterior upper portion of uterine wall
estrogen levels and functions
- stimulates uterine growth
- increases blood flow to the uterine vessels
- increases skin pigmentation, vascular changes in skin/mucous membranes of nose/mouth, increases salivation.
breast changes due to what hormones?
- estrogen and progesterone stimulate dev. of breast ducts to prep for lactation.
common signs of hydatidiform mole?
- bleeding
- rapid uterine growth
- excess hyperemesis gravidarum
- failure to detect fetal heart activity
- unusually early development of GH
- higher than expected Hcg
- distinct snowstorm pattern on ultrasound with no evidence of developing fetus
placenta previa
- placenta in lower uterus instead of upper portion
- painless bright red bleeding
- no vaginal exam due to risk of bleeding
placents abruption
- gradual or abrupt onset of pain and uterine tenderness
- possible low back pain
- uterine feels firm and boardlike
- irratible, frequent contractions
preterm labor and bedrest teaching
- record fetal kick counts daily
- report fewer than 10 kicks in a 12 hr period
- fetal movement felt by mother, usually at 16 wks
folic acid
- helps prevent neural tube defects
- 0-4 mos 400mcg or 0.4 mg
- 4-9 mos 600-800 mcg or 0.6-0.8 mg
what causes heart burn in early pregnancy?
increased progesterone relaxes esophogeal sphincter
why is rhogam D immune globin given?
- Given one erythorblastosis fetalis occurs- A condition that occurs when maternal anti-Rh antibodies cross the placenta and destroy fetal erythrocytes.
- Also given after amniocentesis.
Non stress test
- Is a test done to check fetal health
- It monitors the fetus heart rate with contractions
- Nonstress test means no stress is produce.
Weight gain in pregnancy
- Normal weight people should only gained 25 to 35 pounds
- Obese woman should only gained 11 to 20 pounds
Ectopic pregnancy
- S/S: Lower of Domino pain and light vaginal bleeding.
- It’s a loping to Brookeshire ‘s; sudden severe lower abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, signs of hypovolemic shock, and shoulder pain.
- Treatment; priority is to control bleeding, no action, methotrexate to inhibit cell division, surgery to remove pregnancy from tube.
Fetal circulation
- AVA- Two arteries and a vein in umbilical cord to support fetus.
- Ductus Venosus- Diverts blood away from the liver as it returns from placenta.
- Foreman Ovale- Diverts blood from the right atrium directly to the left atrium rather than circulating to lungs.
- Ductus arteriosus- Diverts blood from pulmonary artery into aorta.
- Human chorionic gonadotropin
- Signals conception has occurred.
- Human placental lactogen.
- Causes decrease sensitivity and utilization of glucose by mother, which makes more glucose available to fetud to meet growth needs.
- G-gravidity
- T-term
- P- preterm or para
- A- abortion
- L- living
Exercising during pregnancy
- Determined by maternal cardiac status.
- Fetal placental reserve.
- Mild to moderate but avoid vigorous in normal pregnancy; no overstretching.
- Do not overheat
- Hydrate
Vaccine safety during pregnancy
- No live vaccines
- wait 1 month to get pregnant if MMR vaccines
- thimerosol- risk of mercury poisoning
- influenza and Tdap allowed
- Excessive vomiting
Molar pregnancy
- Chorionic increase abnormally and develops vesicles that resemble tiny grapes.
Ectopic pregnancy fallopian tube one
- Set an severe lower abdominal pain
- Vaginal bleeding
- Hypovolemic shock fetal heart rate changes, tachycardia, tachypnea, shallow irregular respirations, hypertension, decrease urinary output, pale skin or mucous membranes, cold clammy skin, faintness, thirst
- Variant of GH that involves hemodialysis as manifested with decrease in hemoglobin and hematocrit
ABO incompatibility
- Different blood types cause immune system to react
- Gestational diabetes mellitus
- Mother cannot increase insulin production because fetus is continuously drawing glucose from mother.
- Pregnancy induced hypertension
- Nutritional, iron deficiency, folic acid deficiency
- Genetic, sickle cell disease, so I will see Mia I have normal in chains of hemoglobin, alpha or beta chain.
- Deadly post partum infection for infant
- Elevated temperature within 12 hours of birth, rapid heart rate, abdominal distention.
- Treated with penicillin or ampicillin.
- Things that causes damage to the growing cells. Like prescribe medications, maternal under nutrition, smoking etc.
- A; easily transmitted from person to person
- B;Spread via food and water
- C;Spread via manufactured weapons designed to spread disease
FDA drugs pregnancy categories
- A- no risk to fetus
- B- no adverse effects in animals: no human studies available
- C- only prescribed after risk to fetus is considered; animal studies show adverse effects; no humans studies available.
- D- definite fetal risk but may be given in life threatening situations
- X- absolute fetal abnormalities; not to be used any time during pregnancy.
Embryonic to fetal stages
- Development from 2 to 8 weeks Called an embryo
- Ninth week until birthday developing infant called a fetus
Viable pregnancy
Placental tranfer
- Fetal deoxygenated blood and waste products leave the fetus through 2 umbilical artery’s
- Identical twins
Fraternal twins
During birth
Human microbiota- includes bacteria, fungi, archaea (bacteria w/out nucleus) and virus
Devastating infections and fetus and newborn