Sterile Practice Pt 6 Flashcards
Needle hubs should never be ____
To properly attach a needle to a syringe, remove the protective outer wrapping without compromising the critical areas. When pulling back the plunger of the syringe, hold only the flat knob at the ____
Ampule necks and vial tops should be wet for at least 10 seconds and allowed to dry so that microorganisms are ____
Many syringes are manufactured with a locking mechanism designed to connect to the needle. When you attach a needle to this Luer-Lok system, it requires a slight turn, and then the needle is “____” into place
There are other syringes known as slip-tip, which just hold the needle on by ____
To remove an air bubble from a syringe, hold the syringe ____ and pull back the plunger slightly to allow a space for the bubble to go to the top. Firmly tap the sides of the syringe to allow the bubble to travel to the top. Expel the air in the syringe by slowly pushing the plunger up until the fluid fills the barrel completely