Sterile Field Flashcards
Sterile technique
Sterile aspects
Procedure used by medical staff to prevent the spread of infection
Principles of sterile technique
- Sterile objects only remain sterile when it touches another sterile object
- Only sterile objects can be placed on a sterile field
- Anything on the sterile field out of your filed of vision or below waist level is considered contaminated
- Prolonged exposure increases the ris for ctonaiminaton of the sterile field
- when a sterile surface encounters mosisture, that area is considered contaminated
- Fluid flows in the direction of gravity
- One inch around the sterile field is contaminated
Sterile drape
- used to cover the work station
- should be inspected before opening
- once in place they should not be moved or shifted
Sterile instruments
- all instruments placed on the sterile field should be examined
- sterile indicators should indicate the package is sterile. Indicators are not he outside and inside of the package, both must be changed, sterile instruments have a 6m shelf life from date of sterilization
What color is the marker if the instruments have been sterilized
Sterile solutions
- if a small drop of sterile saline falls onto the field the surrounding area is still considered sterile
- if sterile saline is spilled over entire filled, it is not considered sterile
- when fluid permeates a sterile field this is called a strike through
- pouring fluid 4-6 inches about the sterile field
Hands and objects
- anything below the waits is contaminated
- hands should be in a clasped position above waist when not used
- non sterile devices hsould be kept at last 24 inches from the sterile field
- the outer 1” of the sterile drape is non sterile
- fluid flows in the direction of gravity
Movement ins the sterile field
- always face the sterile field
- the surgical tech should not leave the sterile field unless absolutely necessary
- after 15-20m you should consider the sterile field as becoming contaminated
-the surgical team should always face each other when moving in the surgical room
Surgical personell
- must have on a mask and hat
- scrub in with an approved hand washing technique before putting on sterile gloves
- properly don gloves
Responsibility of surgical team
- everyone needs to be on the same page
- sterile technique should be consistent
- the sterile field must always be monitored
Preparation of the patient
- should have their hair in a bouffant
- surgical site must be marked, cleaned, prepped, and draped
- sign in, time out, and sign out should be performed
Sign in
Completed before the induction of anesthesia
Time out
Completed before the first incision
Final time to ID the patient, procedure, and site invovled
Sign out
Prior to the key members of the operating team leaving the operating room
Used instruments
Should be placed into a designated place to be cleaned and sterilized
- all visible tissue/bodily fluids must be removed
- sharps-sharps container
Biohazard waste
- potential infectious materials (OPIM)
- human bodily fluids
- plastic vaginal speculum, used speciem swabs, used glucose test strips, urine dipsticks, blood soaked drapes and gloves, and anything contaminated with OPIM in a red bag
Human bodily fluids
Semen, vaginal secretions, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, pleural fluid, pericardial fluid,
peritoneal fluid, amniotic fluid, saliva that contains blood, any bodily fluid that is visibly
contaminated with blood, and all bodily fluids where it is difficult or impossible to differentiate
between bodily fluid
Cleaning and disposal of biohazard
-Check integrity of red bag before lining it
– Seal the red bag after removing it
– Wear personal protective equipment (gloves, apron, face mask, eye protection) when
handling, changing, or transporting red bags
– Any item unable to be autoclaved must be wiped down by an approved surgical
cleaning product – Pressure chamber that creates powerful steam to kill germs