Derm, Biopsy, Shave Excision Flashcards
Basal cell carcinoma
- Most common malignant tumor of eyelid
- Slow developing, nonresolving lesion
- Hx of extensive UV exposure
- More common with age, fair-complected patients, with previous Hx skin malignancy
Clincal presentation of BCC
- More prevalent on lower lid
- Central, umbilicated ulceration
- Raised, pearly borders
- +/- discharge, crustation, erythema
Management of BCC
- Non-responsive to antibiotic/steroid tx suggestive of neoplasia • Metastasis rare
- Slow growing
- Monitor closely
- Photodocument
- Referral for biopsy
• Less common, more aggressive than BCC
• Much higher potential for mets
• ~5-10% of eyelid malignancies, arising de novo or from pre-existing keratosis
• Difficult to distinguish from BCC often, tends to have less surface
• Occurs in plaque, nodular, and ulcerating forms
• Conjunctival form as well
- Congenital or appears soon after birth
- Colors vary from faint pink, purple, blue to red
- Typically resolve by adolescence
- Differentiate from other forms of vascular tumors
- Port-Wine stains (nevus flammeus)
Bacterial infection (typically Staph sp.) of multiple glands • Zeiss/Moll (External) • Meibomian (Internal) Clinical presentation • Focal tenderness • Erythema • Pointed lesion (like a pimple) Management • Compresses/massage • Oral antibiotics • Monitor for preseptal cellulitis
Seborrheic keratosis
• Some forms regarded as premalignancies
• Slow to change
Clinical characteristics • Flat, or elevated plaques • Circumscribed with distinct borders • Appear as “stuck on” lesions • Dry, scaly, feels like sandpaper
Molluscum contagiosum
• Most frequent in children
Clincal characteristics of molluscum contagiosum
Managment of molluscum
- Dry lesions will resolve
* “Chees
Melanocytic nevus
- Typically congenital or early onset
- Junctional, Dermal, and Compound forms
- Usually pigmented
- Well defined borders, presence of hair
- Benign, epithelial overgrowths
- Variable presentation in size, shape, and pigmentation
- Typically avascular
- Cosmetic, or functional concerns
- Irritation
- Itching
- Obscures vision
Sebaceous cyst
- Vary in size .5mm to 1cm
- Caseous, yellow appearance
- Single or multiple lesions
- Common around lids
- Typically not painful
Managment of sebaceous cyst
Sudiferous cyst
- Glands of Moll
- Similar to sebaceous cyst but contents are clear
• Lance with needle and drain