Stereotyping, Prejudice And Discrimination Flashcards
Jigsaw Method
The name given to the technique used by Aronson to reduce prejudice within groups of mixed – race students.
Expert Groups
Another name for the jigsaw method. It is called expert groups because each member of the group becomes an expert on a particular topic and they share their knowledge with the rest of the group.
Seeing, speaking or writing to someone.
Being able to put yourself in someone elses position psychologically and understand how that person is feeling.
Give 3 Explanations Of Prejudice And Discrimination
Tajfel, Sherif, Adorno
Adorno: believes you are likely to be prejudiced if you are brought up by strict, critical parents and have an authoritarian personality.
Sherif: believes you are likely to be prejudiced if you are in competition with another group for a scare resource.
Tajfel: believes you are likely to be prejudiced because you favour your in groups over your out groups and believe your in groups to be superior.
Robbers Cave
The name given to Sherif’s experiment on prejudice
In Group
A group of people who you have something in common with, e.g. your psychology class
Out Group
A group of people you believe you have nothing in common with
What is the difference between Prejudice and Discrimination?
When there is prejudice a person has a unjustifiable and incorrect attitude towards an individual simply because of the social group they are in. Discrimination is where someones behaviour or actions affect either an individual or a gorup of people based on their sex/race/social class
Sherif’s Case-Study
Aim: To find out if prejudice develops when groups are in competition for scarce resources
Method: An American summer camp was organised for a group of 22 boys. The boys were randomly split into 2 teams and the teams were kept away from each other. They were not aware that the other team existed. The boys were given time to settle in to their camps and form a group identity. After a while, the 2 groups discovered each other and the camp staff introduced a series of competitions with the prize for the winning team being a silver cup.
Results: Very quickly, the teams began unpleasant name calling towards each other and tried to attack each other
Conclusion: Competition is a cause of prejudice
Tajfel Case-Study
Aim: To show how easily people discriminate against their out-groups
Method: 14-15 year old boys were randomly assigned to 2 groups. Each boy was given a game to play where he had to award pairs of points. They were told the points could be swapped for prizes at the end
Results: he boys awarded points by choosing the pairings that created the biggest difference between the groups, not the pairings that gave them the most points.
Conclusion: People will discriminate against others just because they are members of an out-group
A rigid set of attitudes and beliefs toward particular groups of people. These attitudes are always negative.
The way an individual behaves toward another person or group as a results of their prejudiced view. This behaviour is usually negative but can be positive.
Authoritarian Personality
a personality type prone to be prejudice.
the questionnaire used to measure personality characteristics by Adorno.
Adorno et al. Case-Study
Aim: To find out if there is a relationship between a person’s personality type and prejudiced beliefs
Method: Hundreds of people were interviewed and tested using the F-scale.
Results: They found a relationship between personality traits and prejudiced views
Conclusion: There is an authoritarian personality and people with these characteristics are highly likely to be prejudiced towards others
An oversimplified, generalised set of ideas that we have about others.
Means of communication (TV, Radio etc.).
Practical Implications
Suggestions about behaviour in the real world beyond the study based on what they did.
Role Model
Someone who a child looks up to and they can model.