Non-Verbal Communication Flashcards
Passing information from one person to another
Verbal Communication
Conveying messages using words or vocal sounds
Vocal features that accompany speech
Tone Of Voice
The way words are spoken to convey emotion
Giving prominence to some words more than others
Inflection in the voice when speaking
Non-Verbal Communication
Conveying messages that do not require the use of words or vocal sounds
Argyle, Alkema And Gilmour Case-Study
Aim: To see if tone of voice has any effect when interpreting a verbal message.
Method: Different groups of participants listened to either friendly or hostile messages spoken in either a friendly or hostile tone of voice. Therefore, some participants heard a hostile message spoken in a friendly tone of voice and others heard a friendly message spoken in a hostile tone of voice.
Results: When participants were asked to interpret the messages, it was found that the tone of voice had about 5 times the effect of the verbal message itself.
Conclusion: Tone of voice is extremely important in how people interpret verbal messages.
Argyle Case-Study
Aim: To see how interrupting eye contact affects conversation.
Method: Pairs of participants were observed having conversations. In half the conversations, one of the participants wore dark glasses so that the other could not receive eye contact.
Results: When one of the participants wore dark glasses, there were more pauses and interruptions than when dark glasses were not worn.
Conclusion: Eye contact is important in ensuring the smooth flow of conversation.
What are the 7 common facial expressions?
1) Happiness
2) Surprise
3) Anger
4) Fear
5) Sadness
6) Interest
7) Disgust
Sackheim Case-Study
Aim: To look at the relationship between facial expressions and the hemispheres of the brain
Method: Pictures of people’s faces showing different emotions were cut down the middle. New pictures were created with each half face and its mirror image. Then each pair of new faces was shown to participants. They were asked which picture they liked better.
Results: The majority of participants said they preferred the picture of the left half face and its reflection. When asked why, they said the person in the picture looked ‘warmer’.
Conclusion: The left side of the face seems to express emotion much more than the right side.
Personal Space
The distance we keep between ourselves and other people in everyday lives.
Sex Differences
Difference due to being either male or female, these could affect personal space between individuals.
Individual DIfferences
Factors that make one person not the same as another person, such as personality or age.
Cultural Norms
The range of behaviours that members of a particular social group or society can be expected to show.
A persons rank or position within society.
Body Language
A general term to describe aspects of non verbal communication.
The positioning of the body, often regarded as a non verbal communication signal.
Postural Echo
Mirroring another persons body position.
An actor or stooge who appears to be a genuine participant in the experiment but is working for the experimenter.
Closed Posture
Positioning of the arms so that they are folded across the body and or crossing the legs.
Open Posture
Positioning the arms so they are not folded across the body and not crossing the legs.
A form of non verbal communication in which information is conveyed by either deliberate or unconscious movement of parts of the body.
A form of non verbal communication in which information is conveyed by physical contact between people.
What are the three different types of posture?
1) Postural Echo
2) Open Posture
3) Closed Posture