Developing Personality Flashcards
A personality type that describes people who look to the outside world for entertainment.
Type theory
Personality types are thought to be inherited, they can be described using related traits.
A personality type that describes people who are content in their own company.
A personality type that describes people who are highly emotional and show a quick and intense reaction to fear.
Personality scales
Ways of measuring personality by using yes/no questions.
A third dimension identified by Eyesenck. People who score high on this dimension are cruel, hostile and aggressive.
Eyesenck Case-Study
Aim: To investigate the personality of 700 servicemen
Method: Each soldier completed a questionnaire. Eysenck analysed the results using a statistical technique known as factor analysis.
Results: He identified two dimensions of personality: extroversion, introversion and neuroticism-stability.
Conclusion: Everyone can be placed along these two dimensions of personality. Most people lie in the middle of the scale.
What is the evaluation of the Eysenck case-study?
•His original research used a limited sample to test his ideas (the research was only carried out on servicemen). Since then, however, his findings have been supported by further research carried out on thousands of people.
What is the EPI?
The EPI means Eysenks Personality Inventory.
This was designed to measure the extroversion-introversion neuroticism stability. It is made up of a series of yes/no questions. The answers that are given can be used to identify an individuals personality and because the two dimensions are not related the person can be described as a neurotic extrovert, neurotic introvert, a stable extrovert or a stable introvert.
What is the EPQ?
This is used to meausre introversion, extroversion and neuroticism and a further scale added to this scale is known as psychotocism. Most people score low on this scale but with the people who score high are cruel, hostile, intensive, aggressive and lacking feeling. The three dimensions are not linked meaning that the individuals are given seperate scores for the 3.
Part of the limbic system and is in the temporal lobe. It’s involved with memory, emotion and fear
Prefrontal Cortex
The very front of the brain, it’s involved in social and moral behaviour and controlling aggression
Cereberal Cortex/Grey Matter
The outer layer of the brain, this area is involved in muscle control, sensory perceptions, memory and speech
Socioeconomic Factors
Social and financial factors that affect individuals
Longitudinal Study
A study carried out to show how behaviour changes over time