Stereo Basics and Epipolar Geometry - Week 7/8 Flashcards
What is the goal of stereo / epipolar geometry?
Recovery of a 3D structure
What is the problem with single-view geometry for stereo imaging?
Recovery of structure from one image is inherently ambiguous
What visual cues can lead to retrieving 3D geometry from 2D image?
What is stereo vision?
Given several images of the same object or scene, compute a representation of its 3D shape
Narrower definition:
Given a calibrated binocular stereo pair, fuse it to produce a depth image
What is triangulation?
Gives a reconstruction in 3D space as an intersection of two rays
- Camera pose (calibration)
- Point correspondence
What is the focal length for a pinhole camera?
The distance between the Image Plane and the Center of projection
What two equations translate images based on their X, Y, Z from the centre of projection to points x, y on the image plane. Based on the focal length
x = f/Z * x
y = f/Z * y
What is the baseline in a stereo system?
The distance between the centre of projections of the two images
What is the definition of disparity?
Displacement between conjugate (corresponding) points in left and right images
What is the formula to calculate the Z depth of the image at a point in two stereo images given baseline b, focal length f and the disparity between the two points (xl - xr)?
Z = b*f/(xl - xr)
What are the components of stereo analysis?
Find correspondences
- Conjugate pairs of points
- Potentially hard - lots of pairs
- Calculate scene coordinates (X, Y, Z)
- Easy once you have done…
- Calculate parameters of cameras (b, f, …)
What is the epipolar constraint?
The match for a given (xl, yl) lies on a given yr = yl
(For the simple system given in the lectures)
What makes edges good places to match for correspondances?
- The correspond to significant structure
- Small number of points to match (aren’t usually too many of them - combinatorics)
- Can use image features (polarity, direction) to verify matches
- They can be located accurately (Canny - sub-pixel localisation)
- Multi-scale location (coarse to fine search
Problems with matching edges for correspondance?
Image gradients at corresponding points may not be equally high
- Shadows, occlusions, illumination differences
Horizontal edges are difficult to match
- Match points are poorly localised along epipolar lines
- Not all significant structure lies on the edge
- Near magnitude features may not be reliable for matching
- Near-horizontal edges do not provide good localisation
What are interest operators?
Locally distinct points
Edge matches could be obtained at neighbouring points along an edge
“Interest” operators seek isolated discrete points
Moravec operator
DoG, LoG
Harris corner detection
What is the moravec operator?
Calculate sum(I(i,j) - I(i+1, j)), sum(I(i,j) - I(i-1, j+1)), sum(I(i,j) - I(i, j+1)), sum(I(i,j) - I(i+1, j+1)) for a region (e.g. 5x5 pixels)
Output the minimum of the 4 values above.
suppress non-maxima of the filter output
- Isolate local maxima to get distinct points
Find points where intensity is varying quickly
- Taking minimum eliminates edges as candidates
Do the two cameras for stereo imaging need to have parallel opitcal axis’?
Why is the epipolar constraint useful?
It constrains finding a points correspondence to a 1D search problem along conjugate epipolar lines