Local Features - Week 5/6/7 Flashcards
What are the two types of object recognition?
Model based object recognition - Find the razors given a 3D model
Image based object recognition - Given a picture of the razor find the razors in the image
What is a feature in computer vision?
Local, meaningful, detectable parts of the image
Location of a sudden change
Why are features useful in computer vision?
They have a high information content
Invariant to change of view point, illumination
Reduces computational burden
Why are features useful in computer vision?
They have a high information content
Invariant to change of view point, illumination
Reduces computational burden
What are some applications of image features?
Visual SLAM (simultaneous Localisation and Mapping)
Image Matching (Are two images of the same thing?)
Image alignment
3D reconstruction
Motion Tracking
Indexing and database retrieval
Robot Navigation
What is the procedure for image stitching?
Detect feature points in both images
Find corresponding pairs
Use these pairs to align the images
What is the general approach to finding and describing features in images?
- Find a set of distinctive key points (interest points)
- Define a region around each key point (interest point)
- Extract and normalise the region content
- Compute a local descriptor from the normalised region
- Match local descriptors
What are the requirements for local features?
Region extraction needs to be repeatable and:
- Invariant to translation, rotation, scale changes
- Robust or covariant to out-of-plane (~affine) transformations
Robust to lighting variations, noise, blue, quantisation
Locality: Features are local, therefore robust fo occlusion and clusster
Quantity: Need a sufficient number of regions to cover the object
Distinctiveness - The regions should contain “interesting” structure.
Efficiency - Close to real-time performance
Why are corners good for features?
Edges only localise in one direction
Corners provide repeatable points for matching, so are worth detecting.
What is the idea behind Harris corner detection?
In the region around a corner, image gradient has two or more dominant directions.
So shifting a window around a corner in any direction should give a large change in intensity.
What are the three distinctive interest points for corners?
“flat” region: no change in all directions
“Edge” region: no change along the edge direction
“Corner” significant change in all directions
How is the 2x2 matrix M computed for a region that is being checked for a corner? What actually is M?
the gradient with respect to x times the gradient with respect to y multiplied by the window function at the point same point
What are the three types of covariance matrices?
Spherical, Diagonal and full covariances
Given eigenvalues lambda 1 and 2 of the M matrix of a point on the image, what identifies flat, edge and corner regions?
If both lambdas are small, then E is almost constant in all directions, so the region is flat
If one lambda is much greater than the other then it is an edge region
If both lambdas are large and lambda1 ~ lambda2 then the region is a corner
How is the R corner response in the Harris Corner Detector calculated?
R = Det(M) - alpha * trace(M)^2
How does the value R in the Harris Corner Detector related to the image regions?
The flat regions R has a low value
For Corner regions, R has a high value
For edge regions R has a negative value
How does the value R in the Harris Corner Detector related to the image regions?
The flat regions R has a low value
For Corner regions, R has a high value
For edge regions R has a negative value
What is the Harris corner detector workflow?
Compute the corner responses R
Find the points with large corner responses through thresholding.
Take only the local maxima of R