Segmentation and Clustering p2 - Lecture 8 - Week 4 Flashcards
How are clusters modelled in Gaussian Mixture Models
As Gaussians, not just by their mean
What are the parameters to the univariate Normal (Gaussian) Distribution?
The mean and the variance
What are the parameters to the multivariate Normal Distribution?
a vector containing the mean position
A symmetric “positive definite” covariance matrix
What are the three types of covariance
Spherical, diagonal and full
What is a generative model?
Instead of treating the data as a bunch of points, assume that they are all generated by sampling a continuous function
This is defined by a vector of parameters theta
How can we model data with multiple clusters with multiple gaussians?
By starting with parameters describing each cluster
Mean muc, variance sigmac, “size” pic
This models a probability distribution of the cluster of:
p(x) = Sumc(pic * N(x ; muc, sigmac))
What is expectation Maximisation (EM)?
FInal blob parameters theta that maximise the likelihood function:
P(data|theta) = PI(x)(x|theta)
1. E-Step: Given current guess of blobs, compute ownership of each point
2. M-step: given ownership probabilities, update blobs to maximise likelihood function
3. Repeat until convergence
What is expectation maximisation (EM) useful for?
Any clustering problem
Any model estimation problem
Missing data problems
Finding outliers
Segmentation problems
- Based on colour
- Based on motion
- Foreground/background seperation
Pros and cons of mixture of gaussians / expectation maximisation (EM)?
- Probabilistic interpretation
- Soft assignments between data points and clusters
- Generative model, can predict novel data points
- Relatively compact storage
- Local minima
- Initialisation
- Often a good idea to start with some k-means iterations
- Need to know number of components (number of clusters)
- Need to choose a generative model
- Numerical problems are often a nuisance