Measuring with numbers
-Amount of items
Using Senses
Describing in words:
-No opinions
An event in the real world that occurs over and over again.
May be made by nature or humans.
Picture or event that tricks the brain.
Nothing is in the way from our light source, eyes and object.
Light must be able to reach the eyes and the object.
Object that produces light
- Sun
-Light bulb
Support for an answer (your claim):
Qualitative Data Or
Quantitative Data
An example of a real life situation.
Shows features, understanding, locations, and evidence
A model that the group develops together and agrees to support.
Collects light with its “eye”
Records in lux, which tells us the amount of light that is reflected.
Have No Light.
Eye sees due to surrounding area being lit up.
Shape of shadow is the same as the object.
Size can change.
Location can change- the shadow goes the opposite direction of the light.
The light hits an object and bounces off at the degree of angle.
Smooth surface (mirror) - light angle in, is equal to the light angle out.
See same image on surface coming back at you.
Rough surface (paper) - light angle in, is different to the light angle out.
Unable to see the same image on the surface.
Light goes through an object.
When looking through - it is blurry.
Some of the light goes through, then some of the light scatters.