Stef-WSE-Pro-Expressions-2 Flashcards
Adolfo’s totally keeping me out of the loop.
Adolfo’s totally keeping me out of the loop.
Sarah’ s done some initial research on vitamins
…but I think we need to look beyond vitamins.
Sarah’ s done some initial research on vitamins
…but I think we need to look beyond vitamins.
l’am not thinking of the youth market as such
l’am not thinking of the youth market as such
Suppose I look at the herbs used in the
pharmaceutical industry…
… and you look at alternative medicine.
Suppose I look at the herbs used in the
pharmaceutical industry…
… and you look at alternative medicine.
l’d prefer it the other way around.
l’d prefer it the other way around.
What on earth for?
What on earth for?
Just focus on what you’re doing.
Just focus on what you’re doing.
lt sounds a lot more promising.
lt sounds a lot more promising.
To leave a callback number, press “5” now.
To leave a callback number, press “5” now.
That sounds so lame!
That sounds so lame!
To hear your message again, press “1.”
To hear your message again, press “1.”
To leave the message you’ve recorded, press “2.”
To leave the message you’ve recorded, press “2.”
To delete your message and record it again, press “3.”
To delete your message and record it again, press “3.”
Get it together Chuck, for God’s sake!
Get it together Chuck, for God’s sake!
Well, if it’s not too much trouble.
Well, if it’s not too much trouble.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to suggest that…
Sorry, I didn’t mean to suggest that…
l’am so glad I worked on the … angle.
l’am so glad I worked on the … angle.
Tell me, where are we with the itinerary for the November trip ?
Tell me, where are we with the itinerary for the November trip ?
By all means get Jia to do the legwork.
By all means get Jia to do the legwork.
Just remember that you’re ultimately responsible.
Just remember that you’re ultimately responsible.
That’s not what I was told.
That’s not what I was told.
Coach is sold out now on the LA to Chicago flight.
Coach is sold out now on the LA to Chicago flight.
Sorry to hassle you.
Oh, no hassle.
Sorry to hassle you.
Oh, no hassle.
I changed my mind.
I changed my mind.
I doubt it.
I doubt it.
You know very well what I mean.
You know very well what I mean.
l’ve been dropped from the New York trip.
l’ve been dropped from the New York trip.
… it’s not such a huge deal.
… it’s not such a huge deal.
Actually, on second thought …
Actually, on second thought …
l’d better take care of it myself.
l’d better take care of it myself.
l’m running late already.
l’m running late already.
Imagine away, George.
Imagine away, George.
It’s not going to happen.
It’s not going to happen.
I was wondering what your own vision was.
I was wondering what your own vision was.
It’s not really my call.
It’s not really my call.
Why does that not surprise me ?
Why does that not surprise me ?
Where’s it going to be held, anyway? In New York City.
Where’s it going to be held, anyway? In New York City.
It’s a three-day freebie in New York.
It’s a three-day freebie in New York.
Believe it or not…
You flatter me, Nick.
Believe it or not…
You flatter me, Nick.
Take it away.
Take it away.
Kai just happens to be a huge fan of his.
Kai just happens to be a huge fan of his.
Yet another meeting ! Noway.
Yet another meeting ! Noway.
Just make it happen, OK ?
Just make it happen, OK ?
I’ve got no problem with signing your NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement).
I’ve got no problem with signing your NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement).
I see this meeting as a sign …
…of how the business community is turning more and more toward complementary medicine.
I see this meeting as a sign …
…of how the business community is turning more and more toward complementary medicine.
I really don’t see the relevance of this.
I really don’t see the relevance of this.
We’re hardly ready for legal agreements at this point.
We’re hardly ready for legal agreements at this point.
I can’t help you there.
I can’t help you there.
So, in brief, what do you recommend ?
So, in brief, what do you recommend ?
Some of them have possible side effects …
… which you might or might not consider desirable.
Some of them have possible side effects …
… which you might or might not consider desirable.
… from a commercial point of view.
… from a commercial point of view.
We’ll be in touch with you both very shortly…
…to discuss the next step.
We’ll be in touch with you both very shortly…
…to discuss the next step.
But it’s all in legal jargon!
But it’s all in legal jargon!
… on two conditions.
… on two conditions.
You’d better check with the legal people.
You’d better check with the legal people.
I’d still prefer to go with him if possible.
I’d still prefer to go with him if possible.
That wasn’t the impression I got from our last meeting.
That wasn’t the impression I got from our last meeting.
Is that the way you see it too?
Is that the way you see it too?
So tell us why you think the plant is a good fit for us.
So tell us why you think the plant is a good fit for us.
So—on to our commercial relationship.
So—on to our commercial relationship.
Anyway, we need to move fast.
Anyway, we need to move fast.
It’ll just give us something extra over Smith.
It’ll just give us something extra over Smith.
So it comes down to these two?
So it comes down to these two?
If you put it like that …
If you put it like that …
Do you follow me ?
Do you follow me ?
Oh, I see. Sorry for being so slow.
Oh, I see. Sorry for being so slow.
Well, it’s kind of a gray area.
Well, it’s kind of a gray area.
I don’t like the sound of that.
I don’t like the sound of that.
l’m not running the risk of being sued by the patent owner.
l’m not running the risk of being sued by the patent owner.
Be prepared for some serious resistance.
Be prepared for some serious resistance.
Excuse me for being “politically incorrect”
… and all that.
Excuse me for being “politically incorrect”
… and all that.
Let Cheryl explain her thinking.
Let Cheryl explain her thinking.
What would you say to that?
What would you say to that?
You can’t change people’s perceptions just like that.
You can’t change people’s perceptions just like that.
Our brand image is dated.
Our brand image is dated.
It’s still our bread and butter
…as you might say.
It’s still our bread and butter
…as you might say.
Let’s wrap up, then
Let’s wrap up, then
We don’t want to throw out the baby with the bath water.
We don’t want to throw out the baby with the bath water.
l’m tired of running Marketing 101
… for people who aren’t even prepared to listen.
l’m tired of running Marketing 101
… for people who aren’t even prepared to listen.
Don’t concentrate on the new product so much that you
forget about ChocoBar.
Don’t concentrate on the new product so much that you
forget about ChocoBar.
That’s what pays the bills.
That’s what pays the bills.
Point taken.
Point taken.
But they are highly experienced guys
… who know this business inside and out!
But they are highly experienced guys
… who know this business inside and out!
Dites ce que vous voulez sur lui
… Mais Charles Garnett savait comment choisir les bonnes personnes.
Say what you like about him
… but Charles Garnett knew how to choose good people.
Je veux que cela se produise graduellement, pas en une seule fois.
I want it to happen gradually, not all in one go.
It’s great timing.
It’s great timing.
We’re about to launch a new health drink.
We’re about to launch a new health drink.
l’ve sent Brian out there to clear things up a.s.a.p.
l’ve sent Brian out there to clear things up a.s.a.p.
I wish I could say the same.
I wish I could say the same.
First tell me exactly what went wrong here
… and what steps you’ve taken so far to deal with it.
First tell me exactly what went wrong here
… and what steps you’ve taken so far to deal with it.
Nothing went wrong; everything’s fine.
Nothing went wrong; everything’s fine.
There’s no point in giving me the runaround.
There’s no point in giving me the runaround.
l’m going to find out the truth sooner or later.
l’m going to find out the truth sooner or later.
Why don’t we just get her to tell us exactly what happened
…in her own words?
Why don’t we just get her to tell us exactly what happened
…in her own words?
… repair and/or limit the damage.
… repair and/or limit the damage.
Go talk to the journalists and do some damage control.
Go talk to the journalists and do some damage control.
It’s the way you have to do business here.
Like she said…
It’s the way you have to do business here.
Like she said…
Maybe that’s the price of doing business in this country.
Maybe that’s the price of doing business in this country.
This is the kind of thing you have to do
…if you want to get ahead.
This is the kind of thing you have to do
…if you want to get ahead.
Let’s change the subject.
Let’s change the subject.
This section summarizes
…the success of our brand in the past,
This section summarizes
…the success of our brand in the past,
I could just say : “has developed recently”
…or “has developed in recent years.”
I could just say : “has developed recently”
…or “has developed in recent years.”
That sounds weak.
That sounds weak.
OK. It’s a wrap.
OK. It’s a wrap.
The second one is a bit of an overstatement.
The second one is a bit of an overstatement.
Really underline this.
Really underline this.
When do you need it by?
End of the day will be fine.
When do you need it by?
End of the day will be fine.
Please double-check everything before you send it.
Please double-check everything before you send it.
They’ll have a nervous break down!
They’ll have a nervous break down!
If we don’t go in a new direction, the company’s finished too.
If we don’t go in a new direction, the company’s finished too.
You can kiss your new product goodbye.
In fact, you can kiss your job goodbye
You can kiss your new product goodbye.
In fact, you can kiss your job goodbye
… while you’re at it.
… while you’re at it.
Soft skin Cream is what we live off of in this company.
Soft skin Cream is what we live off of in this company.
My department needs an assistant to help cope with the workload.
My department needs an assistant to help cope with the workload.
But, leaving that aside…
But, leaving that aside…
l’d like to contribute toward…
…shaping the company’s marketing strategy.
l’d like to contribute toward…
…shaping the company’s marketing strategy.
You can take it to the United Nations,
You can take it to the United Nations,
…as far as l’m concerned.
…as far as l’m concerned.
The last thing we need right now …
.. is a public fight with an ex-employee.
The last thing we need right now …
.. is a public fight with an ex-employee.
He wouldn’t dare to actually do anything.
He wouldn’t dare to actually do anything.
It’s all just talk.
It’s all just talk.
That’s your right.
That’s your right.
We could move him sideways.
We could move him sideways.
Tom doesn’t know the first thing about logistics or
Tom doesn’t know the first thing about logistics or
He’ll be a complete disaster!
He’ll be a complete disaster!
He’ll have no case against us.
He’ll have no case against us.
It gets him out of my hair.
It gets him out of my hair.
The guy’s a complete waste of space.
The guy’s a complete waste of space.
What game are you playing?
What game are you playing?
…discrimination on the grounds of ethnic origin.
…discrimination on the grounds of ethnic origin.
It’s not discrimination if we don’t interview her.
It’s not discrimination if we don’t interview her.
We’re looking for people who are flexible…
…and can think on their feet.
We’re looking for people who are flexible…
…and can think on their feet.
When you look back at what you learned in business
…how much of it have you been able to apply to your
professional work?
When you look back at what you learned in business
…how much of it have you been able to apply to your
professional work?
It gave me a framework,
…a way of thinking about stuff.
It gave me a framework,
…a way of thinking about stuff.
It’s in a kind of a turnaround situation.
It’s in a kind of a turnaround situation.
It could go two ways :
…down the toilet,
…or it could come back from the dead.
It could go two ways :
…down the toilet,
…or it could come back from the dead.
To tell you the truth…
That guy was challenging me,
…(more than) the other way around.
To tell you the truth…
That guy was challenging me,
…(more than) the other way around.
Don’t let your pride get in the way.
Don’t let your pride get in the way.
So I take it you’re not recommending her.
So I take it you’re not recommending her.
She was constantly giving me a hard time.
She was constantly giving me a hard time.
It’s a done deal.
It’s a done deal.
That’s one way of looking at it.
That’s one way of looking at it.
What are our no-go areas?
What are our no-go areas?
What’s our bottom line?
What’s our bottom line?
At the end of the day…
I want to offer them a really great deal.
…to show them we’re worth talking to.
At the end of the day…
I want to offer them a really great deal.
…to show them we’re worth talking to.
I need at least a ballpark figure.
…for how many bottles they’re likely to take.
I need at least a ballpark figure.
…for how many bottles they’re likely to take.
It looks like we have the potential for…
…a real win-win deal.
It looks like we have the potential for…
…a real win-win deal.
Why don’t we step back a bit?
Why don’t we step back a bit?
We can take it as read.
We can take it as read.
As long as the price is right.
As long as the price is right.
I don’t see where you’re going with this.
I don’t see where you’re going with this.
In other words…
You need us more than we need you.
In other words…
You need us more than we need you.
That’s not my reading of the situation.
That’s not my reading of the situation.
What Jack’s saying is that…
We bring a lot to the table too.
What Jack’s saying is that…
We bring a lot to the table too.
Get real.
Get real.
Maybe we should approach this from a different angle.
Maybe we should approach this from a different angle.
It doesn’t look like we’re going to be able to do business
It doesn’t look like we’re going to be able to do business
l’Il do my best to put something together.
l’Il do my best to put something together.
Run it past me first, please.
Run it past me first, please.
Don’t hold anything back.
Don’t hold anything back.
That’s kind of outside my area.
That’s kind of outside my area.
Don’t give anything away, please.
Don’t give anything away, please.
What’s going on here?
What’s going on here?
Is there some plan I don’t know about?
Is there some plan I don’t know about?
It’s just a hypothetical question, that’s all.
It’s just a hypothetical question, that’s all.
I don’t buy it.
I don’t buy it.
It would just scare them to death.
It would just scare them to death.
This doesn’t take into account future marketing
This doesn’t take into account future marketing
They started falling in the early 1990s
..and have continued to fall ever since
They started falling in the early 1990s
..and have continued to fall ever since
I think they’re looking to see…
I think they’re looking to see…
How are we going to turn the situation around?
How are we going to turn the situation around?
…60 % of people said they’d be prepared to pay over $5
for it.
…60 % of people said they’d be prepared to pay over $5
for it.
The future of the company depends on it.
The future of the company depends on it.
We’ve had a certain amount of success
…in some developing markets..
…but not nearly enough to make up the loss of sales in
the US.
We’ve had a certain amount of success
…in some developing markets..
…but not nearly enough to make up the loss of sales in
the US.