Stef-Rachel Lessons Flashcards
intimidate, spouse employee (malmenerà
to be proud of somebody/something
[pleased] fier
[crime] commettre, perpétrer
[mistake] faire, commettre
to commit suicide se suicider
confus, honteux
rock bottom
to hit rock bottom
a) [person] avoir le moral à zéro, toucher le fond
b. [firm, funds] atteindre le niveau le plus bas
[from anxiety, pain]
to bring relief to somebody soulager quelqu’un, apporter un soulagement à quelqu’un
[from captivity] libération
[from prison] libération, mise en liberté, administration élargissement
1.[noise - of breaking] fracas the vase fell with a smash le vase s'est fracassé en tombant 2. [blow] coup OR choc violent 3. (informal) [collision] collision [accident] accident [pile-up] carambolage
- [record - name] (faire) enregistrer, (faire) inscrire
- [indicate] indiquer, exprimer
- [obtain - success] remporter
- évident
it’s obvious that he’s wrong - previsible
his symbolism is too obvious
[appearance, clothes] dépenaillé, crasseux
[hair] ébouriffé
[building, area] délabré, miteux
he’s a scruffy dresser il s’habille mal
Stop dead in my tracks
stop completly
track [path, route] chemin m, sentier
[Verb] she delights in irritating people elle prend plaisir OR se complaît à énerver les gens
[noun] [pleasure] joie, (grand) plaisir
she listened with delight elle écoutait avec délectation
fanny, fannies
- (vulgar & UK) [female genitals] chatte (very informal)
2. (US & informal) [buttocks] fesses
ever so
phrasal adverb 1. (informal) [extremely] vraiment she's ever so clever elle est vraiment intelligente ever so slightly off-centre un tout petit peu décentré thanks ever so much merci vraiment 2. (formal) [however] no teacher, be he ever so patient... aucun enseignant, aussi patient soit-il...
sentence (verb)
law condamner
to sentence somebody to life imprisonment condamner quelqu’un à la prison à perpétuité
- [sex crime] viol
to commit rape perpétrer un viol
rape victim victime d’un viol
the rape of the countryside (figurative) la dévastation de la campagne
rape crisis centre centre d’accueil pour femmes violées - botany colza
- [remains of grapes] marc m (de raisin)
- [injure - with knife] donner un coup de couteau à,
they were stabbed to death ils ont été tués à coups de couteau - [thrust, jab] conjugaison planter
I stabbed myself in the thumb with a pin je me suis enfoncé une épingle dans le pouce
death penalty
peine de mort, peine capitale
[of funds] détournement
to be convicted of embezzlement
être reconnu coupable de détournement de fonds
complètement, tout à fait
1. [pursue] conjugaison poursuivre two police cars chased the van deux voitures de police ont pris la camionnette en chasse 2. [amorously] courir (après) 3. [metal] ciseler, repousser
[show] spectacle, représentation (cinema) séance
afternoon performance matinée
2. [rendition - by actor, musician, dancer] interprétation
[showing - by sportsman, politician etc] performance, prestation
He gave an excellent performance in the role of Othello
[excellent - wine, meal, restaurant] de première qualité, excellent
[ - idea, performance, student] excellent
that’s absolutely first-rate!
(UK) [idea, news etc] c’est formidable!
guilty (guiltier, guiltiest)
guilty of murder coupable de meurtre
to plead guilty/not guilty plaider coupable/non coupable
the judge found her guilty le juge l’a déclarée coupable
furthermore, what’s more, moreover
de plus
what’s more, he lied to me.
[gold, silver, platinum] poinçon
→ You can tell it’s 9 carat gold from the hallmark.
(=typical feature) marque de fabrique
→ a resurgent Leeds side whose hallmark is still youth and vibrancy
→ He showed an early streak of political pragmatism that was to become his hallmark.
whole heart
de tout coeur
based on
basé sur ; reposant sur ; fondé sur
3 type of contrast
despite +noun : malgré en dépit de
in spite of +noun
although +sentence, sentence
noun (=conspiracy) complot
a plot against the president
[+story, play] intrigue
→ The film had a good plot but the acting was weak.
[person, organization, team] avoir perdu le fil
→ I miss an easy ball in practice. I lost the plot …
phv Investigate, discover
find out
phv divide up, destroy, disperse crowed
break up (sep)
phv : stop having aromantic relationship
break up with (insep)
she broke up with her boyfriend
they’ve broken up
phv : eat all of it
eat up
phv : escape from prison
break out of
Phv: ssortir déjeuner OR dîner, aller au restaurant
eat out (insep)
phv: put by - money
save up
phv: settle, resolve - problem, dispute
sort out (sep)
everything’s sorted out now
once the initial confusion had sorted itself out
things will sort themselves out in the end
phv: begin, become interested in - activity, hobby, job
take up
phv: 1-offer, propose - money, loan
2-think of - plan, suggestion
come up with
phv: 1. understand - person
2. work out - sum, cost etc] onc un peu
elle n’a toujours pas trouvé comment faire
figure out
1-we couldn’t figure it out
2-figure it out for yourself
she still hasn’t figured out how to do it
phv: [solve - calculation, problem]
[ - answer, total]
[ - puzzle]
[ - code]
work out (sep) things will work themselves out
phv : progress in a good way
[-agremment, details]
work out (sep)
have you worked out yet when it’s due to start?
She had it all worked out
phv: [prepare]
[invent sth]
make up (sep)
the chemist made up the prescription
the fire needs making up
phv: become reconcilied
make up (sep)