Albert Vocabulary Flashcards
very/extremely controversial
Collocation : Adverb + Adjective
Highly controversial
very/extremely offended
Collocation : Adverb + Adjective
Deeply offended
very/extremely disappointed
Collocation : Adverb + Adjective
Bitterly disappointed
utterly ridiculous
Collocation : Adverb + Adjective
totalement : totally, completely, entirely, utterly, in total
complètement : completely, fully, totally, absolutely, wholly, utterly
finalement : finally, eventually, ultimately, in the end, after all, utterly
Ridiculously easy
Collocation : Adverb + Adjective
so as to invite mockery or derision; absurdly.
“This World Cup started as it was to end - with a risible penalty from a ridiculously coiffured superstar.”
Highly successful
Collocation : Adverb + Adjective
to a high degree or level.
deeply concerned
Collocation : Adverb + Adjective
far down or in.
“He breathes in deeply , then starts sobbing and leaves the room to be comforted by his wife and lawyer.”
strongly opposed
Collocation : Adverb + Adjective
a pair or group of words that are often used together
Perfectly normal
Collocation : Adverb + Adjective
(=very normal)
Bitterly ashamed / cold
Collocation : Adverb + Adjective
(NOT bitterly successful)
Highly successful / motivated
Collocation : Adverb + Adjective
(NOT highly divided/grateful/cold)
Deeply divided / grateful
Collocation : Adverb + Adjective
(NOT deeply developed)
Richly decorated
Collocation : Adverb + Adjective
(The house was richly decorated.)
Fully aware
Collocation : Adverb + Adjective
(I am fully aware of the consequences of my actions.)
Strong / real / distinct possibility
Collocation : Adverb + Adjective
(=very possible)
Chilly day / chilly reception
Collocation : Adjective + Noun
(=very cold day/very cold reception)
Rich culture / vocabulary / history
Collocation : Adjective + Noun
(=very interesting and full of variety)
Rich sauce / cake / food
Collocation : Adjective + Noun
(=containing a lot of fat, butter, eggs, etc. and making
you feel full quickly)
Heavy book / suitcase / load
Collocation : Adjective + Noun
(=weighing a lot)
Heavy traffic / rain / snow
Collocation : Adjective + Noun
(=worse than usual)
A heavy coat / sweater
Collocation : Adjective + Noun
(=made of a thick material or substance)
Strong coffee / cheese
Collocation : Adjective + Noun
(=having a lot of flavour)
Strong smell / taste / colour / accent
Collocation : Adjective + Noun
(=easy to see, hear, feel or smell)
Nice / kind / good / stupid / silly / intelligent / clever / sensible of
Collocation : Adjective + Prepositions
was nice/kind/good of you to help her.)
Nice /
Nice / kind / good / (im)polite / rude / (un)pleasant / (un)friendly / cruel
Collocation : Adjective + Prepositions
(=She was always very rude/unfriendly to Anne.)
Pleased / disappointed / satisfied with
Collocation : Adjective + Prepositions
(=I was pleased with the present you
gave me.)
Married to someone
Collocation : Adjective + Prepositions
(=Linda is married to an American.)
Sorry about something
Collocation : Adjective + Prepositions
(=I’m sorry about the noise last night.)
Keen on something
Collocation : Adjective + Prepositions
(=We stayed at home because Mary wasn’t very keen on
going out in the rain.)
Je suis indépendant.
Je cherche un nouveau contrat
I am a freelancer.
I am looking for a new contract
J’habite dans la belle ville de Nice.
I live in the beautiful city of Nice.
Il y a plusieurs années, je faisais du ski
Several years ago I used to go skiing
Ça ne m’intéresse plus
I am not interested in it anymore
Je faisais du ski avec mes enfants quand ils étaient plus jeunes.
I used to go skiing with my children when they were younger.
Je me souviens que mon fils aîné me posait toujours des questions sur nos plans de ski chaque année.
I remember my elder son always asking me about our skiing plans every year.
Je ne fais pas de ski quand il neige.
I don’t go skiing when it’s snowing.
Nous avons besoin d’au moins une heure et demie pour faire du ski
We require at least one and a half hour to go skiing
Nous n’avons pas assez de budget pour faire deux voyages en un an.
We do not have enough budgets to go on two trips in one year.
Comment vous divertissez-vous au quotidien?
How do you keep yourself entertained during your day to day life?
La dernière fois que j’ai couru, je me suis cassé la jambe.
The last time I went running I broke my leg.
J’ai une tendinite.
I have tendinitis.
Je suis un grand fan de football.
I am a huge fan of football.
Nous avons visité le Cambodge trois années de suite.
We have visited Cambodia three years in a row.
Mon fils est revenu mouillé
My son came back wet
Je ferai des choses liées à mon travail.
I will be doing things related to my job.
Vous devez d’abord mettre à jour la dernière scolarité
You have to update the latest education first
Il n’y aura pas de pluie pour aujourd’hui.
There will be no rains for today.
Je suis allé au supermarché hier.
I went to supermarket yesterday.
Je transmettrai mon CV
I will forward my CV
Je le recevrai un samedi sur deux
I will receive it on alternate Saturdays
Les médias sociaux sont le reflet de la personne.
The social media is the reflection of the person.
Ce fut un long week-end
It was a long weekend
Il y a un port pour voiliers.
There is a sailing ship port.
Les références d’employés peuvent être utiles.
Employee referrals can be useful.
Je le rencontre parfois.
I meet him sometimes.
Nous sommes allés au restaurant
We went to the restaurant
La nourriture était bonne
The food was good
Les légumes seront gâtés
The vegetables will be spoiled
Les légumes seront pourris
Vegetables will be rotten
Je suis les instructions du professeur.
I follow the instructions of the teacher.
Vous devez continuer à vous chercher.
You have to keep on searching yourself.
pour faire ressentir une grande excitation ou de l’admiration à quelqu’un.
Wow: to make someone feel great excitement or admiration.
Wow (verb)- Impress and excite (someone) greatly
Au préalable: plus tôt (qu’à une heure donnée).
Beforehand: earlier (than a particular time).
Remplisseur: (dans ce contexte) un mot ou une phrase courte comme “euh” ou “bien”, utilisé quand une personne fait une pause pour réfléchir à quoi dire ensuite.
Filler: (in this context) a word or short phrase such as “er” or “well”, used when a person pauses to think about what to say next.
Mélanger: l’acte de déplacer les choses d’une position à une autre
Shuffle: the act of moving things around from one position to another
Nu: (dans ce contexte) étant la couleur de la peau
Nude: (in this context) being the colour of skin
Audacieux: fort en couleur ou en forme, et très visible à l’œil.
Bold: strong in colour or shape, and very noticeable to the eye.
Tape à l’œil : l’air trop brillant, grand et cher d’une manière qui vise à attirer l’attention et l’admiration.
Flashy: looking too bright, big, and expensive in a way that is intended to get attention and admiration.
L’as - Obtenir des notes élevées en (un test ou un examen)
Ace- Achieve high marks in (a test or exam)
Ce sera une compétence supplémentaire
It will be an additional skill
Je vais devoir le revoir d’abord.
I will have to review it first.
Il a une odeur forte.
It has a rich smell.
Il fait extrêmement chaud.
It is extremely hot.
Veuillez m’excuser pour le retard.
Please excuse me for the delay.
J’essayais d’utiliser mon I-Pad pour me connecter avec vous pour la session.
I was attempting to use my I-Pad to connect with you for the session.
Je devais télécharger une application
I had to download an application
Il est nécessaire pour moi de pratiquer régulièrement mes compétences en anglais.
It is necessary for me to practice my English skills regularly.
Je dois me présenter à d’autres personnes
I have to introduce myself to other people
… dans mes emplois précédents.
… in my previous jobs.
Je n’ai rien à faire pendant deux semaines.
I have nothing much do to for two weeks.
Il m’a dit de ne pas être méchant.
He told me not to be nasty.
Il m’a demandé de prêter un stylo.
He asked me to lend a pen.
Il m’a dit de nettoyer le vélo bleu.
He told me to clean the blue bike.
Tyler m’a dit (que) Lan n’avait pas invité de filles à ses soirées.
Tyler told me (that) Lan didn’t invite girls to his parties.
Elle a dit que je devrais aller me coucher.
She said that I should go to bed.
Parfait: parfait ou sans erreurs.
Flawless: perfect or without mistakes.
Sur Mesure : pour faire ou préparer quelque chose en suivant des instructions particulières.
Tailor: to make or prepare something following particular instructions.
Transparent : pour représenter ou montrer honnêtement quelque chose
Mirror: to represent or show something honestly
avoir une idée souvent injuste de quel type quelqu’un ou quelque chose
Pigeonhole: to have an often unfair idea of what type someone or something
Écrémé: pour lire ou considérer quelque chose rapidement afin de comprendre le principal
points, sans l’étudier en détail.
Skim: to read or consider something quickly in order to understand the main points, without studying it in detail.
Donc, ainsi, par conséquent
tout en attirant un employeur
en vous interviewant.
while enticing an employer
into interviewing you.
Assurez-vous qu’il est conçu de manière à refléter le
langue et valeurs de l’entreprise.
Make sure it is crafted in such a way that it mirrors the
company’s language and values.
Je veux lui faire comprendre.
I want to make him understand.
proofreading : the process of finding and correcting mistakes in text before it is printed or put online.
La bourse d’étude, le savoir, l’érudition
scholarship : a grant or payment made to support a student’s education, awarded on the basis of academic or other achievement.
Brevity: using only a few words or lasting only a short time
Forecast: a statement of what is judged likely to happen in the future, especially in connection with a particular situation, or the expected weather conditions.
Ltd.: limited
Aperçu, perspicacité
Insight: (the ability to have) a clear, deep, and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation.
Savoir faire
Knowhow: practical knowledge and ability.
Une Thèse
Thesis: a long piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one that is done for a higher college or university degree.
Améliorer, Aiguiser
Honing: to make something perfect or completely suitable for its purpose.
Adept: having a natural ability to do something that needs skill.
J’ai postulé pour un emploi dans une entreprise.
I have applied for a job in a company.
Cet après-midi, j’irai au studio en tant que public dans un spectacle.
This afternoon I will go to the studio as an audience in a show.
Les deux derniers spectacles, je suis allé avec mon père
Last two shows I went with my father
Je viens tout juste de me réveiller
I have just woken up
Il me faut un bon travail
It is necessary for me to get a good job