STDs Flashcards
Which are fluids?
Which are skin-skin?
Preexposure vaccines?
- Hep B- ALL sexually active persons
- Hep A- MSM
- HPV- ages 9-26, M & F
What can still get through lambskin condoms due to large pores?
Hep B
MSM screening
Annual STD screening:
HIV and syphilis serology
- NAAT for GC/CT- urine or discharges (also in W) - pharyngeal and rectal
HPV- pap smear
Hep C ab
Who should always be tested for HIV?
pregnant W
- Syphilis
- Lymphogranuloma venereum
- Chancroid, &
- Granuloma inguinale
- Gonorrhea
- Chlamydia
- Mycoplasma genitalium
- Mucopurulent cervicitis
- Trichomonas vaginitis/ urethritis
- Candidiasis
Painful vs painless ulcers
- Chancroid
- Genital herpes simplex
- Syphilis
- Lymphogranuloma venereum
- Granuloma inguinale “
Herpes virus (HSV1/HSV2)- HSV1 vs HSV2
1-oral- cold sores/blisters
2-genital mucosa
Herpes virus (HSV1/HSV2)- transmission
asymptomatic viral shedding
Herpes virus (HSV1/HSV2)- description and duration
Multiple painful vesicles on erythematous base- painful ulcer surrounded by red halo
- Persists 7-10 days
Herpes virus (HSV1/HSV2)- primary vs recurrent signs and symptoms
Primary lesion:
- Fever and bilateral adenopathy
- no fever or adenopathy
Herpes virus (HSV1/HSV2)- prodrome
tingling or burning 18-36 hours prior lesion
flu like symptoms
Herpes virus (HSV1/HSV2)- labs and diagnosis
Tzank smear (historic test)- lacks sensitivity- GOLD - (+) if presence of multinucleated giant cells
Serologies- many false + and -
Viral studies
- Cultures
Herpes virus (HSV1/HSV2)- treatment 1st episode
- Acyclovir 400mg TID
- Famciclovir 250mg TID
- Valacyclovir 1000mg BID
7-10days any agent, within 72hrs is best
Herpes virus (HSV1/HSV2)- treatment episodic
same agents
- Acyclovir 400mg TID
- Famciclovir 250mg TID
- Valacyclovir 1000mg BID
For W- happens around menstrual cycle (decreased immunity)- can prescribe episodic if they are regular
Herpes virus (HSV1/HSV2)- treatment suppression
- Acyclovir 400mg BID
- Famciclovir 250mg BID
- Valacyclovir 500-1000mg daily
Herpes virus (HSV1/HSV2) treatment in pregnancy
- no increased risk of major birth defects (1st tri)
- risk of transmission to neonate is 30-50% if acquired HSV near delivery
Hep A vaccine
Illegal drug users
Chronic liver disease
Hep B and C infection
Hep B vaccine
- sex partners
- illegal drug use
- household members
- hemodialysis
- occupational blood exposure
HIV co-infection with?
Hep C= blood borne- no vaccine
Syphilis- incidence increases in…
HIV + men
IV drug usage
Syphilis caused by
Treponema pallidum
Syphilis active infection classification
- Primary (ulcer)
- Secondary (skin rash, lymphadenopathy), neurologic (AMS, stroke, meningitis)
- Tertiary (cardiac or gummatous lesion)
Syphilis staging
Early latent: reactive testing within 1 yr of infection- no symptoms
Late: … greater than 1 yr after onset of infection or timing cannot be determined- no symptoms
Syphilis- chancre description and duration
- Early: macule/ papule- erodes/ulcerates
- Late: clean based, painless, indurated ulcer w smooth firm borders
- Resolves in 1-5wks
- HIGHLY infectious
Syphilis- diagnosis GOLD
Darkfield examination of exudates/tissue
Syphilis- labs and imaging
Serologic tests
- nontreponemal tests:
RPR, VDRL- reactivity fades over time
- treponemal tests:
Fluorescent treponemal ab (FT-AB)
T pallidum passive particle agglutination (TP-PA)- once +, usually stays +
Syphilis- what should you also test for?
Test for HIV in newly diagnosed syphilis
- run close together
Syphilis- treatment for primary, secondary and early latent
Benzathine Pen G-
- 4 million units IM x 1 dose - into glutes
- 6-12m follow-up for repeat RPR
Pen allergy
- Doxy or ceftriaxone
Syphilis- treatment for late latent
Benzathine Pen G-
2.4 million units IM x 1 dose weekly x 3 weeks
Syphilis- sex partners management
treat presumptively
Secondary Syphilis- what is it? when does it appear?
Represents hematogenous dissemination of sphirochetes
- 2-8 weeks after chancre appears
Secondary Syphilis- signs and symptoms
Rash- whole body includes palms and soles
Mucous patches
Condylomata lata- HIGHLY infectious
Cauliflower lesion in mouth
Resolve in 2-10 wks
Tertiary syphilis- what is it?
Gumma (soft tumor like growth of tissues) and cardiovascular syphilis
Tertiary syphilis- treatment
Pen G
2.4 million units IM q week x 3 weeks (Bicillin LA)
Neurosyphilis can cause
eye disease- uveitis, optic neuritis and AMS
Neurosyphilis- exam
Neurosyphilis treatment
Aqueous Pen G 18-24 million units/day for 10-14 days
Jarisch- Herxheimer Rxn
Acute febrile rnx w long treatments- not rnx to drug but to death of bacteria- release of toxins
In tertiary syphilis - 24 hr infusion of PCN
Jarisch- Herxheimer Rxn- what is it?
Acute febrile rnx w long treatments
-not rnx to drug but to death of bacteria- release of toxins
What reaction do you get with tertiary syphilis?
Jarisch- Herxheimer Rxn- 24 hour infusion of PCN
Jarisch- Herxheimer Rxn- signs and symptoms
Jarisch- Herxheimer Rxn- treatment
Antipyretics but can be life threatening- can lead to anaphylaxis
Syphilis during pregnancy
- ALL W should be screened for syphilis at 1st prenatal visit
- Also at 28 wks & before delivery if high risk or high incidence location (Denver)
Syphilis during pregnancy- risk factors
- sex w multiple partners
- sex in conjunction w drug use or transactional sex
- late entry to prenatal care or no prenatal care
- meth or heroin use hx
- incarceration
- unstable housing/ homelessness
Syphilis during pregnancy- treatment
- Tx for the appropriate stage of syphilis
- Additional benzathine pen 2.4mu IM after the initial dose for primary, secondary, or early latent syphilis
Congenital syphilis- complications
Fetal demise
Nerve damage- vision and hearing
Chancroid is a risk factor for what?
HIV transmission
Chancroid is caused by?
Haemophilus ducreyi
Chancroid signs and symptoms
Vesicle or papule to pustule or ulcer, soft
Not indurated
Tender inguinal adenopathy
Chancroid- treatment
Azithro 1gm PO
Ceftriaxone 250mg IM- single dose
Cipro 500mg BID x 3 days
Erythro base 500mg TID x 7 days
- no cipro in pregnancy
Who needs a longer course of treatment for chancroid?
Uncircumcised men and people w HIV
Lymphogranuloma venereum- caused by
Chlamydia trachomatis
Lymphogranuloma venereum- signs and symptoms
Painless papule, vesicle or ulcer
Tender regional lymphadenopathy- usually unilateral