Cancers Flashcards
endometrial cancer- most common type
endometrial cancer- risk factors
Increasing age >45 Late menopause Early menarche Nulliparity/ infertility Unopposed estrogen OCPs Lynch syndrome Tamoxifen- breast cancer
In general: more periods
endometrial cancer- what is protective?
combined estrogen and progesterone
endometrial cancer- signs and symptoms
bleeding discharge spotting cramps and pain POST MENOPAUSAL bleeing on exam
endometrial cancer screening
not advised if asymptomatic - there is a high % of W that are symptomatic in early stage (confined to uterus)
endometrial cancer- lynch syndrome risk reducing tx
lifetime risk of 54%
hysterectomy- risk reducing
endometrial cancer- diagnosis
bx= GOLD
endometrial cancer- labs and imaging
pap smear
pelvic us- if you see thickening or stripe >4mm–> biopsy
endometrial cancer- gene
endometrial cancer- treatment
total hysterectomy + salingo-oophorectomy
RT, chemo
Transition zone
where columnar endocervical cells transform into squamous epithelial
- junction of endocervix & ectocervix
cervical cancer- can obstruct what and lead to what?
obstruct ureters and lead to renal death
cervical cancer- risk factors
HPV- 16&18 & other STIs - HPV present for avg of 15yrs to become cancer Early onset of intercourse Multiple sex partners- partners w multiple partners Smoking OCPs >5yrs Multiple vaginal births- >3 Immunosuppresion DES exposure
cervical cancer- classification
CIS= full thickness but encapsulated
Cancer- beyond cervix to uterus to pelvic walls/vagina to lympth nodes, to bladder/ rectum to distant sites
cervical cancer- signs and symptoms
post coidal bleeding
pelvic or lower back pain
cervical cancer- screening method
pap smear- not diagnostic test - regardless of sexual hx and HPV vaccination status
cervical cancer- screening age 21-29
cytology q 3yrs or
hrHPV starting at 25 q 5yrs in avg risk pts
cervical cancer- screening age 30-65
cytology q 3yrs or
hrHPV q 5yrs or
contesting q 5 yrs
cervical cancer- screening age >65
none after - in last 10 yrs
- 3 (-) in a row cytology
- 2… contesting
- 2… hrHPV
cervical cancer other labs and imaging
colposcopy- if there are no visual lesions but high suspicion or abnormal cytology
bx- anything friable
cervical cancer- treatment- CIN 2 or 3
LEEP- loop electrosurgical excision procedure- excise tissue of interest
- increases risk of scarring or stenosis
cervical cancer- treatment- CIN 3 or CIS
Cone biopsy- goes deeper
- used if larger neoplasia
- more likely to lead to incompetent cervix than LEEP
cervical cancer other treatments besides leep or cone bx?
radical hysterectomy plus pelvic lymphadenectomy, rad, chemo or combo
why is there no screening for cervical cancer if <21?
Increased risk of preterm birth, low birthweight and PPROM- preterm premature rupture of membranes
cervical cancer- follow up
high risk of recurrence
high risk- q 3m to year 5
low risk- q 6 m to year 5
breast cancer- risk factors
hx of ovarian, endometrial or breast cancer BRCA 1 & 2 radiation between ages 10-30 nulliparity delayed childbearing early menarche late menopause estrogen
in general- more menses- estrogen exposures
breast cancer- MC type
ductal carcinoma
breast cancer- signs and symptoms
hard (firm), immobile (fixed), single dominant mass- feels like a marble
thickening, dimpling of skin- peau d’orange
breast cancer- screening method
mammograph- soft tissue mass, speculated, high density
breast cancer screening- <40
not recommended for avg risk individuals
breast cancer screening- 40-49
q 2yrs
consider pts input
breast cancer screening- 50-74
q 2yrs
breast cancer screening- >75
q 2yrs if life expectancy >10yrs
breast cancer screening methods if high risk
also MRI and breast US
breast cancer- breast US
hypoechogenic- more dense
breast cancer treatment
Lumpetomy w sentinel bx preferred w early-stage cancer
Mastectomy- Both same outcomes
Radiation therapy
Adjuvant chemo or hormonal therapy
Palliative (if widely metastatic)
breast cancer- ACS screening
annually starting at 40
q 2 yrs starting at age 55
if high risk start at 30 yearly
breast cancer fine vs core needle
Fine needle (localized, if too large) Core needle bx (preferred- size of a pencil- take whole thing out)
what should you do once cancer is confirmed?
Do hormone testing
Parget disease of the breast- palpable mass vs none
Palpable mass- usually invasive infiltrating ductal carcinoma
No palpable mass- usually DCIS or noninvasive breast cancer
Eczematous or ulcerated lesion of the nipple
May be pruritic, burning, or painful
Paget disease of the breast- symptoms
Eczematous or ulcerated lesion of the nipple
May be pruritic, burning, or painful
Parget disease of the breast- treatment
Lobular carcinoma- dx
Lucky find!
found early, no spread, no invasion
Lobular carcinoma treatment
excise lesion- can become invasive- risk of developing breast cancer
Invasive carcinoma- mc area
upper outer quadrant